Ive been losing but im new to this site ; )

Well im a mother of two. I kinda had my babies back to back so a fter i had the first one i didnt have enough time to get the weight off before getting pregnant...........anyways i have one toddler and one infant and i am desperatly tring to lose this weight..........i am trying to make a lifestyle change because i want to be healthy and i also want my kids to grow up healthy. And of coarse i want to feel good when i look in the mirror!!


  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    welcome! this site is awesome. lots of people that are inspiring and motivating. my life is changing everyday.
  • SuzanneRogers
    SuzanneRogers Posts: 250 Member
    welcome, just keep a positive attitude and take it one day a at time, it will come off and stay off. My twins are 22 months and I'm lost 60 lbs and put back on 3 lbs of muscle. I smaller and tighter than when I got pregnant. You can do it.
  • vbanuelos88
    thank you...........i appreciate the motivation!!!
  • vbanuelos88
    thank you!! i LOVE your reward system you got going there!!