Pre pregnancy body- any other mom's out there?

I will start this off with a letter-
Dear pre pregnancy body,
I know that I was never very good to you. I actually hated you if we are being honest. You were 220 pounds of barely any muscle and a whole lot of fat..... but, now after having this "new body".... I miss you....a lot. I miss the 220 pounds. I am currently a not very proud owner of a 236 pound body and I can promise you that 16 pounds is not at all what I will need to lose to look like I did when I was 16 pounds lighter than this. My breasts are a little bit saggier but, they are bigger. (knock on wood) so, that's ok. BUT, You know from being with me for so long that I never liked my stomach. Ugh, if you could see me now. My breasts are a good size, underneath my breasts is a good size but, than as soon as it hits about 2 inches above my belly button, everything goes to poopy. Of course I want curves but, these aren't curves. I have a muffin top the size of China resting above my amazing hips. I am happy with my legs and my hips (for the most part) but, when I sit down, my new body's stomach bubbles out like a pregnancy bump. I HATE IT. I can't really explain my body too well just describing it but, trust me- it's nothing pretty. I just wanted to let you know that I miss you and I apologize for never treating you how I should have been. You don't know what you have until it's gone.... I guess that's what I get for weighing in at 283 pounds after having my beautiful daughter. Ugh, darn sweets.
Love, your un attractive ex body!

Ok now in all seriousness.... will my stomach EVER be the same? It is true (if you even bothered to read the letter) that my stomach is very strange. It just is a big bubble, I have a muffin top (never before) and it still looks like I am pregnant. I have seen some ladies get rid of this gut and other's who can't. So for those of you who did get rid of it, what exercises should I do? I can't stand to look in the mirror. Summer will be coming up in 3 short months and I honestly cannot see myself sporting anything but, a sweatshirt this summer... yet again! I can't do that to myself another year in a row. What do you recommend for exercises? If it matters, I had an emergency C-section so, I heard that can really screw up your body but, does it have to be permanent?

Thanks for any suggestions and/or support. Feel free to add me!


  • lioness803
    lioness803 Posts: 325 Member
    I feel ya! I have friend w/ 2 kids (youngest is 8) and she is TINY, but says she still has a fat roll when sitting just because of pregnancy stretching. I've noticed a big difference in my stomach since I've lost my 10 lbs, but I still feel like I look pregnant some days.
    Sorry about the c-section, I know that will make it even worse :(
    Good luck to both of us!
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    I had my daughter 11 years ago. it seemed the year after I had her the pregancy weight stayed on me. I began to take a lot of walks outside with my daughter and her stroller. also on the eating ate healthy like salads, fruits, vegetables. keep myself moving through out the day. I was 240 pounds when I was pregnant with my daughter and gained 24 pounds on top of that. I just kept on going.

    take it a step at time and don't stress.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I weighed 220 when I got pregnant with each of my kids and weighed 265 at the end of pregnancy. <-- That's how my stomach looks now. Took 3 years.
  • malena126
    malena126 Posts: 18 Member
    my stomach is still not right, (3 years later) but it takes your insides a while to get back to normal too after having a baby. I think it took a year for my stomach to stop popping out like its pregnate when i sat down. now its just flabby and saggy, but i heard it can take 2 years to get rid of the bottom stomach sag. (without surgery)
    I hope this helps and dont give up!
  • jessilyn76
    jessilyn76 Posts: 532 Member
    Working on my on post-twin pregnancy body!!! Add me!!! Mama's unite!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    <==mother of an almost-3-year-old. How old is your daughter?
  • PaigeAnderson100
    PaigeAnderson100 Posts: 301 Member
    <==mother of an almost-3-year-old. How old is your daughter?

    3 months old! :)
  • PaigeAnderson100
    PaigeAnderson100 Posts: 301 Member
    Working on my on post-twin pregnancy body!!! Add me!!! Mama's unite!!!!!:flowerforyou:
    :) Great, I will add you!
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    <==mother of an almost-3-year-old. How old is your daughter?

    3 months old! :)

    You can do it. It just takes time and dedication. Abs are made in teh kitchen so make sure you're eating right.
  • drink_me
    drink_me Posts: 46 Member
    Hi! I don't have much advice but just wanted to say I know how you feel! I had my daughter almost 18 months ago and my tummy is still so big! I just started mfp and I'm really hoping it helps me lose this weight but I know my belly will probably be the last to go. :( hang in there mama! It might not get back to pre pregnancy
    But I will get better!
  • xiaomao06
    xiaomao06 Posts: 6 Member
    I had my little girl 2 years tummy is still not to my liking but it's getting there! What helped my lose the post pregnancy pooch it a clean diet (lots of protein, fresh produce, and only drinking water) and a mix of strength training and running.
  • dewsmom78
    dewsmom78 Posts: 498 Member
    I had my daughter 13 months ago. While, I consider myself lucky for not getting stretch marks, my tummy is VERY out of shape. I'm 10 lbs heavier than my pre-baby weight and 90% of it is in my stomach area.

    I started Jillian Michael's body revolution today, since nothing else seems to be working. You should check it out!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    My stomach is still not where I want it to be! I am thinner than before I had my first child - he's nearly 4 - but my belly is not as good. My youngest will be 2 in May and I put on a lt of weight with her.

    I've gone from 220 from when she was 8 weeks old to 159 but I'm not happy with the belly! Obviously it has gone down a lot. My profile pic is from the other day and you can see my belly looks fine when dressed, but I want to be able to wear a bikini.

    The only thing to do is eat well, exercise and be patient!
  • FitMrsR
    FitMrsR Posts: 226 Member
    I have a 26 month old and am currently nearly 19 weeks pregnant with our second. In all honesty I was in WAY better shape after I had her than I ever was before. You see, I never exercised or watched what I ate and while I was never overweight according to my bmi I had a very high body fat percentage. I gained 65lbs when I was pregnant and lost 93 by the time she was 20 months old. I did/do p90x and that gave me an awesome stomach! (And everything else really) I also did/do extra squats and lunges and use a resistance band to tone up my bottom. I've been doing p90x for nearly a year (I took a 3 month break in this time) and I started doing insanity 6 months ago. It's really good cardio but if you want a great stomach and some muscle to look fab get p90x. I'm not affiliated with them I just freaking love those DVDs and what they did for me. I also eat healthy unprocessed food and pay attention to my macros :) you can do it!!
  • DeevahLee
    DeevahLee Posts: 11
    I am in the same boat my daughter is 3 months old as well. i gained about 40 pounds. About 20 pounds went away the first two weeks but now I want to lose the last twenty and even more. I know that it will be a process but I willing to put in the work.
    I love my daughter but now what she did to my body. SO I am here to support and get support from those people in my position as well.

    We can do it! We are all sexy mommas!
  • sarahlynnekline
    I had triplets and lost 10lbs then gained 55lbs in 7 months. I feel so so so dumb for hating my stomach before them. Mine isn't as bad as some, but it could use some major help. We'll see what it looks like in 30lbs....
  • bas27
    bas27 Posts: 61 Member
    Feel free to add me. Looking for other moms. I have weighed 220 on delivery day with 3 pregnancies. My youngest is 16 months. I have 55 pounds to lose
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Feel free to add me.. my pics are here:

    I did this in 90 days.. I weighed 223 the day I gave birth to my 2nd, now I'm down to 166 lbs 24% body fat. If I can do it, anyone can and I'm more fit now than I ever was before I had children at 120lbs.
  • age919
    age919 Posts: 2
    i hear ya! I lost all of my weight after the first one and then NOW I am 12 lbs heavier than my prepregnancy weight?!? In fact, my weight is what I weighed well into my pregnancy. I don't know if it is aging or not having the freedom to stroll one child about at will, but whatever it is I have had a terrible time losing the weight! In my early 20s my goal was always 106 and 107...Then I settled for 110 and now I would feel skinny if I were 114. How things change!

    Good luck! I am doing Jillian Michaels Abs workout 5xs a week...Just started. I will let you know if it helps. It has both cardio and ab leg and arm stuff mixed in!'
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    I look fantastically better than I did pre-kids. I weigh now what I weighed when I was about 12/13 years old, but wear smaller clothes. I reaaaaally let myself go after my 1st, even more so after my second. I had my a-ha moment right before my baby turned 1 and haven't looked back. My kids are 6 and 2. If you want it bad enough, you'll get there.