Major Stitch Problem!

So every time I run I get a massive stitch in what feels like my right rib after about 4-5 minutes. I can't stand it, it makes me feel so nauseous and hurts so much when I breathe in, if I just try and push past it I literally have to stop because I feel dizzy with nausea.

Does anything in particular cause stitches? Is there anything I can do to avoid them?
I really want to get serious about running but stitches this bad put me off big time :(

Thanks x


  • dezcast
    dezcast Posts: 429 Member
    When I started running 7 years ago I got them alot. I started with pushing past them one at a time. I get them occasionally now, but not very often. Try stretching really good before your run.
  • pghlulu
    pghlulu Posts: 42

    I'd like to know too; I also get them often, regardless of what I've eaten/not eaten or had to drink before the run!
  • Krizten23
    Krizten23 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm pretty certain it's a combination issue of muscle cramps, and your body not being used to it. Make sure you are getting enough potassium and magnesium through vitamins.
    Also, putting your arms above your head and taking deep breaths helps them to go away.

    I would suggest toning it down and working your way up. Go for a light jog, not a run. When you can jog further than when you started with no problem, then I would try running again.
  • SquidVonBob
    SquidVonBob Posts: 290 Member
    I believe, but don't quote me, that stitches are caused by an excess of carbon dioxide that creates acid that pools in the mussels causing the pain. Like I said it's just something I heard years ago so I very likely wrong.