Turning Down Temptations

I don't know about you guys but one thing which I am finding most difficult about healthy eating is the amount of temptations I am having to turn down! Its made me realise just how much mindless munching I must have been doing before, and how eating routines effect me. for example:

1) Friday morning at work is cooked full english breakfast - every week with colleagues
2) Free samples in shops - chocolate giveaways, samples of food
3) Open plan office = lots of birthdays = lots of cakes bought in and left available for people to help themselves
4) Every occasion is a wine occasion - nights in, nights out, catch up with friends, celebrations

Has anyone else found this? What are you most proud to have said No thanks to?

I feel like the food equivalent of an alcoholic in a brewery :-)


  • Replace those carbs with protein and start doing squats. I'm already complimenting your results! :)
  • bodybulk
    bodybulk Posts: 3
    I find that when I have that temptation of "wow I need a snack", I tend to have a glass of water. If you still feel like you want to eat something, pop in a piece of gum. That way you might not be as tempted to eat something because of that minty flavor in your mouth!

  • that's good adice, thanks
  • m4ttcheek
    m4ttcheek Posts: 229 Member
    Just factor these things into your diet. If you always have a cooked breakfast on a friday then base the rest of the day around that.

    Office cakes and samples you could try going cold turkey. If eating them isnt an option for you then you dont have to feel torn over do i, dont i.