Seeking Advice: Girl has just deadlifted 132lbs (60kg)



  • mulsas
    mulsas Posts: 26 Member
    I would agree with the comments from DopeItUp and MountainGirl1. I don't claim to be an expert, but I have read Starting Strength, and have watched Marc Rippetoe's videos on youtube to help me with my own form. He was a power lifter, and has also coached US olympic lifters, so he is very well regarded. I would strongly recommend watching some of his videos. It does appear that you are doing only a partial deadlift, and your back is doing most of the work. A full deadlift will have you take it all the way up, then all the way down. The result is that it really isn't a "pull" exercise like you would think, but a "push" exercise that engages the legs and hips.

    As a side note, you want to consider full length pants on dead lift days. The bar is supposed to be traveling up and down the front of your legs. So you may scrape up your shins, but that is a sign you are doing it right!
  • yummy_
    yummy_ Posts: 248 Member
    The negative in the deadlift is a really useful part of training the muscles important for the lift, and if done properly, doesn't strain your back any more than the pull itself.

    I agree 100% on the value of the negative movement (unless you are going for PRs or something extremely taxing).

    And yeah, my shins are a lil tattered from deads. Knee socks help with this :)
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,550 Member
    I love deadlifting! My favorite lift.

    My advice is similar to those above. Start with the bar across the top of your feet/toes. Bend your knees more, get your butt lower. The bar should touch your shins when you are in the proper position to start the lift. Push up with your legs, don't pull up with your back. Keep your head in line with your back. Go all the way up, until standing straight with shoulders back, then slowly bend back down to the ground.

    Mehdi from Stronglifts demonstrates:
  • LeelaLosing
    LeelaLosing Posts: 237 Member
    You need to go heavier, you are not locking out at the top of the movement and yes, your hips generally come forward a bit, and you need to drop the bar once it's past your knees and pick it up again with each lift. You are not completing the movement. Try the correct form and then see if your back feels better. Lifting heavy is sexy!! My PR lift is 225 lbs!