
I've been really bloated for about 4 weeks and the scale seems to be up 4lb. I have a holiday in 3 weeks and don't want to be bloated for this! Will diuretics actually help get rid of the damn water weight or is it just a quick fix that will come back to bite me?

And if so what brands are there?

Cheers guys


  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    I would reccomend checking your sodium intake and see if it needs to be reduced, also drink extra water. I take Lasix, it is a prescription from my Dr. I think pamprin has a diuretic in it.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Search your feelings
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    Are you "regular"?
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member

    Is this like Scientology or something? Do you have to go to special meetings?

  • holly1283
    holly1283 Posts: 741 Member
    Don't use the diuretics unless you really need to. It can cause cramping in your legs that you really don't want. Try the Pamprin but the extra water and watch the salt , as was suggested, is a good idea.
  • bearwith
    bearwith Posts: 525 Member
    I get bloated often. Drinks lots of warm water in between every meal. Add a slice of lemon to a glass and just keep topping it up. Reduce your salt intake. Reduce your processed food intake. Cut back on refined sugars. Exercise as much as you can.
  • KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn
    KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn Posts: 361 Member
    The prescription strength diuretics are very potent. Like all things unless it's prescribed by a doctor don't take them. Diuretics are hard the kidneys so if you choose to take one drink plenty of water. Being a woman, I constantly have issues with being bloated. Recently I have been critically monitoring my sodium intake as well as taking a diuretic and I feel SOOOOOOO much better. The diuretic I take is made by MHP and is called Xpel. Like Holly said, the use of diuretics can cause muscle cramping but the Xpel contains Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium (*key electrolytes) to replenish what is being "flushed" to avoid unwanted muscle cramping. The key is to drink your weight in water when using one, exercise a lot, watch your sodium intake and your simple carb intake as well. It is a "quick fix" it won't "burn fat" or keep the weight from coming back. After all it is to reduce water retention. You can use Pamprin but the only diuretic that is in it is caffeine. Why take a supplement that contains other things you don't necessarily need? That's what black coffee is for ;) I hope my advice helps, but what works for me may not work for everyone! Have fun on your holiday! :)
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    How do you know it's water weight? And why would you be bloated for 4 weeks? A diuretic isn't a toy you play around with so you look good in a swimsuit.
  • MrsMohawk
    MrsMohawk Posts: 74 Member
    Green tea
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    The best - IMO - diuretic is water. Drink plenty of it.
  • MissKitty9
    MissKitty9 Posts: 224 Member
    I wouldn't take any supplements... some foods/plants are natural diuretics, you know. Like parsley and asparagus. Dandelion tea is a good diuretic, as is caffeine.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Dandelion is awesome for bloating.
  • bodiva88
    bodiva88 Posts: 308 Member
    Persistent bloating can also be a sign of serious problems. If you're concerned about it, see your doctor.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I take a prescription Diuretic and to be honest, I still have major struggles with water retention. In fact, I have been working really hard and had a 7lbs increase on the scale today. LOTS of water weight.
  • DrBroPHD
    DrBroPHD Posts: 245 Member
    water is a diuretic and it's free
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Persistent bloating can also be a sign of serious problems. If you're concerned about it, see your doctor.

    Yep, this.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    It will help with the bloating, but water weight comes back... but some how with out the bloating. I usually get super dehydrated tho...even with a lot of water. My suggestion, Take 2 midol- the period pill. It has a mild diuretic, tylenol, and antihistamine. It will do the job but without the side effects of non stop peeing and crazy cramps
  • charliemarie923
    charliemarie923 Posts: 275 Member
    Ive been taking an over the counter diuretic called water-balance but to be honest it seems to be doing naff all. I think the only ones that truly work are prescribed. See your doctor.
  • selina884
    selina884 Posts: 826 Member
    You should drink more water to lose the bloat.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    diuretics are not play things...needing to look a certain way i a bathing suit is not a medical condition that warrants using a diuretic. I take a prescription diuretic, and they are hard on the kidneys and also have a host of other side effects that suck.

    If you're really worried about it, check with your doctor. The most likely cause, however, is probably a lot of processed junk in your diet as well as high fructose corn syrup and simple sugars. I'd imagine your sodium is through the roof and your potassium levels are very low. I'd suggest eating more natural, whole foods...plenty of veg and fruit and drinking lots of water. Get those potassium levels up and sodium levels down and stay hydrated...sounds to me like your bodies PH is just out of whack.