Can't wait until I can...

This is for the overweight people. What are you looking forward to being able to do once you loose the weight you want to?? For me?? It will be being able to paint my toenails without having to bend like a contortionist!!!!! O and being able to cross my legs all the way!!! I know it sounds silly but thats what i am looking forward to!! what about you guys??


  • CCusedtodance
    CCusedtodance Posts: 237 Member
    To be able to walk into any clothing store and buy the sizes on the rack.

    To be able to pass my annual physical without the doctor tsk, tsk.

    To wear shorts without my legs rubbing.
  • toni_myers0915
    toni_myers0915 Posts: 50 Member
    To be able to walk into any clothing store and buy the sizes on the rack.

    To be able to pass my annual physical without the doctor tsk, tsk.

    To wear shorts without my legs rubbing.

    ahhh shorts without the legs rubbing!!!!!!!!!! can't wait for that one too!!!!! and the clothes!!! i love clothes, i hate clothes shopping, can't wait till i can love shopping again!
  • His_Buttercup2015
    His_Buttercup2015 Posts: 114 Member
    To buy clothes without having to pay extra for plus sizes.

    To wear a dress and not get asked when I'm due because I look pregnant.

    Definitely wear shorts without them riding up/legs rubbing.

    Buy a two piece bathing suit that isn't a tankini.
  • FitCrystalLina
    FitCrystalLina Posts: 50 Member
    To wear a tank top or short sleeve shirt with confidence.
    To dance without being embarrassed and to wear shorts with pride!
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Crowd SURF!
  • bekah818
    bekah818 Posts: 179 Member
    I can't wait until I'm able to wear a cute short dress without worrying about how jiggly my thighs look and that dress will also be backless and I won't have to worry about how chubby my back is.
  • erickita89
    erickita89 Posts: 422 Member
    feel confident taking off my shirt during sexy times
  • PINKinquisition1908
    PINKinquisition1908 Posts: 180 Member
    go to Jamaica and wear this super cute, super small, pink bikini I bought!
  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    Ride the roller coasters without needing two attendants pushing down on the handle bars for me.
  • bearwith
    bearwith Posts: 525 Member
    Can't wait until I can run for 3 miles without stopping!
  • KristyTonn
    KristyTonn Posts: 46 Member
    To be able to walk into any clothing store and buy the sizes on the rack.

    To be able to pass my annual physical without the doctor tsk, tsk.

    To wear shorts without my legs rubbing.

    ahhh shorts without the legs rubbing!!!!!!!!!! can't wait for that one too!!!!! and the clothes!!! i love clothes, i hate clothes shopping, can't wait till i can love shopping again!

    I call the leg rubbing issue "chub rub." :D
  • catz4ever45
    catz4ever45 Posts: 21 Member
    I can't wait to shop at reagular stores instead of plus size
    I can't wait to be able to see my inner thighs
  • erickita89
    erickita89 Posts: 422 Member
    To be able to walk into any clothing store and buy the sizes on the rack.

    To be able to pass my annual physical without the doctor tsk, tsk.

    To wear shorts without my legs rubbing.

    ahhh shorts without the legs rubbing!!!!!!!!!! can't wait for that one too!!!!! and the clothes!!! i love clothes, i hate clothes shopping, can't wait till i can love shopping again!
    Im with all of yall on this
  • tattedlady75
    tattedlady75 Posts: 185 Member
    To be able to go into a store and not have to hunt for clothes like its a needle in a hay stack.
    To be able to look down and see my Who Ha without being a contortionist.
    O and definitely the legs rubbing.
    To be able to go through my closet and complain I have nothing to wear only because everything is too big. (SHOPPING TRIP!!!)
  • kvandeman
    kvandeman Posts: 527 Member
    Ride the roller coasters without needing two attendants pushing down on the handle bars for me.

    I second that one and to be told sorry due to safety regulations you are too fat to ride this coaster.

    I want to go into any store in the mall and buy clothes.

    I want to walk through a mall without ignorant teenage boys mooing as I walk by.
  • graceire
    graceire Posts: 323 Member
    To sit in an airplane seat without imposing on the person next to me. I've never actually encroached on their territory, but we usually will be rubbing thighs and/or shoulders.

    To be able to buy clothes that are not in the 'plus' store.

    To eat an ice cream sundae in public without feeling self-conscious and like people are judging me.

    Make jaws drop when friends and family who I only see once a year or so see me again at the end of this year.

    Until I can run 1 mile without stopping, let alone 3 (go bearwith!).

    Feel proud of myself of being healthy instead of being ashamed of being over-weight.
  • emmymcq
    emmymcq Posts: 278 Member
    To be confident in a bikini (or any swimwear, for that matter)
  • PaigeAnderson100
    PaigeAnderson100 Posts: 301 Member
    This is a great post! :) I have a long list of things... feel free to steal them ;) Sorry If I stole someone else's.

    -Being able to shop in a regular department store
    -Looking in the mirror, doing the girly 180 and thinking "damn"
    -Wearing a T-shirt (I haven't worn anything but, sweatshirts out of my house for about 2 years straight now)
    -Wearing jeans and being confident about my legs and butt
    -Wearing capris and not worrying about people staring at my "cankles"
    -Wearing short shorts without having to pull the crotch down all the time to cover up my flub
    -Wearing shorts without my thighs rubbing together
    -Being confident while having sex
    -Feeling like I look great when I am out in public
    -Walking past a group of skinny girls and thinking "Mark is looking at only me"
    -Being able to cross my legs completely (Good one, OP)
    -Being able to be an inspiration to other's and tell my weight loss story
    -Getting out of the car without doing the "push and grunt" (as I call it)
    -Being able to walk more than a mile without hesitation
    -Being able to run any amount of distance
    -Showing off my muscles to friends and family
    -Not being jealous of other girls when it comes to my relationship
    -Being able to bend down to pick Journey up without spreading my knees all the way to my sides
    -Walking up stairs and not feeling self conscious
    -Being able to be in front of people without feeling like I am going to pass out
    -Walking into a room and someone compliment me (I don't remember the last "in person" compliment I received)
    -Going to a hair salon and not thinking my face is huge in their mirror
    -Looking at a picture of me and thinking "damn"
    -Wear a dress.. period. Haha.
    -Wear a swim suit with confidence
    -Go swimming (since it has been more than a year)
    -Go to the Doctor and have him congratulate me
    -Have someone check me out. (It would feel good although I am engaged and have a beautiful baby)
    -Say "My pregnancy pooch is gone"
    -Tell my weight loss story to my family and friends
    -Look in the mirror and say "You created this body"

    Feel free to add me. Good luck with everything! :)
  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    Yes! Last year amusement parks were the worst. I could only do so much stomach sucking. This year will be MUCH dif! All with the help and motivation from mfp buddies.
  • cndslee
    cndslee Posts: 256 Member
    I can't wait for the day when I can BELIEVE the new clothes in my closet actually fit me. I tried them all on before I bought them... but i still look at them in the closet and think - that will not fit... look how small that is...- and i pick something baggy to wear. My mind needs to catch up and catch up soon!