Diet Soda, bad? 7 theories discussed/debunked?

I’m still looking for a reason to not drink diet soda, I have yet to find a convincing one. lets look at the theories;

1. Diet Soda makes you fatter, Where is the data? It is said people who drink it get fatter, if that is the case then people who sign up for jenny craig, buy weight loss videos and health gadgets on late night TV must be getting fat from that as well right? Wrong. The fact is many people that go out of their way to buy diet soda are generally leading unhealthy lives, that leads to weight gain, not the soda, diet soda is an indicator not the cause anymore than the Tony Little Glider is causing people to get fat. Would removing diet soda from this persons diet effect their weight in any way?

2. Diet Soda Increases risk of stroke. Again, where is the data? Like issue #1 it is said that people that drink diet soda are more likely to have strokes, well people that wear size 54″ waist pants are more likely to have strokes too, should we stop wearing levis? It’s that they are overweight that causes strokes, again, drinking diet soda, along with other habits of overweight people IE spending money on weight loss gimicks are an indicator, not the cause. Again, would removing diet soda from this persons diet effect their risk of stroke in any way?

3. Gives you a sweet tooth. Ok, this may be true, however, this does not effect an individual who has a controlled balanced diet. The only people this would apply to are those who have no self control over what they eat, and are not counting calories, or planning meals, if you eat healthy the “sweet tooth” is irrelevant.

4. Too much phosphorus leaches calcium, Again, this goes back to diet. A cup of skim-milk yogurt has 7 times, get that 7 TIMES! the amount of phosphorus in it than a can of soda! Again, the majority of people who drink diet soda are fat, do to poor diets, poor diets=osteoporsis and decreased calcium levels, again, not the diet soda’s fault.

5. Aspartame, What are you going to do with this one, tomato, tomatoe. Experts on both sides claiming this or that. The majority say it’s totally fine. This becomes a personal judgment call. People might say, “why risk it” but, if you’re consistent, you could apply that theory to almost any possible item you could consume including foods, vitamins, supplements, or medications.

6. 4MI (carmel color) linked to cancer in mice. You guys in California after prop 65 seen the warnings at Starbucks and McDonalds saying their stuff causes cancer? You know why? it’s cooked. If anything has black on it, it’s considered cancer causing. What isn’t cancer causing these days? Is this a major cause of Cancer in humans? or even a likely cause of cancer in humans?? I don’t see the data. Again, if you say why risk it, be consistent, stop grilling your chicken breast.

7. This last issue to date is the best answer I’ve heard. I honestly don’t know the science behind this but I’m curious. The theory is that your liver has to break down chemicals, and fats, and that when your liver is busy breaking down chemicals (in diet soda) it does a poorer job of breaking down fats, causing you to store more. If this is true, I’d like to know at what level, is it a negligible amount, or is it significant? I’d be curious.

It's my personal opinion that for a person who eats a healthy diet and monitors what they eat, there is not a problem with diet soda.


  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    Drink it if you want to. Don't if you don't. / thread.
  • SanDiegoCasey
    SanDiegoCasey Posts: 130 Member
    Drink it if you want to. Don't if you don't. / thread.

    Bakkasan, my guess is you got to 335 eating "what you wanted" right? Now you want to lose weight according to your chart. Maybe you should consider what is good for you to consume and what isn't, that's what this thread is about. I'm guessing you are making better informed decisions about what you are putting into your body now, not just "eating what you want". anymore. I don't mean this to be rude, but don't be a hypocrite.
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    Drink it if you want to. Don't if you don't. / thread.


    Here are my reasons for giving it up (4 weeks now):

    1. When I was drinking tons of Diet Soda, I wasn't drinking enough water. Now I drink lots of water and plain green tea.
    2. It is expensive compared to plain tap water. I was spending at least $4 per day on Diet Coke. Now I drink water for free from the tap and green tea (which was $4 for a box that has lasted me 4 weeks).
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    Drink it if you want to. Don't if you don't. / thread.

    Bakkasan, my guess is you got to 335 eating "what you wanted" right? Now you want to lose weight according to your chart. Maybe you should consider what is good for you to consume and what isn't, that's what this thread is about. I'm guessing you are making better informed decisions about what you are putting into your body now, not just "eating what you want". anymore. I don't mean this to be rude, but don't be a hypocrite.

    You don't mean that to be rude? LOL Of course that is rude. In no way was Bakkasan saying that Diet Soda makes you fat/doesn't make you fat. He was pointing out that *you* can choose to drink it or not. Given what you posted about the debunking of myths, he actually seems to be agreeing with you.
  • SanDiegoCasey
    SanDiegoCasey Posts: 130 Member
    You don't mean that to be rude? LOL Of course that is rude. In no way was Bakkasan saying that Diet Soda makes you fat/doesn't make you fat. He was pointing out that *you* can choose to drink it or not. Given what you posted about the debunking of myths, he actually seems to be agreeing with you.

    I swear I really didn't mean to be rude, and congrats to Baaksan on his progress, that's awesome.

    My point is for one person like Baaksan who is obviously doing a great job going over what they are eating, and taking into consideration the health benefits, and probably choosing not to eat alot of things that they would want to, to then tell another person, "drink it if you want" ... I don't know a better definition of a hypocrite in the literal sense of the word. probably should have used a different word, which is why I prefaced it, but if I offended, I sincerely apologize to Baak.
  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    7. This last issue to date is the best answer I’ve heard. I honestly don’t know the science behind this but I’m curious. The theory is that your liver has to break down chemicals, and fats, and that when your liver is busy breaking down chemicals (in diet soda) it does a poorer job of breaking down fats, causing you to store more. If this is true, I’d like to know at what level, is it a negligible amount, or is it significant? I’d be curious.

    i haven't heard this, so i'd be interested to hear if anyone has anything else to contribute to that point.

    for me, i cut out soda for gimmicky reasons (such as reasons 1-6). i feel a lot better now that i don't drink it nearly as often. i'm also eating better overall and am much healthier in general. the one thing i have to say is that sometimes when i do drink it, i have tummy issues for the rest of the day or at least the next couple hours, though nothing much worse than if i drink a lot of coffee. i really only have it on the weekends now, except for when i went downstairs about 5 minutes ago to buy myself a bottle of diet moutnain dew.
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    You don't mean that to be rude? LOL Of course that is rude. In no way was Bakkasan saying that Diet Soda makes you fat/doesn't make you fat. He was pointing out that *you* can choose to drink it or not. Given what you posted about the debunking of myths, he actually seems to be agreeing with you.

    I swear I really didn't mean to be rude, and congrats to Baaksan on his progress, that's awesome.

    My point is for one person like Baaksan who is obviously doing a great job going over what they are eating, and taking into consideration the health benefits, and probably choosing not to eat alot of things that they would want to, to then tell another person, "drink it if you want" ... I don't know a better definition of a hypocrite in the literal sense of the word. probably should have used a different word, which is why I prefaced it, but if I offended, I sincerely apologize to Baak.

    And I also apologize because I immediately assumed a tone that obviously wasn't implied. :)

    In any event, I stopped drinking soda almost 4 weeks ago. I am now in my 4th week of a "boot camp" workout class that meets 4 x per week for 45 minutes (at 5:45 AM, which is ridiculously early, IMO). I also started eating a much healthier diet. I can't say if stopping soda had an impact (and my only "evidence" would be purely by my own experience), but I can say that I've lost an average of 4.2 pounds per week, over three weeks, and my stomach is much less bloated in appearance. It is probably the healthier diet/workouts/increased water that have had such a positive impact.

    I know my body doesn't "need" soda, and I know that I was drinking pretty massive amounts of it (2 liters during the day and another probably 3-4 cans at home). Cutting it out has had positive impact (on my wallet at the very least), and it has had no negative down side.
  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member

    I know my body doesn't "need" soda, and I know that I was drinking pretty massive amounts of it (2 liters during the day and another probably 3-4 cans at home). Cutting it out has had positive impact (on my wallet at the very least), and it has had no negative down side.

    uhy, at that level you definitely did yourself a favor...i remember hearing about a woman who died as a result of drinking something near that amount daily.
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    Drink it if you want to. Don't if you don't. / thread.

    Bakkasan, my guess is you got to 335 eating "what you wanted" right?

    Like it was pointed to up there, I only commented on the topic at hand, diet soda. Not the 2 large pizzas I could eat in an evening in my other life.

    And no not offended, this is the interwebs! Text never conveys the full intent of anything you type without 10 pages of legal disclaimers.
  • SanDiegoCasey
    SanDiegoCasey Posts: 130 Member
    I know my body doesn't "need" soda, and I know that I was drinking pretty massive amounts of it (2 liters during the day and another probably 3-4 cans at home). Cutting it out has had positive impact (on my wallet at the very least), and it has had no negative down side.

    I'm right with ya. that's how much I drink, I'm sure it would be better for me if for no other reason than I'd drink more water and wouldn't spend so much but damn I love my diet mtn dew.
  • aviduser
    aviduser Posts: 208 Member
    I have no scientific data to back this up, but I think that diet soda still messes up your insulin system and makes you fat.

    Plus it is crap. There is nothing redeeming about diet soda--tastes like crap, full of crap. Drink pure clean water.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    Drink it if you want to. Don't if you don't. / thread.

    Bakkasan, my guess is you got to 335 eating "what you wanted" right?

    Like it was pointed to up there, I only commented on the topic at hand, diet soda. Not the 2 large pizzas I could eat in an evening in my other life.

    And no not offended, this is the interwebs! Text never conveys the full intent of anything you type without 10 pages of legal disclaimers.
    Damn playa!!! 2 large pizzas thats effen awesome!!! I flexed a whole alrge pizza like 3 weeks ago. My cheat day!!!!!
  • SanDiegoCasey
    SanDiegoCasey Posts: 130 Member
    diet soda--tastes like crap

    I wish I agreed with you!
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    I pretty much grew up on diet soda and it helps to suppress my sweet tooth for real sugar. So, it helps me diet-wise, although I drink it rarely.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I think soda is bad period, diet or not.
  • stefaniealvarado39
    7. This last issue to date is the best answer I’ve heard. I honestly don’t know the science behind this but I’m curious. The theory is that your liver has to break down chemicals, and fats, and that when your liver is busy breaking down chemicals (in diet soda) it does a poorer job of breaking down fats, causing you to store more. If this is true, I’d like to know at what level, is it a negligible amount, or is it significant? I’d be curious.

    i haven't heard this, so i'd be interested to hear if anyone has anything else to contribute to that point.

    That is total nonsense. Heh That isn't how human physiology works. =D

    Your liver produces a substance called bile which emulsifies fats and is released in the duodenum. Fats do not go through the liver, blood does.
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    I drink diet soda. One or 2 a day. Zero Calories. Lost 88 pounds. I will continue to drink one or 2 a day.
  • lvtruu1
    lvtruu1 Posts: 211 Member
    Diet soda is 99% water. It is just as hydrating as water....

    Drink the stuff. 10-12 a day for me and I'm now trying to gain weight...
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    I remember a time when eggs were worse than the Devil himself.

    I also remember a time when butter was as bad as eggs and everyone was told to use margarine. Now Margarine is bad.

    Beef was also villified for a time. As was pork. And just about every other food you could think of.

    How about MODERATION?
  • DandelionCupcakes
    DandelionCupcakes Posts: 234 Member
    I gained all of my weight without ever drinking a diet soda.
    I lost 100 pounds drinking diet soda somewhat regularly .

    So I don't know about science. I haven't done any studies.
    I know that I'm less fat now that I've replaced juice with diet soda, and that's all I know.

    Edited to add: I'm not saying diet soda is healthier than juice. I just eat fruit instead of drink it now, and drink diet soda when I want to drink something that isn't water.