HELP! Which foods are best on a low budget?



  • maegmez
    maegmez Posts: 341 Member
    Thanks for all the tips! I have planned meals before, which sometimes I feel is pointless because my girls NEVER eat anything I try to make - its a constant battle with them and usually dinner for them turns into cereal, grilled cheese, or spaghetti lol. So I guess I should say that if I'm actually making a real meal...its only for me. I generally get my fruits and veggies at Aldi's because they have fabulous produce prices, and I'm really good at sticking to my budget. But as far as formulating a HEALTHY (and easy) meal plan for myself...I'm just kind of lost.

    I have three very picky eaters at home. I know what some say, "Cook it and make them eat it or starve" I can't do it. My children eat lots of mac and cheese and chicken nuggets. I hate it but that is the way life is right now. I try to concentrate on preparing healthy foods for me. In doing so , while continuing to cook for them, they have decided to "try" some of momma's food. I have them eating and liking a few more things now.

    That is the way you are making life. I have a few picky eaters here too but I will not make them junk food. Now is the time to get them eating healthy so they get away from the junk. It's taken a bit but my kids are now so much more open to trying new foods and my 8 year old always it healthy? Or is it homemade? He loves it. Yes, it's up to them to eat it all but I do encourage taking 5 more bites and that gives them the bulk of what is left. I do allow them to have ketchup or sauce or cheese but that's it.

    I have also made it a point to learn to cook their favourite junk foods to make them healthier.

    Once you get them past the moans, it gets easier and everybody ends up happy but until you make changes, you're teaching them not to try new foods. A bite of your food really isn't trying new food either.
  • Pinkylee77
    Pinkylee77 Posts: 432 Member
    one or 2 days a week cook cheep and health don't give in to the kids demands for kiddy food on those days. By giving in you teach them to manipulate you into giving them junk and they learn to eat junk. It has to be done slowly. You are not a restaurant they will learn that and you food budget will thank you. I have raised 2 kids who eat everything.
  • jane_bee
    jane_bee Posts: 3 Member
    Anything that's in a package is usually more $ per calorie. Buy whatever you can in bulk (rice, beans, oats, nuts). Also eggs and cottage cheese are lot of bang (energy) for your buck!