Business Trip - Bad Travel Habits

I travel appx 60% of the time for work. Sometimes its regional (in my own car) - others require a flight. This week I'm on the road in my car and I realized that I really tend to pig out when I'm traveling.

Today I stayed within my calories and I had a nice workout on the hotel elliptical. I had a great salad of broiled seafood over greens. I did a good job, not eating in the car and I'm looking for the same tomorrow.

It's not easy - as I'm alone in the room and craving a nice sweet dessert. I had a decaf coffee and I'm hoping to fall asleep early.

Anyone have travel hints


  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    When I travel for business, whether car of air travel, I try to pack enough protein bars for each day. Since I eat 150g of protein daily, I can leave enough calories for the bar (or 1/2 bar) and eat it in the evening instead of other high fat/high calorie choices.

    I'll also eat Greek yogurt in the evening on occasion, since they are easy to find at most hotel convenience stores. Typically about 140cals w/ 14g protein for the flavored Chobani yogurts.

    I also try to keep to my regular schedule of eating 5/6 times per day, so I'm not starving in the evening while sitting at my laptop in a hotel room.
  • tachyon_master
    tachyon_master Posts: 226 Member
    You're lucky. I also travel about 6 months of the year for work. Except I get stuck travelling to places like West Africa and Siberia. Interesting places, certainly, but...Deep fried "something" is often the only option aside from not eating. There's no restaurants in some of these places - you just eat what's put in front of you at meal time. Which makes my dietary issues (lactose intolerant) a major headache - because they have no concept of "I can't eat that" when food is so scarce.

    And going outside to exercise is unsafe.

    But my advice? Sometimes you just have to cop it and work it out when you get home. I've also started travelling with a set of resistance bands so that even if I can't get outside to exercise or there's no fitness centre (there rarely is unless it's a city meeting), then I can still exercise inside my hotel (or whatever) room.
  • Pierced
    Pierced Posts: 36 Member
    I am also a fellow road warrior. I have traveled with work for 20 years. Most of my region is with in driving distance, have to fly sometimes for meetings. Eating on the road healthy is hard work, you never know what's being added to your food while its being cooked in restaurant kitchens.
    For the past few weeks I have been grilling meats and packing vegetables and fruits in a cooler and making sure my hotel room has a small fridge.
    I find Marriott brands have the best work out rooms & equipment.
  • heidihorton
    heidihorton Posts: 110 Member
    When I travel for work I try to pre plan meals by finding local resturants that will allow me a good choice. Also been lucky enough to stay where good delis and such are close these usually mean fresh fruits and veggies. Eat fruit and granola bar in morning , no lunch ( trade shows don't stop for lunch) and a healthy dinner. Been traveling for a few years now and prior to this I was making some really bad choices. Try to keep quick, easy low cal options in your car and I keep sf lifesavers in my console. They seem to help when I need them. Good luck!
  • heidihorton
    heidihorton Posts: 110 Member
    When I travel for work I try to pre plan meals by finding local resturants that will allow me a good choice. Also been lucky enough to stay where good delis and such are close these usually mean fresh fruits and veggies. Eat fruit and granola bar in morning , no lunch ( trade shows don't stop for lunch) and a healthy dinner. Been traveling for a few years now and prior to this I was making some really bad choices. Try to keep quick, easy low cal options in your car and I keep sf lifesavers in my console. They seem to help when I need them. Good luck!

    Most of my travel is by plane. Thank god for my purse to shove snacks in! Lol
  • juleskitcat
    juleskitcat Posts: 35 Member
    I have the exact same issue. Good for you re: tonight. I'm on the road a LOT - and the preservatives etc. in restaurant food etc. is nuts. I also find it really tempting as most of the food is stuff I wouldn't prepare at home. Steaks, pastas etc. YIKES! I'm on the road this week as well -- today I had a protein bar for lunch, a green apple, a 1/2 cup strawberries. For dinner I had a scallop appetizer (3 sea did have olive oil and some very tiny chirizo.. eek!), and a salad. It's hard but I'm hoping that just writing down everything will atleast give me the info. that i sometimes "ignore!" Even if it's bad news!
  • jaysayres
    jaysayres Posts: 15
    I travel a lot as well and tend to eat better when traveling then when i am home. I like to get food from highend supermarkets for dinner (green giant steamers, sushi, salads, etc). Publix, Wegmans, Harris Teeter are all great. After dinner, there is nothing in my room to snack on. Breakfast is normally oatmeal and yogurt. Lunch is more tricky, but if you plan ahead and look at the nutritional info from the restarant, then it tends to work out pretty good.