Exercise - Morning or Evening?



  • Ninguneado73
    It just fits better in my schedule. After doing it for a while it will feel strange to change it to evenings.
  • aberc
    aberc Posts: 98
    I find when I work out within 1-4 hours of waking up (ie. mornings) I get tired twice as quickly.
    I worked out this morning and was exhausted after an hour. I couldnt lift anymore. When I work out in the afternoon (around 1pm) or evenings (7-9pm), I can go on for two hours no problem.

    Evenings work best for me.
  • sierra_12
    sierra_12 Posts: 249 Member
    i do my first workout after my classes are done (between1 and 3, depending on the day)
    and my second one is after dinner (between 7 and 8)
    I've been thinking about trying to do mornings and evenings instead of afternoons and evenings, but i don't know if i could get my butt out of bed that early!
  • MommyBea
    MommyBea Posts: 84
    I've done both, I work 12 hour days so after work I have no desire to do anything but take a shower and get ready for bed.

    I use to go to the gym at 5 in the morning. Since I work 8am-8pm I would get up at 4:45 put clothes on and go...take a shower and get ready there then head to work. I'd try to get an hour and a half two hour workout in. It helped me get through my long work shift.

    I ate after the workout on my way to work or when I got to work.

    It's different for everyone, whatever fits your schedule and lifestyle best.


    I work 12 hour shifts aswell so if i dont get it in before work once im home at 8pm i just wanna chill..also i do nights so when i do them i sleep all day and workout in the evening...it really is just doing what works for you!!
  • ursus_maritimus
    My preference is to work out in the morning because I find I don't have enough energy after I get home from work and take care of the other stuff I have to do. I also was not a fan of getting up before the crack of dawn to go across town to the gym and I was using that as an excuse not to go. For me the answer was to build a gym in our house. We just finished it a week ago and so far I am loving it. The other thing I find is that if I work out in the morning it gives me that much more motivation to stay on track with my food during the day because I don't want to waste the effort I made in the morning. :)
  • JessicaHeathfield
    JessicaHeathfield Posts: 64 Member
    Definitely morning, I'm not a morning person at all but I find it way better to do it in the morning. It gets you pumped for the day and feeling great! I might also do some in the night if I'm feeling up to it. But if I leave it till later I more than likely wouldn't do it at all lol
  • xilka
    xilka Posts: 308 Member
    Mornings. Has to be. 6am.

    I drink beer in the evenings, so... that wouldn't really work.
  • carleighsmama
    carleighsmama Posts: 29 Member

    I'm not fully functioning in the morning. I'd end up with some ridiculous injury if I worked out in the morning hours.
  • goldmay
    goldmay Posts: 258 Member
    I run a few times a week starting around 6:30 am (eating breakfast before), and do my at-home strength training workouts on other days by 10 am. I wake up everyday at 5:30 and usually go to sleep around 10.

    I just feel more tired when working out at night. I also usually make excuses and skip night workouts when I've had a bad day. Morning workouts put me in a better mood for the rest of the day because I can start off the day having accomplished something. And with runs, I feel safer outdoors alone in daylight than at night, and mornings are usually cooler than noon/afternoons in my area.
  • dez_yaoichan
    I work out about 30 minutes after I wake up in the morning. this gives me time to use the restroom, check facebook, weigh myself, etc. after my work out I cook my breakfast and then get ready for work.

    I find if I workout in the morning, I am set up for the day. otherwise I eat more then I should because I tell myself i'll workout and then get too lazy and go right to sleep after work.
  • Julesbait
    Julesbait Posts: 190 Member
    During the week, I prefer to do it in the morning. It makes me feel better through the day, and when I get home from work, I just want to chill. My alarm is set for 3:15. If I don't hit snooze, I can get in an hour. But that usually doesn't happen. lol! I usually roll out of bed 3:45 or so, and I can get in a half hour. If I don't drag myself up at all, I will force myself to do it in the evening. But I don't feel like I get as much out of it.

    On weekends, I just do it when I can. Preferably when the 2 year old is napping.
  • DebLoverude
    I exercise in the evenings during the week. I like to get up, get ready for work and go in as early as possible. I usually excerise 30 minutes each night running about 4 mph w/ a 40% incline. On the weekends, I usually work out in the morning plus busting my *kitten* cleaning my house and doing laundry. The only problem I've noticed with exercising at night is I have a harder time relaxing when it is time for bed.
  • Wendall8
    Wendall8 Posts: 4 Member
    I go to bed around 9:30ish and get up @ 3:30 to get a 4 am start. I don't eat, that is what my body is use to, ( it doesn't even sound good that early in the day). Working out in the am rev's me up to work a 10 hour day. In the past, I tried the after work thing but it was was too crowded and my feet were tired...I just didnt have the energy!. Since I only have an hour in the am, I usually do 3/20's...20 min. of weights, 20 of eliptical and run 2 miles. ( I do change it out every os often).
  • JLArispe
    JLArispe Posts: 62
    There is actually no difference when you workout in the day, what is important is consistency. If you are an evening person with your workouts, then you should stick with that and the same with the mornings. I am a morning person, so would rather get my workout in then and done. And to answer your question about eating, YES!!!! it is important to eat something small before you workout, like a piece of fruit, half a bagel something. Your body needs that boost to keep you going during your workout. A lot of people think that its best to workout with no food, but its actually worse for you. Your body will actually be starved during the workout and will fatigue out and store the unwanted fats/calories in your body just to nurish your muscles. But also remember that after a workout you need to eat again within 45 minutes of ending your workout. You need to replenish your muscles and help them to recover. There are tons of websites you can google about eating before/after workouts. Jillian Michaels, Runners World, or even Womens Health.

    Good luck!
  • lucyinthesky2007
    lucyinthesky2007 Posts: 98 Member
    Evenings most definitely! Not a morning person at all Lol! I live 5 mins from work...hafta be there at 8 and have been known to roll out of bed as late as 7:30. This girl likes her sleep. Evenings just work way better for me. I get home about 5:15 and the hubby doesn't get off work till 5:30 with an hour commute. So I usually start supper and go for a run with the dog (or do some HIIT video on youtube)...finishing just as hubby gets home. That still leaves me ample time to chill with the hubby. Its really all in what works best for you. No right or wrong. Although I think waking up before 7a.m. is a sin Lol! :wink:
  • jgcurry3
    jgcurry3 Posts: 172 Member
    Resistance training(weights) in the AM. Cardio alternate days in the PM.
  • bluebear_74
    bluebear_74 Posts: 179
    While I like the idea of getting it out of the way in the AM because I'm so tired in the PM afterwork (I often end up taking a.nap before working out). However I start work at 7AM so have to be out of the house by 6:30, which means I'd have to be up before 5AM and I am NOT a morning person.
  • Crucifry
    Crucifry Posts: 30 Member
    Morning. Barely awake and pre - coffee. I need to get it over with before my brain knows what my body is doing.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    Both. Sometimes morning, mid-day and late afternoon/evening on Saturday (swim, weights, swim). :bigsmile:
  • sassylady2424
    Hi Im just getting started. So im going to try nights for a week or so. Then try mornings to see which works better. I just want to make sure I exercise. Getting started is hard.