At the mall... do I count the extra walking

angelascott919 Posts: 178
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I husband had to go out of town to work today and I went with him and I am spending the day at the mall.

I was wondering if I would count the extra walking for today as exercise or just chalk it up to a busy day. BTW I have my activity level set a the lowest level since i am usually at home at my computer or just working around the house.

Also I am happy to say with all the restaurants at the food court I actually had Subway, only a sandwich no cookie :happy:


  • Me and my friend last week shopped at a huge mall in Atlanta near my boyfriends house for 2 hours, and I counted it! :) I think as leisurely stroll or something.
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    I count shopping if I shop at the mall for over 1 hour. I log it as leisurely <2.0mph.
  • shell1205
    shell1205 Posts: 138
    Good for you on Subway!!

    My daughter and I did the same thing the other day and ate Subway... we were each going to get one cookie, but they only had one... I considered it an omen or a message that I didn't really need it!! HAHAHA

    As far as the walking, you might be able to count it if you are using a pedometer or the like... because at a mall, there is a lot of starting, stopping, and walking at different speeds, so time wouldn't be a good way to track... just a thought... have fun!!
  • ❤B☩❤
    ❤B☩❤ Posts: 634
    Oh, ya! I wouldn't walk around the mall for a day and NOT count it. Just as Mirlyn mentioned, maybe log it as leisurely <2.0 mph
  • pattybond1234
    pattybond1234 Posts: 32 Member
    Log it! I log all my shopping as a leisure walk. MFP also has cleaning house in the exercise database so, if I do any extensive housework, I log that as well. You may not burn as many calories as a high endurance workout (obviously!), but you burn nonetheless! I just may or may not eat all my exercise calories in this case, since it's not really an extensive workout. Have a great time!
  • spikess
    spikess Posts: 113 Member
    i coun't shopping, i've got my fitness level at the lowest too. sometimes when i go shopping it can be up to 4 or 5 hours. so i'm counting that lol.
  • thanks everyone, now I should get my butt up and get back to walking until hubby calls to go back home
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    oops double post
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    I personally don't count the mall walking in my exercises. I usually count it as just a part of the day. Just like sometimes the copy machine on the 1st floor of my work is broken, so I use the stairs for every copy/scan I have to make during my 8 hours of work (which ends up being a lot), but I don't count that because its just part of my day. My Heart Rate doesn't quite get up into the aerobic workout zone so therefore, I do not include it in my exercise for the day.

    But, I don't disagree with those who believe in including it in their exercise. Its a personal preference. I'm an intense-workout-kinda-girl so walking around the mall is more fun for me than exercise.

    Have fun and hope you find some sweet deals!!
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    I personally wouldn't count it but of course you could if you felt you had walked enough to earn some extra food :flowerforyou:

    Just be careful how much you log... a lot of the estimates on here seem to include the normal amount of energy you would burn during that time just being alive (which isn't that easy to measure separately to be fair). So if you are logging an hour of exercise the exercise is likely to contribute the most to the estimated calories burnt than the hour of living... but if you are counting several hours, it might be a bit more skewed. That is why a lot of people on here find success with eating some but not quite all of their exercise calories.
  • susiewusie
    susiewusie Posts: 432 Member
    I would def count it in ,i did 4 hours walking and shopping at the weekend and counted that in , you have earned it ,especially as you usually sit at a desk ,well done :smile:
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