Permanent muffin top? Even when naked.



  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    A month isn't long at all. Patience. It's taken me around 3-4 months to get my body how I want it after starting squats etc.
  • ahmommy
    ahmommy Posts: 316 Member
    I understand your frustration! I'm about 6 weeks in to a new program where I'm trying to focus on more weight training and it's hard not to give up. Keep reading the forums, I see so many posts about lifting. It works! It's just not an overnight kind of thing.
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    Haven't you posted this same topic like a half dozen times now? You get the same advice every time, not sure why you keep asking.
  • DivaLuvsDisney
    DivaLuvsDisney Posts: 75 Member
    Why the new account? You've posted these pics a bazillion times before and got the same answers.
  • mollyyish
    because those exercises burn fat! you cant spot reduce and just lose fat in one place, you have to reduce overall and build muscle. by building up muscle in the legs (hammies are a big muscle) you will burn calories faster too because having more muscle makes your metabolism go faster.

    Great, thanks!! :-)
  • mollyyish
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    You need to stop asking this question so often on here and do some work. You can't be doing much because you don't have any muscle definition showing yet. Stop giving up after a month. You're not giving it enough time!

    You don't NEED a gym membership. Try DailyHiit or Blogilates on youtube. Try some lifting. Eat more.

    Come back in 6 months and post on here if you still have the same problem.

    One word: DEDICATION. Get some.

    P.s. From the pictures I've seen you post before, it looks like your stomach has reduced down a little bit. It's not bulging out as much. Something must be working. You just need to keep going and do it the hard way like the rest of us have to.
  • Whipppets
    Whipppets Posts: 267
    just do push ups and planks then
    your using abs for both of these non gym exercises
  • dimsumkitty
    dimsumkitty Posts: 120 Member
    okay so push ups, sit ups, squats and lunges should all build muscle.. right?

    But i started doing this about 2 months ago but stopped because i wasnt seeing any results?
    How many of each should i be doing and for how long to gain muscle mass and lower body fat? Also how many cals?

    If you're not seeing results do harder exercises. Pick exercises that you can't do more than 10 reps of at a time and do sets of 5-8 them until you can, then pick harder ones.

    If pushups, squats etc are too easy to one arm or one leg.

    Also if you're underweight, gain some weight in muscle first, then lose the fat.
  • Griffin220x
    Griffin220x Posts: 399
    There's plenty of experts (!) around here but in my (completely unqualified opinion.. actually, it's more of a guess) I would say that you're skinny-fat, in that you are a great size but that you're fat percentage is higher than it should be, the way to tackle that would be strength training to up your lean mass and decrease your body fat..

    So, my, (again, unqualified) advice to you would be to go get a strength training program either at your gym or a good home plan!

    Best advice on the first reply!^^^ :bigsmile:
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Just because you reinvent yourself with a new account, the answers are the same. Quit posting those same pictures, asking the same question about that same 8 kg kettlebell and do the work. Doesn't matter how many times you ask the answer is going to be the same. Attention seeking will not give you a flat stomach.