7 weeks to lose 21lbs?

Hi everyone
I just wanted to know if u Think this is possible? I'm going on holiday in 7 weeks and have to lose this amount of weight to be healthy. Im currently on a programme which is stupidly hard and has results but I can't stick with it
On 1,000 calories a day could I lose this?
Thankyou :)


  • RosieStringer9
    RosieStringer9 Posts: 16 Member
    What program are you on? and 1000 cals wouldn't be the healthiest route.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    No. It's not a race. Continue your program, and enjoy your holiday no matter what weight you are.
  • prophetessmom
    prophetessmom Posts: 37 Member
    It's highly recommended that you don't drop below 1200 cal a day. Although it will help you lose initially, it really wrecks your metabolism and will cause overall weight gain in the long run. Keep working at it, and be as strong as you can be, and enjoy your holiday regardless of what weight you are.
  • mikeberthold
    mikeberthold Posts: 24 Member
    You definitely can, but setting goals like that is the road to yo-yo dieting.

    Try to just eat right for life. It took me 20 years to figure that out, but who cares if it takes me a year or 3 to get to my lifetime ideal weight; as long as I do and I've taught myself to eat well (and to incorporate everything I love to eat into that lifestyle) I'll be better longterm.
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    You're not going to be healthy crash dieting.

    And you'll probably put on most of it by the end of the holiday.

    But if you're on a 'plan' lower than 1000 - stop it NOW.
  • RosieStringer9
    RosieStringer9 Posts: 16 Member
    My profile pic shows me from last December til recently... I followed a few very awesome workout programs, replaced one meal a day with Shakeology, ate healthy (could have done better I'm sure but I love food and it's a learning process for me) and I'm at 15 pounds lost.... plus a lot of muscle tone gained. In the first 4 weeks alone I lost 7 pounds and toned up a good bit. So without doing something unhealthy like 1000 cals a day, and I was definitely NOT doing anything "stupidly hard" LOL! With 7 weeks you could get a lot done.
  • Cryck84
    Cryck84 Posts: 24 Member
    You may not lose the whole 21 lb in 7 weeks. Do you have a workout buddy? That may help get you closer to your goal.
    When I joined the Biggest Loser contest at work, I found that the week I started drinking 6+ c of water every day, I dropped 5 lb, probably all in water weight!

    Take care, good luck, and enjoy your trip :smile:
  • KayteeB07
    KayteeB07 Posts: 341
    thanks everyone who gave helpful comments
    there really is no need for the rude comments :/
    your all right and ill eat my 1200 calories a day and do it slowly xx
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You're not going to be healthy crash dieting.

    And you'll probably put on most of it by the end of the holiday.

    But if you're on a 'plan' lower than 1000 - stop it NOW.


    If you had 100lbs to lose then 3lbs per week is totally doable.... You have 21lbs to lose so 0.5 to 1lb a week is a healthy amount to lose.
  • CADreaming09
    CADreaming09 Posts: 269 Member
    I say, if you're good at maintaining your weight, then try whatever you want and maintain when you get back. I've known lots of women who have tried fad diets and then KEPT the weight off. Even though, everyone always says you'll gain it back, yes you MIGHT, but it is possible to keep it off.

    Bottom line, it's your body and health and you should be able to do what you want. But just in case you're new to MFP, people on here will always say eat more, no matter what the case. I eat well over 1,000 calories before anyone tells me I'm being pro ana, but your question was, is it possible, yes it is.

    Oh and there are always people here to give a rude comment, no matter what:grumble:
    Internet is oh so lovely, in that way:happy:

  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I think it would be possible (but not likely), then you would gain most of the weight back during vacation.

    I can absolutely relate to this. I'm going to Cancun in exactly 7-1/2 weeks. I started work on my goal to be at a better weight and state of fitness back in September. I managed to lose 12 pounds within a couple of months but since December have gained and lost the same 4 pounds over and over again, first on 1200, then 1320, then 1500, now whatever I want calories (not logged). My swimsuit size went from 22W to 18, and I guess I'll have to be satisfied with that. (am getting back into logging and exercise; hope I can get rid of 5 more pounds)
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I say, if you're good at maintaining your weight, then try whatever you want and maintain when you get back. I've known lots of women who have tried fad diets and then KEPT the weight off. Even though, everyone always says you'll gain it back, yes you MIGHT, but it is possible to keep it off.

    Bottom line, it's your body and health and you should be able to do what you want. But just in case you're new to MFP, people on here will always say eat more, no matter what the case. I eat well over 1,000 calories before anyone tells me I'm being pro ana, but your question was, is it possible, yes it is.

    Oh and there are always people here to give a rude comment, no matter what:grumble:
    Internet is oh so lovely, in that way:happy:


    Good point. At half my age, I could lose significant weight just by cutting back on bread and sweets; it wasn't that hard to take off 21 pounds.
  • KayteeB07
    KayteeB07 Posts: 341
    thanks everyone
    ive been on these things called secret diet drops but my god you eat next to nothing! I wanted to come off them and bump up my calories to 1,000 a day and hope i could still lose the 21lbs in 7 weeks.
    Im still unsure about what to do lol x
  • RosieStringer9
    RosieStringer9 Posts: 16 Member
    thanks everyone
    ive been on these things called secret diet drops but my god you eat next to nothing! I wanted to come off them and bump up my calories to 1,000 a day and hope i could still lose the 21lbs in 7 weeks.
    Im still unsure about what to do lol x

    What kind of workouts do you do?