Insanity, Tiring day

Well I just finished my third week of insanity today I did Plyrometric cardio circuit. I got like 4 hours of sleep so I only did like half of the workout than kinda hopped in everyone now and then for little reps of the rest of the 15 minutes. Then I Did half of the upper body weight lifting because I did not have adjustable weights or bench to do some of the stuff. Than I did the whole Cardio abs. But what I'm really trying to ask is 2100 calories okay for today? And if anybody could answer I'm really not sure how much I burn every insanity workout I'm 118 5"4 and I'm trying to keep my weight so what would be a good calorie intake every day? because I am trying to loose body fat not weight at all


  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    Please get a HRM when you do Insanity. It's the only way to do it right, stay safe and know how well or poorly you're doing. We can't give you advice based on this info if you don't eve know how many calories you burned etc.
  • tmuellenberg
    tmuellenberg Posts: 265 Member
    Everyone is different as far as how many calories they burn during a workout, so I agree with above, you'll need a hrm to get an accurate reading.
  • nikkinz
    nikkinz Posts: 30 Member
    might not be accurate but what i would do is this. if I did half the work out i'd eat only half the excercise calories back that i normally eat doing insanity. If you feel like you did 3/4 the workout then eat 3/4 of your normal exercise calories back. Just look at the last three weeks to get an idea of how much you've been entering for calories burned.
  • thetemplateblog
    thetemplateblog Posts: 53 Member
    Please get a HRM when you do Insanity. It's the only way to do it right, stay safe and know how well or poorly you're doing. We can't give you advice based on this info if you don't eve know how many calories you burned etc.

    Is this a matter of keeping your heart rate under control? or is this to figure out how many calories you are burning? I have a HRM but it only shows you current heart rate, it does not track so I haven't been using it. I know I am pushing to hard when I get a little dizzy.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    Where in Insanity do you need a bench and weights?? I am still in month one, but I have never needed anything extra.
  • dcander2
    dcander2 Posts: 19
    Where in Insanity do you need a bench and weights?? I am still in month one, but I have never needed anything extra.

    You're not supposed to need anything for Insanity that's additional. I've only done three weeks myself which is where this person is at and I know at that point I wasn't using anything extra. P90X you need extra though
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    Please get a HRM when you do Insanity. It's the only way to do it right, stay safe and know how well or poorly you're doing. We can't give you advice based on this info if you don't eve know how many calories you burned etc.

    Is this a matter of keeping your heart rate under control? or is this to figure out how many calories you are burning? I have a HRM but it only shows you current heart rate, it does not track so I haven't been using it. I know I am pushing to hard when I get a little dizzy.

    Both. Mainly to keep safe, so it's good that you can keep track of your heart rate throughout the workout, so you know whether you need to take a break or whether you're dogging it ;) Some people like knowing how many calories they burned (I'm one of them) so I have one that tracks both. I really do recommend you using the HRM. I sometimes feel tired but then I look at my HRM and see that my heart rate is nowhere near 80% so I know to dig deeper ;) and sometimes I am feeling fine but my heart is approaching 90% so I know to take a short break. Figure out your max and stay below 80-90% of that for the best results. Never, ever go above. Stay safe :)