I just want to give up :(

I don't really know why.. I finished a round of insanity and my results were GREAT! Like really, I lost about 6 kgs (13 lbs) doing just insanity and increasing my caloric intake. When I was done I just kind of quit exercising and started eating less. It worked at first (lost another 2 kgs / 4.5 lbs) but lately I've been gaining weight. I just really hate working out and can't bring myself to do it, but I really should.

I really don't understand myself, I know it works because it DID. I only had 2 more kgs to lose to reach my original goal, 4.4 more kgs to reach my new goal, but I just blew it. I gained 2 kgs back (and maybe some more). The worst part is I know it's 100% fat because I haven't been working out at all.

I'm just really disappointed in myself, why am I so lazy?! Why would I do this to myself, I could be my goal weight in a month... or a year, the way I'm doing. I don't want to be fat for a second more than I have to.


  • hot2def
    hot2def Posts: 80 Member
    I feel ya. I, too, have a serious aversion to exercise. I hate going to the gym, walking, biking, all of it. I know it works because I have been able to do it in spurts myself. Yet, I have no idea how to make myself "like" it. I used to pull up at the gym and sit in the car trying to force myself to go in. I have no idea why it is like this. I just want you to know that you are NOT alone. There are others just like us. This may be one of those things we just have to learn to make ourselves do. Hang in there.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I've been at this for months and I rarely have the days where I want to exercise. Grumble and get with it. Something that helps me is saying "Ok, just ten minutes. If I really want to quit then, I can."

    I usually find that I can make it at least twice that, if not longer. And on the few days when I don't, at least I put in some honest effort for a positive day.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Maybe pick something a little less intense? It doesn't have to be all or nothing. Find an activity that you enjoy more than Insanity. You still need to keep your diet in check if you're exercising, but it does of course give you a bit more wiggle room. I started off with walking and progressed to running, which I really enjoy. I'm motivated to get out and run because I enjoy the feeling, because it keeps my depression in check, and so that I can progress to running a 10k soon. Those reasons get me out there on days that I couldn't care less about calories or weight management. I also weight train which I don't love, but I love the way it makes my body look, and I love achieving new goals in that. I haven't attempted Insanity because it's not the kind of exercise I enjoy and I know I wouldn't last very long with it.

    Also, if you're not logging consistently at the moment: get back on track with that. It's much easier to maintain the correct calorie deficit when you're logging accurately and consistently.

    If you are logging consistently at the moment, then you really, really, really need to eat more. A lot more. You could do long term damage to your body if you keep eating at those levels. Not to mention that if you are eating what your diary says you are, then it's no wonder you don't feel like exercising!
  • Angiebabe2

    Do you think that a little bit of you is afraid of succeeding and what that will mean for you? Iknow I am more likely to slack off when Iam doing well. There is of course no end to this diet and fitness malarky as in order to maintain we still have to keep at it.

    This is the first time I have kept on dieting for a long period and hope to continue to do so and I think the change for me has been in acccepting that the alternative is to put the weight back on and more but also that this has basically got to be my way of life now for ever. Maybe it is easier to accept as you get older I am 54 and have health issues as an additional motivating factor.

    One last thought is to ask yourself if you have been pushing yourself too hard? It is a struggle but to keep going long term it also has to be a balance.

    Dont be disheartened but try and use this as a time to work things out in your head as to what is going on for you and then move on. You sound really good at exercise and dieting so harness your keep on keeping on skills and you will be a star.
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    Sometimes it helps to do exercise you look forward to. I got sick and tired of my DVDs, and my gym got super-crowded and annoying, so I stopped for a while. Then I picked up "Just Dance" for the Wii (all three volumes), and now I look forward to going home and dancing. It's a lot of fun, and (according to my HRM) I burn as many calories in 45 minutes of dancing as I did during 30 minutes on the elliptical. It doesn't even feel like that much work, whereas the elliptical made me want to die. ;)

    So maybe instead of doing "Insanity", you could find something else, like swimming, jogging, biking, Turbo Fire, 30DS, Zumba, etc.
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    I agree with a poster above. Why not pick something less intense? It's great that you had good results with Insanity but its not something for you. Find something you love doing, else you'll have to force yourself into and we all know that's not good. Don't raise the bar too high. Go with something you can see yourself doing for a long time, whether that's weights, dancing, swimming, whatever.
  • Whipppets
    Whipppets Posts: 267
    Hey you hit a wall and now its time to stop whining and just do it.. Do the insanity again, you know it works.
  • GingerBiscuit_19
    GingerBiscuit_19 Posts: 75 Member
    I would really recommend swimming. I went back for the first time last week and it completely knackered me! But it was good, coz I burnt tons of calories! and I FELT THEM the next day, believe me...
  • Lindwade
    Lindwade Posts: 1
    I can relate to how you feel, I want to lose about 35 pounds and I am having a hard time sticking with my diet. I don't have the support I would like to keep me focus. I like to eat and don't know. I just ordered insanity and I hope I stick with it. I know you can do it again with insanity, you will just have to push yourself. Just think about the out come and how much better you feel and look. Hang in there and don't give up because you can do this.........
  • silmarilliane
    silmarilliane Posts: 133 Member
    i lost 4 stone in 2011 and last year i gave up for most of it. i had huge willpower in 2011, and wanted to lose the weight. last year i put on a bit of weight and still fit in my clothes, so i thought, ah doesn't matter too much. kept going on and off here, doing a bit of exercise, stopping. i just didn't want to do it last year. and put 3 of the stone i'd lost back on... it was like i knew i'd done it before so putting it back on didn't matter. having started again this year i think you definitely have to want to lose weight to do it, otherwise you'll end up miserable and sneaking packs of crisps (or 5)
    if you aren't in the frame of mind at the moment, have a go at maintainning for a while and see how you feel. i reckon one day there'll be a little 'ping' in your brain and the motivation will just begin again.

    hope it goes well :)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I agree with finding something less intense. I've never done Insanity but I've seen people do it in my gym (we have a DVD workout area) and it looks crazy hard! There are so many other programs out there that you can do. Or just do the usual things like walking, biking, swiming, running, etc.

    What you do isn't as important as finding something you enjoy doing so that you stick with it. Sure there are things you "should" do for your health and fitness but if you don't like doing them then you're not going to stick with it so why torture yourself?! That just makes no sense to me...

    Also, as someone above pointed out, sometimes you just have to make deals with yourself. Commit to doing just 10 minutes and if you hate it, you can quit but if you can take it, do another 5 minutes or 10 minutes. When I first started working out in the gym, one of the other patrons sort of picked on me because I'd do 10 minutes each of 3 different machines. I get bored SO easily that it was the only way I could get a full 30 minutes in without quitting. Same thing when I started running, I'd do intervals during my walks and make deals with myself so that I had to run between telephone poles, then for 5 minutes, then 10 minutes, etc. Just keep with it and you can trick yourself into a fabulous workout. :)

    You can do it if you really want to! No excuses!
  • nwg74
    nwg74 Posts: 360 Member
    I think I know what that is like. I lost 14 stone 6 pounds (202 pounds) and now I have half a stone up and it has stayed on that for weeks now. I was only 3 pounds from being 12 stone and my goal. I am now 10 pounds away and wiped out over 3 months of losing weight.