motivation needed :D

hi, i've just started to diet seriously and have been training for past 1month but starting to lose motivation :( i miss my chocolate and rubbish food way to much. would love to have some fitnesspal friends who are going through this too to add me and we can all motivate each other :D xx


  • Aymzc
    Aymzc Posts: 159 Member

    Have sent you a friend req. I started doing this properly around the beg of Feb. Exercise is my weakness i struggle to get motivated. If I'm in the right frame of mind I can eat well but then I too have days i just wanna eat chocolate,crisps biscuits etc and maybe even a take away for dinner.
    I'm trying to have extra will power thsi time!! good luck :)
  • deerondrugs
    I sometimes have cravings for chocolate / chips and that stuff but I try to find a replacement for it for example if I want something sweet I eat fruits, if more salty some veggies :)

    Good luck, added you as a friend :) Let's keep motivated together!
  • catipepo
    catipepo Posts: 10 Member
    Hi :) similar situation really!

    Saw your profile and my boyfriend is a bodybuilder too! I don't train with him at all though!

    Current goals being to lose fat and tone up :)

    Sent a friend request.

    Anyone else with similar goals feel free to add me so we can support and motivate each other!
