out of breath

Well I am 26 years old and I have never been what society deems as the "right size". But I was never really unhealthy either, and then I returned to school while working full time and taking care of my daughter. The pounds came on slowly and eventually I step on the scale and guess what? I am at the same weight as I was when I was 9 months pregnant. Walking to class is embarrassing, when I have to walk up steps I have to stop just to catch my breath before I walk into the room. Fast food is my biggest issue, since I am always on the go.

I don't want to be skinny, I just don't want to have to "roll" out of bed anymore, I want to be able to walk up the steps with my classmates and most importantly, I just want to be able to continue to be around for my 6 year old daughter.


  • Aweaver1990
    I'm 23 262 with a 4 yearold little girl I'm just getting started first week here but would love to be friends :) good luck