ZUMBA-what do YOU log calories burned?

I did a search and the other threads seem old, so I'm posting this as a new topic.

I do an hour Zumba class 4-5 times a week! I used to do it TWICE a day :noway: but have since been mixing it up since schedules have changed, instructors left, etc.

I borrowed a heart rate monitor that I wore around my chest for a week and found that I was averaging 750 calories burned! (5'3, 135 lbs, 30 years old) ...
I'm interested in what y'all burn and what you log it as? I log it at 550 for margin of error (if instructor tends to give us water breaks, wiping sweat off with towel, cool down at end)


  • KReduced
    KReduced Posts: 98 Member
    5'2 200lb :sad:
    I wear a HRM and burn between 750-950 for an hour.
  • keelerangela
    keelerangela Posts: 88 Member
    5'11 241 and I burned 900/hr
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    5'5" 188 usually about 655 an hour depending on the instructor I burn more on the Wii Zumba though and I wear an HRM
  • lkweber21
    lkweber21 Posts: 27 Member
    5'5 210lbs and I burn usually around 600 for an hour.
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    5'6" 137lbs

    I don't have a calorie tracking HRM so I use this site: http://caloriesburnedhq.com/zumba-calories-burned/

    I use the lowest intensity to try to ensure I don't overestimate and I get approximately 400 calories per hour.

    When I compare this to my average heart rate (I check with a watch after each song) it seems to add up.
  • mrsamyyoung2012
    mrsamyyoung2012 Posts: 33 Member
    I google searched and found a website that had a zumba calories burned calculator. It told me at 5'6" 230.5 lbs. that I burn 933/hr. It also asked what intensity level we did, and gave a description of each.
    The website I found was www.caloriesburnedhq.com
  • TASoto
    TASoto Posts: 25 Member
    I do Zumba 6 days a week for 45 min. I only log1 calorie burned because I don't want to eat those calories back, I was pretty surprised at how much calories burned in an hour ,great job ladies !!
  • GloMash710
    GloMash710 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm 5'2, 235lbs. I usually average about 500-600 for an hour of Zumba. I keep it lower intensity. I log exactly what my Polar HR monitor says and walk in place during "breaks".