well smoking kicked my butt.....

well today wasn't the day for smoking, but that's ok because it is the day for food and exercise and therapy. So only having 1 of the 4 go all (uj*&^ HDUBSA OI((# *# *E HD*U# h <<<< my way of saying bad words lol<<<< isn't a bad start. Gotta just keep on going.........


  • ALY2380
    ALY2380 Posts: 29
    I consider myself a pro at quitting smoking b/c I've done it so many times. Its the staying a non-smoker, I can't seem to manage. I think you have to look at it as "tomorrow is a new day!" Don't let slip ups discourage you from your long term goals!
  • simplyme99
    simplyme99 Posts: 68 Member
    YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!! I am a former smoker who started as a young teen. Everyone in my family smoked, so naturally I did too. I quit 13 years ago after several failed attempts. The first year was the hardest, the rest has been pretty easy. I read a book called You Can Stop Smoking by Jacquelyn Rogers ... best advice ever!
  • thinnern2012
    thinnern2012 Posts: 31 Member
    I quit smoking a few weeks ago. Last night I was lying in bed awake and suddenly realized I wasn't weezing!! You can do this!!

    If at first you don't succeed, try, try again!!