DO or DON'T Weight Yourself Everyday??



  • jessykab74
    jessykab74 Posts: 167 Member
    NO. Throw away the scale and get out the tape measure. Go by how your clothes fit. The scale is just too damn depressing.

    My thoughsts exactly! I HATE the scale, but love my measuring tape. I only weigh in every few weeks cause I have to for a challenge at my gym I am in.
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    I do everyday just because it keeps me going if I am up a little then I know I need to work really hard that day to see a change tomorrow. But if you let the little gains get you down then do once a week :)
  • markgd123
    markgd123 Posts: 4 Member
    I think the best way for consistent and accurate results is weigh yourself once a week.

    The time of day is also important I always try to weigh myself first thing in the morning, before eating anything and after going to the toilet. That way body waste / fluid is levels as consistent as possible
  • ForABetterMe89
    I weigh myself every morning before i eat or drink anything. Doing this just puts me into the right mindset for the day. To each their own. I think once I get down to my goal weight I'll lay off of it.
  • garbanzalo
    garbanzalo Posts: 61 Member
    You should try to weigh yourself under similar conditions - same location, same scale, same time, wearing same clothes etc.

    So far as the weight loss is concerned, you could weigh yourself and keep track of it as a 7-day moving average. That way, any daily variations will be smoothed out and the longer term trend will be more evident.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Nope..I weigh once a week but I use a tape measure and go by that instead.
  • tarac98
    tarac98 Posts: 65 Member
    Everyday, and I am NOT obsessed. I tend to retain alot of fluids, so I like to keep an eye on that.
  • jmp1958
    jmp1958 Posts: 24 Member
    Once a week at the most!!
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
  • Falenea
    Falenea Posts: 263 Member
    I'm probably the only one here who weighs herself every day AFTER a full day of eating and drinking water. Sometimes I'll do a morning weigh in before eating and drinking but I just feel like I am fooling myself just going by that number alone.
  • aaronlawrenc
    aaronlawrenc Posts: 666 Member
    Every day, several times a day. Not because I'm obsessed,but because knowing that the number I see on the scale changes every hour or two depending on SO man different things makes me feel better.
    Yesterday I 'gained' 8 pounds. If I hadn't weighed myself a few hours before and seen a number I was more comfortable with, I probably would've had a heart attack

    But then I decided to be reasonable. I said "HM, I woke up around 180 pounds, why would I be falling asleep at 188? Did I eat that many calories? Most certainly not! So if I wake up tomorrow at 186 I can probably continue to be calm!"

    I record whenever I see a loss, usually once a week :]

    i think your obsessed......and i look exactly like simon peggs twin brother......fraternal twin brother.....from a different mother...and father.. Stalk away!!
  • mzjessicaxo
    mzjessicaxo Posts: 330 Member
  • dirtyd89
    dirtyd89 Posts: 170
    Daily in the morning before you eat or drink anything reason being is because of water retention which will fluctuate weight had you eaten or drank something.
  • mommykitty81
    mommykitty81 Posts: 266 Member
    i weigh everyday so i can see the pattern. I know after some days i will have "gained" because of my sodium intake and others will be a "lose" because of water intake. i record everyday but i still notice that overall i lose an actual pound every week. I didn't gain over night and will not lose over night. So i will take each day and each pound at a win for me and my self confidence.
  • Mommybug2
    Mommybug2 Posts: 149 Member
    I say it is all personal preference. If you can take those fluctuations and use them to your advantage then go for it. I see lots of responses and many different ways to use those numbers for encouragement and sucess.

    Myself, I weigh everyday, several times a day. Yes of course I see fluctuations but every now and then I get a glimpse of a "Future" number and that is encouraging. I log weekly using the most common low number I have seen. If I were to just log the lowest number I saw then the following week I might not see any loss because that number was caused by dehydration. Sometimes I weigh with clothes on so I know what to expect when I go to the doctor fully dressed and get weighed because obviously with clothes the number is going to be higher. That was always a setback for me to go there and see a number up to 5lbs higher, now I can justify that I know what my clothes weigh and not get discouraged. I also round up and don't go by ounces. Sure maybe I truely lost 2oz but maybe that is just a "fluctuation", seriously in between waking up and brushing my teeth I can go up or down a few oz. So rounding also helps me keep encouraging numbers in front of me.
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    I like weighing everyday- more than once. I weigh in the morning, then when I get home from work/working out. (Somehow this encourages me not to overeat at night.) Then, right before bed. I like to guess how much I'm going to weigh the next morning.. but I don't freak out with fluctuations. I've seen what goes on long enough to know what to expect.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm probably the only one here who weighs herself every day AFTER a full day of eating and drinking water. Sometimes I'll do a morning weigh in before eating and drinking but I just feel like I am fooling myself just going by that number alone.

    Nope, not the only one. I weigh myself most days when I get home from work. My fancy scale tells me the best time to measure my BF and muscle is in the evening, on a fairly empty stomach but not right after working out, which makes after work perfect since that is right before my workout.

    But even when I weigh in the morning it's not before drinking something since I keep water by my bed and usually kill off whatever is left before getting out of bed.
  • Mommybug2
    Mommybug2 Posts: 149 Member
    I'm probably the only one here who weighs herself every day AFTER a full day of eating and drinking water. Sometimes I'll do a morning weigh in before eating and drinking but I just feel like I am fooling myself just going by that number alone.

    Oh Yeah and This. Because I want to know my true weight not what I weigh if I don't eat/drink. If I am going bungee jumping I want to be accurate so I don't hit the pavement because I ate and drank before I went. :O
  • DandelionCupcakes
    DandelionCupcakes Posts: 234 Member
    Every day, several times a day. Not because I'm obsessed,but because knowing that the number I see on the scale changes every hour or two depending on SO man different things makes me feel better.
    Yesterday I 'gained' 8 pounds. If I hadn't weighed myself a few hours before and seen a number I was more comfortable with, I probably would've had a heart attack

    But then I decided to be reasonable. I said "HM, I woke up around 180 pounds, why would I be falling asleep at 188? Did I eat that many calories? Most certainly not! So if I wake up tomorrow at 186 I can probably continue to be calm!"

    I record whenever I see a loss, usually once a week :]

    i think your obsessed......and i look exactly like simon peggs twin brother......fraternal twin brother.....from a different mother...and father.. Stalk away!!
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    Every single day, once in the morning, once right before bed. It's not an obsession, it's just interesting to see how the weight fluctuates!