
I just started a kickboxing dvd exercise yesterday. I have a friend that does classes, but right now while I am saving up I thought I would do the dvd! So here is my question, have any of you guys done kickboxing, and how were the results? I have trouble finding cardio workouts that I like, and this one I really enjoy, so I just wanted to know if anyone else has had good experiences with it!


  • keepongoingnmw
    keepongoingnmw Posts: 371 Member
    If you enjoy it and feel challenged then I think its a winner. You are more likely to stick with it. I have done DVD's and have friends that swear by them. I have done classes too and have to say the class just wrecked me. I was a mess all day because I was starving and shaky and not couldn't seem to recover, I am in pretty bad shape physically though.
  • Skinny_Me88
    Thank you for the info! I am worried about the classes for the same reason. I am REALLY outta shape, and I thought maybe if I do the DVDs at home, then I will get more used to it and feel prepared! But thank you so much for the reply!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    was wondering the same thing cuz there was a groupon in my area for unlimited kickboxing classes. I should have gotten it but I was skeptical about kickboxing (I've never done it). wasn't sure if I would be able to keep up with it or if it would be effective

    ETA: typo
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    My husband and I do kickboxing. He is in a full out kickboxing class with a sparring partner and full contact. I'm in a kickboxing class where we only battle the bags. I love it but am easily frustrated with the kicks because my form is off. I told my husband that and he reminded me that even if I'm not doing the movements in proper form, I am at least moving and burning calories.

    My only suggestion is to look up the proper form online and make sure you are doing the moves right. Just like with yoga, you have the potential for injury if done wrong. However, my only fear would be I would learn the moves wrong and then feel like an *kitten* in class, haha. I laugh because I can't do the moves and I still look like an *kitten* in class, but I keep on going, trying and trying again to get the kicks down. (I have no athletic coordination, with the exception of my punches. I got those down pat!)

    But if you love it, stick with it!!!!! :drinker:
  • maiaroman18
    maiaroman18 Posts: 460 Member
    I took a kickboxing class at my local dojo a few years back. I was exhausted afterwards, but as soon as I'm in a little better shape, I'm looking to start back up. I have lots of pent-up hostility and frustration towards stupid people in my life, and beating the crap out of the punching bag was liberating.
  • mlogantra76
    mlogantra76 Posts: 334 Member
    I take a kickboxing class at the Y twice a week. It is intense and a very good workout. I cannot keep up at times but still do it. I try to stay in the back corner:) Less people around me!
  • Skinny_Me88
    Thanks everyone for the replies. I know the DVD is grueling enough so I cannot even imagine taking a class, but I'm going to when I get the funds! I just hope doing the DVD all the time helps me when it comes to the class!
  • seanf23
    seanf23 Posts: 5
    Hi :-) I compete in kickboxing tournaments in the UK, have been doing it for some time now but can still remember my 1st class.

    I went on my own, relatively unfit and oblivious to any sort of technique, I was lucky in that everyone in the class from newbies to the senior black belts were very friendly and willing to help.

    I couldn't recommend the sport enough, whether your going into it purely for fitness or to compete eventually.

    The workouts are intense, you will notice your fitness, confidence and flexibility improve drastically while learning an effective self defense technique. The DVD's are going to be a nice introduction but I would recommend getting to a class as soon as possible, they will push you more and will help you with technique.

    Don't worry about not knowing form or technique straight away - that's the point of a class :-) and don't worry about people looking at you - we are all new at some point!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I take a kickboxing class at the Y twice a week. It is intense and a very good workout. I cannot keep up at times but still do it. I try to stay in the back corner:) Less people around me!

    I do it at my Y as well. I don't bother being in the corner though, I go right for the middle. People make room for me! :devil: It also tends to be just like MFP too. 20 women for 1 guy. I take it 2-3x a week. Kicks my butt too. :sad:
  • alwayskungfu
    Great for fitness and coordination, and yes it will get you in shape, Starting with a video at home is a good idea, it will get your body ready for the real thing, do remember to have a good warm up with dynamic stretching (ie leg swings, burpees lunges) and be sure to have a gentle deep yoga style stretch afterwards, then reward yourself with a hot bath, a cold pint of water and a nutritious meal, oh and plenty of sleep...go for it, good luck

  • CarlKRobbo
    CarlKRobbo Posts: 390 Member
    I do kickboxing as well, Purple Belt at the moment, due to grade fro Brown soon (2 away from Black).

    It'll improve co-ordination, Cardio, and even Flexibility, Our class has loads of females in, I think a lot of females are more naturally flexible, so it's easy to teach them to kick.

    Technique\Co-ordination comes with time, so don't worry to much if you lost when your asked to throw combinations, it all clicks later on.

    Dynamic (Leg Swings etc) stretches beforehand, static (Hamstring Streches etc) afterwards, Helps recovery, flexibility.
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    I used to.

    Proper kickboxing, not pretend waving your arms in the air stuff, is amazing. You may feel like you will never walk properly again, however. It's a rush and completely alters how you look at exercise DVDs again.

    My favourite bits were sparring, pad work and the look of horror on a cocky man's face when he realised that the dumpy woman could do more sit ups and variants in three minutes than he could do in a week.

    Oh, and your butt lifts up within a few sessions and six months changes your entire posture and the way people seem to look at you.
  • Skinny_Me88
    Thank you all for the information! I definitely am going to continue with the DVD and as soon as I can get into the class. I really enjoy it, so I would love to learn more!!