Were you EVER that thin?



  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    I think a lot of it is just our perception, of what we think is normal. I am almost 50, and when I was a teen back in the 70s, the general consensus of what was a normal healthy weight was quite lower than it is now. At 5'6", at 125 I felt fat by comparison to the other friends and girls around me that were built differently. My best friend at the time was 5'8" and barely 98 pounds. She ate like a pig. She was just built differently than I was, and had a different metabolism. If a girl my age weighed 150 or more, she was definitely considered 'fat'. Now, it is not uncommon to see 14-15 year olds well over 200 pounds.

    My weight went up and down a bit after HS, but at 25, after having my first child, I lost down to 136 and felt healthy. I was not skinny by any means, but I wasn't overweight either. Over the next 20 yrs my weight creeped up to my highest of 237. 100 pounds over my lowest weight. My outside definitely didn't match my inside. Mentally I was never an obese woman. In my brain, I just needed to lose a few pounds. One thing that helped keep me in this denial, was that those around me were this weight as well. Society had relaxed its standard of 'normal' weight so much.
    When I was growing up, women who weighted 250 pounds were an anomaly. There were very few of them around, and you didn't see them very much out in public. They stayed inside and ordered clothes from the mail order catalog, or sewed them themselves, because you couldn't walk into the nearest Walmart and buy a size 20 pair of pants.
    I don't condone 'fat shaming' in any way, but I do think that we have become TOO accepting and enabling of morbid obesity, and it is killing our population.
    It has been almost 25 yrs since I have been under 140. And I had just about given up hope of ever being at a healthy weight again. But I have lost almost 50 pounds, and with every pound I lose, I see that healthy, lean person inside me emerge more and more. Fortunately I never lost the vision of what she looked like at a healthy weight, and that gives me motivation to be healthy again.

    I often wonder tho, for those who have always been severely overweight, how do they envision themselves at a healthy weight, if they have never seen it. How difficult is it to accomplish a goal that you have never seen? I would guess that you would just have to mentally create that person in your mind, and strive to make it a reality.
  • katimama
    katimama Posts: 191 Member
    So many great stories and responses! They are wonderful to hear and have given me a great boost of confidence. Thanks so much!!
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    I think it depends. You don't say how tall that woman was, and we don't know what her shape or body composition was like. If you have a large amount of lean mass then 115 lbs may be too light for your body. It might be just right for hers.

    However, a lot of this is about your mindset. I think you aiming for 150 lbs - well it's fine. It would be slightly overweight, but again, that depends a bit on your body composition. I think that by saying that anything less than that is unrealistic for you, is a little unrealistic. I don't think it matters in the long run, because you can aim for 150, and re-evaluate when you get there. I hear a lot of women saying things like that - "oh I could never be below x lbs, and I would look sick/anorexic if I was". I think a lot of them are wrong, and just don't believe in their ability to lose that much.

    As for me, I am 5'3" and I was 214 lbs. I have always been overweight - most of my adult life I have been obese. When I was 18 I was probably more than 180 lbs, so I have never had a particular "I looked good at this weight" goal to aim for. I set 129 lbs as my goal, based on BMI, my estimated body fat percentage, and what I estimated my dress size would be at that weight (for which I was spot on.) I got there, and have been maintaining for a few months. I could lose some more, and I probably will do once I've got my head around the whole maintainence thing. I could never imagine being this thin (and I'm by no means "skinny") but now I'm here, I know that I am able to lose more if I put my mind to it.

    Set your goal wherever you feel comfortable, but don't put unnecessary limitations on yourself. Part of this is about losing that "I'm the fat one, I'll never be that "skinny" girl". That may take some time. You may be happy & healthy at 150lbs. You may get there and decide that you want to - and can - lose more. Believe in yourself. :flowerforyou:

    This is a fantastic post. Congrats on your success, and showing that it certainly can be done. It IS so much of a mind game. You really have to get your head straight to get your body in line.
  • piq0409
    piq0409 Posts: 8
    I understand what you are thinking. I am 5'7" and couldn't tell you what my heaviest was. But it was over 200lbs. When I started losing weight, the numbers really got to me. How could I look healthy at 150? Well, last year I lost 30lbs, and have kept it off. The first 10, I didn't really notice. The next 10, I was in different size clothes. The last 10, I see it, different size clothes, more energy, lot's of people notice. I have now kept the 30 off for almost 6 months. I am ready to go after that next 20. I can now easily see where it comes from. I will not be sickly looking at 150. In fact, I could probably get down to 140 and not be sickly looking. I don't know. I think about that after the next 20.
    I think part of the problem is 50, or 100lbs seems like so much, it's hard too imagine. Don't think about that. Set a realistic shorter goal (which it sounds like you have) and when you get there, think about what you have accomplished. Once you realized how awesome it is to accomplish that, think about where to go next. Eventually, those numbers won't seem so unattainable, or unhealthy.
    Also, take other "measurements." Clothing size, actually body measurements, etc. At one point, I didn't change weight for 2 months, but I dropped a pant size. So I still knew I was doing what's right!
    I also know that at the exact same physical size as my sister, I weigh about 20lbs more. So body type does matter, to some degree. Just don't let the numbers get inside your head!
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    So many great stories and responses! They are wonderful to hear and have given me a great boost of confidence. Thanks so much!!

    Like others have said, 115# might not be realistic.
    But definitely start with your pre-preggo weight and then go from there.
    So like 185 > 170 > 160, etc.

    I weighed 128# in high school and I'm sure it didn't look so good on me at 5'7" due to the way I'm built.
    In my profile pic, I'm about 143#.
    130# was my goal when I started but I don't think it's realistic anymore - 140# is though lol.

    I'm glad we all helped =]
  • Lorrifitness
    Yes, I went down to size 4 with 12% bodyfat....
  • megsmom04
    megsmom04 Posts: 1 Member
    In 2001 i had lost quite a bit of weight through diet and excessive exercise....my lowest was 165 and was a size 12 and i looked like i was very sick....my mother had seen a photo of me as she lived quite far away and she said i looked too skinny....i am a 16-18, and i would be thrilled to get to 190 or so. I have an 8" diameter wrist, not fat on there....i am "large framed"...

    i think we all have a number in our heads of where we "think" we would like to be, but we need to be realistic. The one thing that sticks with me is that when i was 40lbs less...i was not hapier than i am now...the ony perk was that i had a newer smaller wardrobe, but still very low self esteem. I need to learn to love myself.....i was always very heavy as a kid....started getting smaller in junior high school......
  • zephtalah
    zephtalah Posts: 327 Member
    Sorry if this sounds harsh, but you just seem to be giving yourself an excuse before you even start!
    this. most teenage girls are able to get down to 125 unless they're over 5'9

    Not always true!
  • zephtalah
    zephtalah Posts: 327 Member
    I am 5'4". I see these stories of people my size weighing 117 or whatever and it will never be me. I would be unhealthy at that weight. I weighed about 215 at the end of my last pregnancy. I weigh about 140 right now. I wear a size 4/6. My goal weight is 135. I am not sure how realistic that is. I am not really liking how boney my hands and feet are getting and how much my hip bones are sticking out. I plan on continuing with strengthening and toning and seeing what happens. When I went to the doctor recently and stepped on the scale, the nurse set the scale to 100 to weigh me (obviously thinking I was somewhere less than 120), I laughed and said she needed to take it up a couple notches. She looked at me oddly and shook her head when she did get my weight right.

    All of that to say this, focus on getting healthy. Fat loss is a part of that. Muscle strengthening is a part of that. Endurance and energy are parts of that. The scale and comparing yourself to others shouldn't be your top goals. The can be bench marks, but use them carefully. My profile pic is from yesterday. I have 7 children and weigh less than what I did in 9th grade. Hard work can make a lot happen, but set reasonable goals.
  • ONA79
    ONA79 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 5'2 and was 225 at my heaviest (after my first kid) and have been overweight since junior high. I have two kids, 5.5 and 2.5. I had been in the 180-185 range from high school until having kids so originally that was my only goal. Once I got there my goal was 150, cause that's what my Dr told me to aim for and I liked the idea of not shopping in the plus size section. Once I got down to 165 I realized I wanted to be less than 150 and re-set my goal to 135 which is the high end of the weight range for my height. Now I'm 159 and thin framed (I wear a size 5 ring and standard watches are too big on my wrists) so I have a feeling when I get into the 140's I"ll re-adjust below the 135 goal. For me at 225 saying I wanted to be 125 was just too big a task. Like any big job, breaking down into manageable pieces if the way to go for me personally. I never thought I'd be 150- I couldn't even fathom it 5 years ago- now it's just so exciting to know every pound lost is the lowest weight I've been as an adult.
  • katimama
    katimama Posts: 191 Member
    Tonight in my kickboxing class our instructor mentioned she weighed 145 pounds and wore a size six. She has a killer body and she was just the dose of reality I needed tonight to remember its just about numbers !
  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 510 Member
    Clearly I'm in the minority, but who cares what the scale says? Are you guaranteed health and happiness at 115 but not at 150? I've been down to 125, and I was bony with a big head and felt miserable. Looked nice in jeans, but was that enough?

    I wasn't healthy and maybe if I made my life something I don't want, I could get back there...but I want room in my life for beer and ice cream and naps with my daughter. My goal is 150 (I'm 5'4") and people can scream about how fat and unhealthy that is until their heads explode. I feel sexy and good at that weight and I know I can maintain it without giving up everything that makes life worth living.

    To hell with everything else.
  • bohonomad
    bohonomad Posts: 171 Member
    I'm not under 150 but I'm 156 right now and still losing. I have ALWAYS been overweight since elementary school. I remember going on a diet when I was 13 and being happy to weight 161, that was my lowest weight I can remember and now I'm 156!! I started off my diet a year and a half ago at 223, you can do it, slower is better because you need time to learn that is a LIFESTYLE :)
  • j_ringsaker
    j_ringsaker Posts: 47 Member
    I remember one time only, that I felt I was normal size, but not really what I would consider thin. I was around 8 or 9 and was swimming every day, had a good tan and was pretty active. I remember distincly, walking to the store with no shirt on, realizing that I didn't have excess body fat.

    I have a picture on my desk of when I was 21, just graduated firefighting academy, playing rugby, lifting weights, pledging a fraternity. I weighed around 315, but was solid. I'm 6'4" and have a large frame, so 315 was never a problem for me to carry well.

    I want to get back there.
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    I am also 5'4" and at one time I weighed 215. Right now I'm 179. One of my first goals is to get to 165. That would be the thinnest I've been in quite some time. I would guess about 8 years. I know I will keep going once I reach that. It's simply a milestone and a number that has some significance to me. After that I would like to get to 150, which is how much I weighed when I got married and probably would be a size 10 for me. At that point I will reconsider my goals. 140 would be fantastic for me, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. I haven't weighed 140 in about 18 years and I haven't weighed 150 in 16 years. Wow, that makes me feel old.

    Anyway, as you can guess I was never thin either. I guess you could also say I was never active. I don't exactly know what will happen once I get to 150. I know I can get there (it's only 29 lbs away) but after that it gets hazy. I guess I can only say I have those two very realistic and doable goals right now and I will reassess when I reach the second one.
  • KatieSChaisemom
    KatieSChaisemom Posts: 79 Member
    I have been on every point of the BMI table if you will. As a teenager I started at 210 lbs being 5'2". Then I lost nearly 100 lbs and was down to 112. I am now in my mid 20's with an 18 month old son and I am in the 180's Hoping to get back down to 110-125 weight range. So Yes I have been that thin. I envy my old self LOL. I am also Obese now.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    So here is my question ... for those of you who, at one point in time, weighed more than 200 pounds and NOW weigh under 140 pounds ... were you that thin at any point in your life?

    I was delivered weighing 180 pounds. I have a link to an issue in Time magazine somewhere that talks about this. It was a C-section birth of course. I don't think I've ever at one point in time been under that amount. It just keeps going up. I'm over 200 now.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm 5'5 was under 120 (typically 105-115) in my teens and twenties. It would be unrealistic for me to be that weight NOW, though, because my lean mass alone is about 110 pounds.

    To get to 120 pounds, I'd have to lose lean mass, which I really don't want to do since I worked damn hard at keeping then gaining that. If I didn't lose lean mass and somehow got to 120 pounds, I'd only have 8% bodyfat, which would be way too low for a woman.

    However, I'm now as small or smaller than I was the last time I was around 120, and can even fit into some clothes from high school when I weighed about 110. Photos here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/886672-1-5-million-calories-in-775-days
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I'm not under 140 now, and I don't expect to ever get there, but in HS I was about 135 but not nearly as strong or active as I am now.

    But, like Lorina, I currently fit in the same size clothes I wore when I was 15-20lbs lighter. So who cares what the scale says I weigh?
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I've been stick skinny all my life (skinny wasn't in vogue like it is now) and I hated being skinny growing up. I was super skinny all my life and couldn't gain weight to save my life. I even went to doctors to try to gain weight and was told by several doctors that I would NEVER gain weight, because my metabolism was soooo high, even if I ate 4000 cals a day (which I did, I used to eat like a pig) I'd never gain. Then, God (who has a sense of humor) waited until my hubby and I got old to start giving us baby after baby! We were told that we couldn't have children, and I miscarried several times when I was young. Then in my mid to late 30's to early 40's we started having a ton of children (without medical help). I finally started gaining weight, and now I'm fat and old and am finally seeing the weight drop only with smart eating and daily exercise.

    ETA: I'm 5'6 and always weighed between 103-110--when I started gaining weight during each of my children, I got to the fabulous weight of 130-135 pounds...by the time I had my last child in my early 40''s...I ballooned up to 198 pounds and my highest weight came earlier this year at almost 207 pounds:cry::sick: :noway: :grumble: :cry: . I've been struggling at this weight for years now. Changed my eating and drinking and exercising ways (stopped being a glutton and lazy/slothful person) and dropped down last year to 170...this year I'll be down to 145-135, God Willing and I know He is and I sure am too! It's just going take time, diligence and good old fashioned watching my portion and what I eat and moving this body of mine daily and OFTEN!