BodyPump at the YMCA?

Has anybody taken this class? I'd love some tips/experiences/testimonials, if you have them. Does it depend on how hard you work/heavy you lift? Or does it really depend on the instructor?



  • I do a bodypump class at my local leisre centre and its brilliant!!! The instructor is important though so try a few!!
  • marypatmccue
    marypatmccue Posts: 521 Member
    As an instructor can tell you that we all go through the same training... as a way to set standardized classes. We all learn the same choreography, we are all "taught" how to do it the same. While some ARE better than others, and some more experienced, if they're certified you should rest assured you'll get a quality workout, no matter who the instructor is.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I really enjoyed it while I was doing it last year. As Mary Pat said above, it can depend on the instructor...A LOT! We had one who was AWESOME...and another who was fine, but I only experienced her when there was a huge snow storm and the other instructor couldn't make it. I would have specifically avoided going to class during the times the other woman was instructing. All of that said, not sure what type of strength you have already, but be prepared to start on the light side if you haven't done much endurance training before. You will be moving fast! I never really went up on weight while I was doing it and would often go to the weight room and do some slower, heavier lifting for less reps afterwards. Enjoy!
  • airen123
    airen123 Posts: 149
    I did that for about 4-5 years and love it. It's good especially if you are new to lifting, as the instructor knows to make a plan to hit each muscle group for you. I personally now like to lift on my own (I lift heavy) but there is no reason to not lift heavy at BP, but it will be harder to do that.
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    Wow, far fewer people have taken it than I thought!

    Thanks for your input.

    I took a lifting class for about six months, 4-5 times a week, and I loved it. That was at Lifetime Fitness, and I absolutely loved it. I really got what I paid for at that gym! I lost 30 pounds just doing weights and dieting, no cardio. AH... I miss my gym!!

    And I wish I could be like you and work on my own, but I do not enjoy working solo; I'm too social for that I suppose! It helps keep me motivated to have a time/instructor as well.

    I'm going today to their 4 o'clock, so I guess I'll leave my own review in case anybody else finds this thread and wants to know.
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    I have been doing body pump for about 9 or 10 weeks. It's a challenge and I like that. I only have experienced two instructors and one (who was subbing) tended to get more into it and use her Momma voice to tell ya to work it harder. Can't think of any other way to describe it.
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    Anecdotal evidence: All the women at my gym that do bodypump are smoking.
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    Duly noted. haha.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    I haven't tried it but now all I can think of is....

    ♫ It's fun to BodyPump at the Y.M.C.A.♫

  • cinciti
    cinciti Posts: 45 Member
    Hey there friend! I've taken body pump at the YMCA and I fell in love! I've actually been trying to squeeze in more weight lifting because I'm on cardio overload! I teach Zumba 2 days a week and I'm training for a triathlon so I've been running and biking like a mad women! Need to hit the pool soon! But I need weight to get tone!
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    So for anybody who finds this thread and is curious about the class, here is my review.

    Also, sorry for the essay.

    It was... good. It was ok. The class was choreographed to songs (almost creepily.. they were perfectly in synch with the counts/speed of rep... etc). Apparently BodyPump makers re-choreograph reps to new songs every two to three weeks. Each song is about two minutes long. Which means that you only work on one muscle for two minutes. Which means yes, we did shoulders.. but for two to five minutes? Yes... we worked on our hamstrings.. but for two to three minutes? The time flew by, but because I felt rushed. Right when I began to feel the burn, the song ended, and we were moving on. Some parts were hard (two minutes of chest isn't easy when you don't put it down) and it DOES vary depending on how much weight you add on... But.. I'm used to intervals of at least five to ten minutes for each muscle group. You know, loading up the barbell and doing at least five reps of 15. Doing abs for two minutes just doesn't seem effective to me. I want to burn and cramp and scream and moan (yeah, I said that). But seriously. I LOVE it when it burns and you have to *keep going*. I didn't much like feeling that burn and adrenaline and then stopping. :/

    I'd just done a boot-camp-like-circuit-training class two days before (on Monday), so my legs were way shakey. They were sore before I started working out. BodyPump stretched them, so they actually feel much less sore now. Which is a plus.

    I suppose I am spoiled because my weight class at LifeTime Fitness (Strictly Strength) had people moaning and begging the instructor to stop counting and give us a break. I literally couldn't do every move in the workout. Maybe I went to light at BodyPump? Not sure. I did about the same as I did before.

    Also, which is definitely dependent on the instructor, obviously, she didn't leave her station at all. At LifeTime the instructor would come by and constantly fix people's posture, grip, wrist, etc. Which is important, I think, when dealing with barbells.

    I'm not sure how MUCH it can vary based on the instructor, because they all follow the same choreographed songs (number of reps, speed of reps, same amount of time for each, etc). Well, that's how this instructor spelled it out for me.

    Missing LifeTime Fitness. .___.
  • I participated regularly in BodyPump at my gym for the last 2 years. i went 3x a week. It is definetely an endurance based workout. It is higher rep, lower weight routine. I did increase my weights over time. However, due to the extremely large number of repetions, you can never really go that heavy. but that is not the purpose of the program. it is a good workout. i saw some strength gains. I did see minimal muscle growth. After two years however, i felt my body needed a shock. i have recently started lifting on the floor. i am now going for a higher weight, lower rep approach. I would like to see more of an increase in mass. ( I am a girl by the way)