Friend Commited Suicide

A close friend of mine has commited suicide for no obvious reason. I don't even know why, and the person seemed fine. This happend a few days ago and I've been to depressed to move on. I stopped tracking my calories, and eatting a lot. I feel like I just can't do it anymore. It's very very hard for me to start over and continue with this. A lot of things has been going on in my life, and I need some major support. Anyone willing to tell me similar stories and how you dealt with it? Thanks, your friend Glenn.


  • StarryEyedGirl
    that is horrible! I am really sorry. the hardest part is trying to understand why and why he/she couldn't reach out. I hope friends and family of your friend can get through this. This includes you, don't lose track of your goal- I know you are hurting but you need to get through this


    I hope you find the support you need
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I am sorry for your loss.
  • burtam
    burtam Posts: 42
    O my - I am so very sorry for your loss. It is horrible. Debilitating, in fact, to be depressed. I am a disabled PTSD veteran and struggle with depression on a daily basis. Eating was a coping mechanism for me. There is no easy fix. No quick cure. Time helps. You are so courageous for reaching out. Please know that you are not alone.... I am praying for you as I type this... God Bless You.

    I would like to add you as a friend and help to encourage you!
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    A friend of mine killed himself a few weeks ago. Another friend called me in the morning as I was lacing up my tennis shoes to go for my morning walk. I cried the entire walk.
    It's been tough, but now I have an outlet to talk to him, every walk I take. Some days I'm mad at him, other days I tell him how much I miss him. But every day I tell him how much I love him, even though he's gone.
    It's not easy to move on, with suicide there are never answers for the ones that are left behind.
    I'm sorry for your loss, and i know it doesn't seem like it, but it does get easier every day.
    Just keep in your heart the time that you got to share with your friend.
    With love,
  • kellycrow
    kellycrow Posts: 140
    i have no similar story, but i did lose my mom to cancer. i took on the loss, besides leaning heavily on God and knowing that there was a plan and a reason for everything, by deciding that this was a wake up call to me to take care of myself. i actually started my healthier living when mom was diagnosed but when she passed, i really became aware of what i was putting into my body and how i was working my body. i decided that i needed to be a better mother, myself. my mom was awesome and my kids deserve to have a mom just as good as her. i turned what could have been an amazingly negative situation into a negative one with a better outcome. i think mom would be proud of what i have done and how well i am doing on my journey.

    i doubt your friend would want to backsliding... you have to keep at it and do it for yourself - regardless of what is going on around you. i am soo amazingly sorry for your loss and wish i knew exactly what to say.

    may God's love be with you and may you find the peace you so dearly need...
  • HealthyKt78
    HealthyKt78 Posts: 439
    I am so sorry. A year ago a guy I went to high school with also committed suicide. I was never close with him but he was a very popular guy and one of the smartest people I have ever known. I know it can't compare because he wasn't a friend of mine but I was still affected by it. I think about him sometimes and about what his family must be going through. He could have been an amazing person and the world is less bright without him but we'll never know what he could have done to make the world a better place and he would have definitely made the world a better place.

    Your friend must have been dealing with demons that we could not understand and felt that this was the only way out. It's a shame that he or she couldn't talk about it. I know it's cliche but your friend is at peace now and is no longer dealing with those demons.

    Don't worry about logging your calories right now. Talk to someone about it if you can. If you need someone anonymous to talk to feel free to message me. I log in practically everyday. I'm a good listener.
  • BeeBee32y
    BeeBee32y Posts: 15
    About two weeks ago, my step father commited suicide and to be honest I can't tell you one particular way to deal with it or even how to handle it. I just know life throws a lot of curves balls your way and the only thing you can do is to pray and ask GOD for the strength to keep going. Today I woke up to finding out my little cousins mom commited suicide and my little cousin was laying in the bed next to her. He woke up and tried to wake her up and he screamed out to my auntie. And they came running in the room and they tried to wake her and then and there she was, gone. So the only thing I really can say at this point is to just pray for strength and don't let it get you to the deppress mode. surround yourself with family or just somebody that will be that strong shoulder but don't be alone during this time cause that will only make you feel even worst. Keep praying and I too will pray for you.
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member
    I'm very sorry for your loss. I realize that there is not much any of us can say that will make you feel better. When I was in HS i had a friend commit suicide. There's a whole host of emotions you will go thru, including depression, anger and eventually acceptance. It was so hard to accept that someone close to me felt so desperate and depressed that they believed that killing themselves was the only option. :(

    Find people to talk to and please believe me when I say, as cliche' as it sounds, that it gets easier with time. Eventually you will think of the good times with your friend and smile.

    Wishing you peace.
  • melodieRN
    melodieRN Posts: 49
    I had a cousin who i was close to commit suicide over 25 years ago and it's something you don't get over. I'm also a nurse so let me tell you there is always a reason, though we don't see it at the time. They do a really good job at hiding things and even though they might seem on top of the world, it overwelms them. Everyone who contemplates suicide needs professional help, so don't blame yourself she would not want you too. This is hard, I know but you need to have some sort of closure with your friend. Going to the funeral if you can, or even just writing her a letter. No you won't get no answer but at least you can put something down and say something to her, it will help with having closure. surround yourself with your friends, you need each other right now. Try to eat healthy but right now you are trying to get through day by day so just do the best you can. If you ever need to talk just send me a pm, my heart goes out to you and your freinds family.
  • david1956
    david1956 Posts: 190 Member
    I'm sorry Glenn, not sure how to comfort you in your grief.

    It's sobering that at times we've probably all walked a fine line in terms of our state of mental health, and your biggest responsibility to yourself now is to keep mintaining the healthy things that you are doing in your own life. I'm pretty sure it's what your friend would have wanted.
  • krv1818
    krv1818 Posts: 5
    I am so sorry for your loss. There are no words that will make the pain better and you will probably never understand why. Know that you are never alone, as the Lord is by your side always. So, talk even when there is no one around, because he hears you and cares. Reach out to those close to you for support as you grieve for your friend, but remember you are still here and need to care for yourself also. I am sure there are people that depend on you to be around for a long time. You are in my prayers. All my Best to you!
  • WindHauler
    WindHauler Posts: 35
    Thanks everyone for the feedback, it really does help to know that I'm not alone. Thank you so much everyone, god bless.