Newbie - need all the support I can get

Hi, I'm new to this website but not new at trying to lose weight. I have been doing this all my life. At age 14 I weighed 184 lbs and then at age 16 I was able to go down to 150 lbs with the help of a dietitian. I have been up and down for quite some time. At age 30 after having my children I joined Weight Watchers and an exercise program weighing 181 lbs and was abloe to go down to 149 lbs in 3 months. The last few years it has been slowly creeping up. I have put on 20 lbs in the last year due to emotional stress and it doesn't help that I have hypothyroidism and take meds. I am 43 years old and am at my heaviest - 210 lbs. I feel tired all the time, hate the way I look and feel depressed about it. I always have good intentions but have lost my will power. I am going to be visiting family in Europe this summer and really don't want them to see me this FAT as they will just come right out and tell me that I am bigger!!! Also, I am dreading that I will have to wear a bathing suit and shorts. So I am hoping that I can get the support that I need here as this is my last resort. Thanks!


  • erinmc78
    erinmc78 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm new too! And share a very similar story. I just had my 3rd baby 7 months ago. I too am feeling the same as you. I'm determined to get healthy......although finding an exercise program that fits my busy schedule is easier said then done...good luck to you
  • whoops1973

    I can empathise with you. I think its about making small changes and maintaining them. I usually lose a stone and gain 15lb back. I'm sure you can do it, if your in the right frame of mind now. What healthy eating diet have you decided to follow?

    Add me and come and chat if you like

    Lisa x
  • LeeLeeShireen33
    LeeLeeShireen33 Posts: 3 Member
    welcome to MFP :) feel free to add me. I started using it back in Aug 2012 but never really took it serious, but started to use it properly since Jan 2013
    I'm also a mum trying to shift the pounds
    all the best!
  • HLind2013
    HLind2013 Posts: 7 Member
    I am new too. PLEASE PLEASE....its okay to love your body and change your body at the same time. I am trying to only say and think positive things about my body. I would love it if you joined me in this! We are all beautiful no matter what and if we don't know that - no one will know it. Good Luck! WE CAN DO THIS!
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,820 Member
    One thing at a time and this is a good start. I know since I have been logging everything I eat and that is an eye opener. Good Lucik and you can add me as a friend if you want.