Success with Paleo

I am planning to do a 30-day Paleo diet, starting at the beginning of April. I've read up on many of the benefits, but would love to hear some stories first hand from people who have had success on the Paleo diet. The results I am mainly looking for are weight -loss, improvement of my asthma and allergies, and skin clearing up. I only consume occasional dairy, so the big thing for me will be cutting grains out of my diet. I am planning on doing a strict diet for 30 days, and then deciding from there how much to add back in.

What results have you, or your friends, seen with Paleo?


  • lttappenn
    lttappenn Posts: 40 Member
    I have been thrilled with my results on Paleo. I feel fantastic, full of energy most of the time, lost weight immediately after being on a plateau for 2 months and found the food to be very satisfying. I am now eating more of a primal style since I found that most dairy doesn't bother me, but I have cut back on dairy a lot compared to my old style of eating. I love the fact that I don't eat any processed food and get to eat lots of healthy fat and protein. Plus I love veggies, so this is perfect for me. I hope you see some great results also. There are a couple of Paleo/Primal groups on MFP that you can join too. Lots of good info, recipes and support there.
  • brineyyy
    brineyyy Posts: 2
    I'm a former vegan, and after experimenting with the Paleo diet, I'm completely reformed. I experienced a dramatic increase in energy, more strength at the gym, my skin cleared up--it was overall wonderful!
    Since my Paleo experiement, I still eat meat and watch my carbs, but not as intensely. Like everyone trying to lose weight, I hit a tiny plateau a while back and decided to eat some sweet potato. I felt AMAZING, and was still under 100g carbs for the day; so now I question just how much we all should avoid carbs. I haven't gained weight by incorporating them back into my diet slowly. Currently, I practice an overall low carb (0-70g or less a day), minimal dairy diet with "carb cycling" days (but I never go over 150g on a high carb day). I'm trying to keep my body guessing, since that's working for me so far.
  • notenoughspeed
    notenoughspeed Posts: 290 Member
    I ate Paleo for a while, got off track though, being lazy, not cooking enough food. I'm getting back on it. I like the nutritional aspect. I never was a fan of breads or dairy stuff. It suits me.
  • Thegle
    Thegle Posts: 41 Member
    Just started March 1 and currently reading all I can about paleo nutrition. Notably to eliminate all processed foods, grains and vegetable starches as well as dairy (why drink the milk of another mammal?) So far 4.5 lbs and I love the food.
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    Join the Paleo/Primal Support group. We'd love to have you!
  • julielittlefish
    julielittlefish Posts: 134 Member
    I did a 30 day challenge--we went strict, so no natural sugars, super-dark chocolate, etc.

    I lost 5 pounds overall. -12 pounds fat. + 7 pounds muscle. -6 inches overall (waist, hips, thighs).

    I also CrossFit 3 times a week and run 1-2 times a week.

    I'm not as strict now, but still about 90/10. The food is fantastic, my tastes have changed, and I don't have carb cravings/binges anymore.

    Almond butter, however, is dangerously good.
  • iwillwin1313
    Paleo is fantastic!!
    My Dad found it a year or so ago and he lost 30lbs. It keeps my mood good and my skin clear :) As an athlete though, I have to cheat a bit otherwise I find I get too dizzy from lack of carbs... So I eat rice a few times a month and oat bran when I feel I need it. I also eat dairy because my calcium intake is pretty low (not sure if you'd cut that out- I get primal and paleo confused some times).
    I notice on this diet that I don't bloat as much as I used to and my disposition is a lot better. :)

    Anyone, add me if you want :D
  • sallydurkin
    sallydurkin Posts: 211 Member
    We are primalish, my most noteable change aside from weight, was the brain fog elimination. I think more clearly, no cravings love it. We are not low carb we eat A LOT of fruit and that is not low carb. Love it have never felt better along with food changes and adding in exercise I have lost 85+ lbs. And am continuing to eat this way through a healthy pregnancy.
  • pen2u
    pen2u Posts: 224 Member
    I'm more primal than paleo. At some point I may make the leap into strictly paleo, but for now primal feels great. I started primal after watching carbs (no gluten, white rice or sugar) and cals on MFP which lead to a loss of 35 lbs.

    After that, I wanted to cut out grains and be stricter about sugar because of joint pain so I started the primal diet a couple of months ago. Exercise amounts stayed the same as the past two years (I've added some lifting recently.) My skin immediately cleared up, I lost 2 pants sizes, joint pain gone, heaps of energy, and lots of compliments on how great I look, but I haven't lost a pound in months. Maybe I'm at my optimal weight? My clothes are still getting looser...

    BTW, I'm turning 61 next week :)
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 424 Member
    I'm going to do more research on this tonight, but what is the "primal"? I know the paleo (no dairy/grains etc) but what is the difference? I gather from some of your posts it's just not as strict as paleo??
  • Danalynn39
    I am starting to weed out the dairy as of today. Which is hard since I love cheese, yogurt and milk. But I have been reading benefits of Paleo and decided to do it to see if it will help with arthritus pain.
  • Nicole77sweet
    Nicole77sweet Posts: 19 Member
    Love it. Asthma is a lot better and I lost 14Lbs!
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    I'm going to do more research on this tonight, but what is the "primal"? I know the paleo (no dairy/grains etc) but what is the difference? I gather from some of your posts it's just not as strict as paleo??
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    i went paleo too -- aaaamazing! cutting of carbs really helped me and i love lean meats and veggies so it works - the experimenting of cooking paleo too is fun! it's a nice new activity

    I lost inches and weight right away and my abs are in focus
  • onezeronine
    onezeronine Posts: 37 Member
    Meh. I did a Whole30 (which is about as strict paleo as it gets) and I lost 5 pounds maybe, but that all came back on as soon as I started eating something other than chicken and cabbage. I just didn't like it. It was a big pain in the butt and too restrictive for me.
  • Thegle
    Thegle Posts: 41 Member
    The greatest part for me was my total elimination of processed and fast foods. Not an easy choice for a lot of people. My sodium is down my bad carbs from over processing is down. Fibre and protein and good fats up.

    I'm actually not calling it paleo anymore as that really isn't what it is. Sadly most people think all you eat is meat which couldn't be farther from the truth. For me it's been mostly veggies of all types and meat of all types, but only a typical serving not a huge steak with a few carrots on my plate, more than likely it's lean beef about the size of a deck of cards, and every vegetable I can lay my hands on: frozen, fresh, already cut up (sweet potatoes, squash), organic or local when in season or not. So I just say I eat whole foods.

    My leftover lunches sometimes have people walking up to me and saying: "Wow, that smells good, what is is?" I tell them it's beef with stir fried veggies. What it really is? is cooked and refried beef tongue with black kale, onions, carrots, peppers, and sauerkraut. :)