is it ok to go over the amount they recommend?

i am recovering from anorexia and i was wondering if its okay to go over my 'carbs' and 'sugar' amount? if it is how much grams should i go over it by? dont say i shouldnt be on here cos i really need answers to this.. thanks and have a good day!<3


  • lovechattys
    lovechattys Posts: 65 Member
    Honestly, I don't worry about my sugar or carbs. I watch my calories and try to get in enough protein. Just let your self eat healthy. I know, easier said than done. But try not to obsess about the numbers. Good luck on becoming a healthier you.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Get enough fats and protein. The rest doesn't matter.
  • alishali
    alishali Posts: 56
    thank you for answering honestly, i always think that that carbs and sugar will make me gain and get bigger:/ i feel extreme guiltness if i go over the amounts!
    if the carbs and sugar dont matter then why does mfp give 'recommended' amounts!?:/
  • I've read before on the boards that the nutrients section is off on its numbers. I can have some fruit with breakfast, and a little honey in my tea and I'm over the amount of sugar alloted! :-/ Plus, nutrient needs vary by the day, the body, what you are doing, etc. I tend to rely more on my reading/knowledge of food/nutrition than the site here. For this, I use the logging feature, and keeping track of calories, protein, and sodium.
  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    thank you for answering honestly, i always think that that carbs and sugar will make me gain and get bigger:/ i feel extreme guiltness if i go over the amounts!
    if the carbs and sugar dont matter then why does mfp give 'recommended' amounts!?:/

    only excessive calories can actually cause weight gain. there is something to be said about making sure you get the right amounts of certain macro and micro nutrients. for instance, too little fat can cause issues with your hair and nails. it's about contributing to your overall health, not just your weight.

    p.s. don't worry about sugars from fruit. just try to eat healthy :-)
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    Get enough fats and protein. The rest doesn't matter.

    I agree, those are the important things to focus on. I go over on both sugar and carbs often, to no ill effect.
  • alishali
    alishali Posts: 56
    thank you ever so much, ive been over thinking and it must be my disorded thoughts:/ i really appreciate it guys<3
    hope you had a good easter xxxxx
  • amandammmq
    amandammmq Posts: 394 Member
    I took a look at your food diary, and it looks like you're filling your day with lots of healthy choices. One drawback of My Fitness Pal is it doesn't discern between carbs from cookies or from fruits and vegetables. I honestly think it looks like you're on the right track with your food choices!
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    I have to agree with the consensus of opinion. I nearly always go over on sugar; I watch calories first and protein second. If I do this then fats are generally in line and I am moving towards my goals. I also watch the weekly average column on the week view so I can adjust things if I do go over badly on one day. As they say, a little of what you like isn't a problem!
  • alishali
    alishali Posts: 56
    thanks for pointing out i eat healthy:)!
    shall i carry on like this.. and does this mean i can have like 2-3 large cookies in a day cos my body wont know the diffference but aslong as i get my calories?
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I think it will be okay but I agree with the other poster saying that it is most important that you get a lot of fats and proteins to help your body repair any damage!
  • meganrpelican
    meganrpelican Posts: 51 Member
    i personally choose the large cookies...hehe
  • Pinkylee77
    Pinkylee77 Posts: 432 Member
    It is health to eat a wide range of food. Try not to think of any food as "bad" keep within your calorie limits. Make sure you get enough protein. Eating a few cookies will not cause weight gain but pigging out will not be the healthiest choice. If I have a heavy fruit day I might go over on my sugar but the next day I may have more proteins and go over on it but it is a over all look at diet that counts not one day. As you are in recovery take it one meal at a time and focus on good health not weight or a food group. Good Luck!!!
  • whiteoutpen
    whiteoutpen Posts: 212 Member
    I don't know about carbs, but I always go over my sugar if I eat fruit that day. If I eat two bananas in one day, I'm easily over my sugar limit. As long as not ALL of your sugar is coming from processed, refined sources, you should be alright! Good luck on your recovery :)
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    thanks for pointing out i eat healthy:)!
    shall i carry on like this.. and does this mean i can have like 2-3 large cookies in a day cos my body wont know the diffference but aslong as i get my calories?

    Nothing wrong with sometimes having 2-3 large cookies, but I would not do it daily, no, lol, unless you have made sure to get some healthy carbs as well, namely vegetables and fruit. It depends on your goals, I suppose. But I tend to be of the belief that too much refined sugar is not beneficial. Having a bit of chocolate or a small cookie or two a day wouldn't be an issue though. I have some dark chocolate every evening, and sometimes a piece of cake etc. Just make sure you are getting plenty of nutrient dense food outside of the treats and you should be fine.
  • alishali
    alishali Posts: 56
    thank you for all your answers but my carbs are always too much:/ i always restricted my sugar and carb intake before is this why i want them so bad now?..
    and also i eat bread, cereal etcc so many carbs:/ i feel bad and guilty!
    do i count my fruit, veg, nuts and milk carbs in my carb 'recommended' intake? or do i minus that off seen as its natural? <3
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    thank you for all your answers but my carbs are always too much:/ i always restricted my sugar and carb intake before is this why i want them so bad now?..
    and also i eat bread, cereal etcc so many carbs:/ i feel bad and guilty!
    do i count my fruit, veg, nuts and milk carbs in my carb 'recommended' intake? or do i minus that off seen as its natural? <3
    Again, get enough fats and protein and fill the rest with whatever you'd like. Fruits and vegetables count into your total carbs but you can subtract the fiber to see your net carbs. Most cruciferous vegetables and certain fruits like raspberries are really high in fiber.
  • Pinkylee77
    Pinkylee77 Posts: 432 Member
    you guilt over eating carbs is part of your eating issues. Remember there are no bad foods. Try eating as much as you want and not go over you calories. You will challenge your mind set but it may stop the binging. When you deny yourself thing you set yourself up failure. This is part of your recovery to learn not to have those guilt feelings.
  • alishali
    alishali Posts: 56
    okayyy, when i eat 2 bananas it adds upto 108g of carbs and thats half my carbs for the day gone:/
  • rosered93
    rosered93 Posts: 69 Member
    In recovery it is most important that you normalize your relationship with food: that you learn that there are no good or bad foods, there are no foods that make you fat, that it is more than okay if you go "over". Normal eating includes treats and healthy, fresh foods--and honestly, when you're in recovery, eating foods that you fear is essential. Food is your medicine; you can't think of it from the same mentality as a dieter. Your goals are different and right now "healthy eating" means something quite different for you than it does for someone who has weight to lose for their own health reasons. I really encourage you to look up Gwyneth Olwyn's blog and discussion boards for a more appropriate support community.