Help! 7 week plateau :(

Ok, I need help! I am 20 pounds from my goal weight, and before you ask, yes I still do need to lose more weight, because my body fat percentage is still too high (34%)

I have hit a major plateau! It has been 7 weeks now. I have tried everything during these last 7 weeks.

I have tried eating more calories, I have tried eating less calories. I have tried low carb, NO carb, high fat, low fat. I have tried counting macros. I have seen a nutritionilist, and a personal trainer. I have done what they suggested, and nothing. I have tried exercising harder, lighter, no/stopped exercsise. Interval training, heavy weights, classes, I have tried it. I am currently on a high protein, low carb diet plan. I exercise 5 times a week for an hour a day. 3 times a week I do intervals for 20 minutes, plus an additional 40 of regular cardio. 2 times a week I lift weights, and then more cadio after that. I burn between 500 and 600 calories a day doing exercise, according to my hrm. HRM says I keep my hr 140/150 during cadio and 160/170 during intervals.

My old platuea breaking tricks aren't working any more. I have lost 120 pounds on my own (no surgery, no HCG, no pills, etc.) and need a TT, but the doctor won't approve it until I lose 10 more pounds.

I am desperate! 7 weeks is so depressing!!!

I have bad knees and a bad back so I can't do anything super crazy, exercise wise. But as long as my body can handle it, I am willing to push myself. I have no desire to look like a body builder or a Hollywood star, I still want to have curves-just smaller curves.

I just read that exercising first thing in the morning, on an empty stomache, is the way to go. I plan to start trying that on Monday.

For 7 weeks I have watched the scale move up and down 2 pounds. While it's nice to maintain, I am not ready to maintain. I need to keep losing. Help!


  • Dunkirk
    Dunkirk Posts: 465 Member
    Have you tried eating at maintenance for a couple of weeks and just walking, i.e. a holiday, and then back into it?
  • tatd_820
    tatd_820 Posts: 573 Member
    Only thing to get me through my plateaus is to be patient and consistent and keep with it. How is your water intake? 7 weeks is a long time =( Mine only last 2-3 weeks. 7 weeks would be so tough. Hang in there!

    Congrats on your 120lb loss. Amazing and inspiring!
  • jenydc
    jenydc Posts: 12
    That happened to me. I took a week rest and only logged breakfast. Broke the plateau right after that.
  • fluffykitsune
    fluffykitsune Posts: 236 Member
    7 weeks is NOT long enough to try everything you have mentioned. Pick something and stick with it for 4-6 weeks.
  • MiamiKid305
    MiamiKid305 Posts: 357
    do HIIT cardio and add a strength training program to your routine, maybe you might need to take a week off.. also add more green peppers and onions to your diet to help with your BMR
  • violetsmfp
    Thanks all for the support and suggestions, much appreciated.

    Quick question....those of you who took/suggest a you mean a break from "dieting" and a break from exercising? And/or?

    Another question...if I eat at maintanece level...will I gain weight from the increase of calories?

    Sorry, another one...I know that carbs hold water, and since I have been on a very low carb diet for such a long time, if I reintroduce carbs, I assume I'll gain water weight. I know I lost a ton of water weight when I started, so it only makes sense that I'll regain that initial water weight loss. Has anyone had any luck/tips on this?

    Also, for the HIIT suggestion-I have been thinking about P90X, is this any good, has anyone had luck with it?

    My hydration level is about 48% (according to the fancy pants scale). My body fat percentage hasn't changed. My measurments haven't changed and no loose clothes :(

    I am bound and determined to get healthy! So again, thank you so much!!!