please critique my food diary :)


how does this look? anything i should improve?


  • rosichick
    rosichick Posts: 80 Member
    I would try more greens, and i know most of us like the muffins and things and that's OK, but maybe try skipping the orange juice and have the muffin, What i am trying to do is have no more than 3 pieces of bread a day.
  • yvnursechick
    yvnursechick Posts: 94 Member
    Not that bad... Maybe change out the chocolate muffin for a vita muffin (Only 100 cal and packed with nutrients, taste good too) Switch the OJ to lite juice or H2O 0r Madarin orange herbal Tea (Hot or iced), try wasa light crackerbread intead of bread... You did good on the mushrooms , try adding from greens or fruit...
  • Requiembell
    Requiembell Posts: 106 Member
    Your calorie goal is great. It is hard to judge your diet without knowing what you are seeking to accomplish. That looks like more of a maintenance diet. If you are training for something you might want to drop about half the carbs and replace them with protein and fats as those help you recover and gain muscle.

    That't not really a criticism. More of an observation.
  • bgraz1994
    bgraz1994 Posts: 56 Member
    I would definitely try to add more fruits and vegetables into your diet, some other suggestions would be switching to whole wheat instead of white for breads, cutting the bacon down to once a day, and trying to remove added sugar.

    Overall its not bad, but you could definitely benefit from some tweaks :)
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Change the white thick slice bread to wholemeal or 50 50.

    You need more vegetables.

    Do you need a muffin and biscuits?! Change one of these for a healthier snack.
  • JaimeMWS
    JaimeMWS Posts: 36
    Peoples' bodies are different, but I couldn't lose weight on your diet, despite the good calorie count, because of the high proportion of carbohydrates, including sugars. If it is working for you, great (although I agree that more vegies would be healthier), but if you find you aren't losing despite staying in your calorie count, try substituting protein (even if it has fat with it) for carbs as well as increasing fibrous vegetables. And an orange is more satisfying, for fewer sugars, than orange juice.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    1) More fruits and veggies. Try having an orange in the morning instead of orange juice, eat a small salad with your lunch, boil some greens as a side for your dinner. Have an apple with your snack instead of the sugar. None of these would significantly increase your calories, but they would give you a lot of fiber and micronutrients.

    2) 52% of your calories come from animal foods. Speaking purely from a standpoint of nutritional balance, I think that's too much. Getting more of your protein from plant sources like beans or lentils will also give you an iron and fiber boost, and getting more of your fats from plant sources like nuts and cold pressed oils will round out your essential fatty acids.

    3) 77% of your calories came from processed/packaged foods. I'm not really one to advocate for "clean" eating or anything, and I still eat a lot of packaged foods myself, but if you cut back your reliance on processed foods like orange juice, bread and bacon and replace them with whole fruits, grains and legumes, you'll end up eating a more nutritionally balanced diet over all.

    I hope this was at least a little bit helpful!
  • rachelprogress
    rachelprogress Posts: 37 Member
    Without knowing what your goals are or what kind of exercise you're doing, it's hard to say, but from a health prospective alone, I'd say you're eating too many prepared/processed items and too many carbs. Like others have said, sub the muffins or biscuits for something healthier (and higher protein, to fill you up longer!) and I think then you'd be on a better track.
  • MrsNolf
    MrsNolf Posts: 38 Member
    It would be great if you could sub the white bread for a complex carb. I also agree with the other posters about more fruit/veg. Are you feeling full durring the day? If you feel hungry, like you aren't getting enough calories- veg is the way to go. Because you have to eat more to get the same amount of calories, you feel full for longer =)
  • angelamcmillan2008
    to much carbohydrates.these things are to acidic.your body likes to lean toward alkaline need to eat more veggies that are alkaline.protein is acidic so it has to be balanced with other stuff/veggies.i dont know if you have alkaline water in your country try it if so.or if ya'll have baking soda it i also alkaline.made by arm and hammer.1 teaspoon in a glass of war with meal 3 times a week will bring your body back to a alkaline state.breads are bad,pasta is bad,sweets are bad.hope this helps
  • Eabec
    Eabec Posts: 53 Member
    More veggie.
    What about egg whites instead of whole eggs?
    Watch the sugar maybe too.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    More veggie.
    What about egg whites instead of whole eggs?
    Watch the sugar maybe too.

    Out of everything in this diary, why do you say no whole eggs? The yolks are good for you, plus egg white omelettes are disgusting.

    OP, the answer depends what your goals are, to be honest.

    If you just want to lose weight, then yes this diary is fine, If you want to improve your health, then no.

    There's a LOT of sugars in this diary, much of the same foods (two lots of bread, two lots of bacon, two lots of mushrooms?), not much veg and no fruit. Plus I have to ask, did you literally have chicken and 2 slices of bread? No butter? I used to make the mistake many years ago of not counting things like butter, but it is packed full of calories.
  • Cytrix
    Cytrix Posts: 48 Member
    All I see is brown, yellow and white. No greens, reds, vibrant colours...
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    to much carbohydrates.these things are to acidic.your body likes to lean toward alkaline need to eat more veggies that are alkaline.protein is acidic so it has to be balanced with other stuff/veggies.i dont know if you have alkaline water in your country try it if so.or if ya'll have baking soda it i also alkaline.made by arm and hammer.1 teaspoon in a glass of war with meal 3 times a week will bring your body back to a alkaline state.breads are bad,pasta is bad,sweets are bad.hope this helps
    There is no research confirming this alkaline business. If you have any controlled peer-reviewed studies please link them.
    NO Mercola. He doesn't count.
  • hannahsearle
    Muffin, hot chocolate, white bread, so much sugar!
    Also too much processed food so probably too much salt,
    Try and make some swaps for fruits veggies and nuts (ie salad on your sandwich, some veggies in your omlette, some fuit and nuts instead of a muffin, fruit smoothie instead of a hot chocolate, all easy to do and very yummy! :) )
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    I'd just say that you seem to be entirely missing green vegetables which are soooooo good for you!

    The only other thing I'd say is that you seem to be eating a lot of sugary/refined carby 'treat' food quite often. Personally I wouldn't have both a muffin and biscuits in the same day. Fruit juice also contains way more sugar than eating whole fruit (simply because instead of eating, say, 1 orange, you're eating the equivalent of 4-5 with all the fibrous bits taken out) so if you wanted the same day in a much healthier version I'd have gone for:

    Breakfast - 2 rasher bacon, 1 egg, 1 slice wholemeal bread

    Lunch: - again, wholemeal bread, chicken breasts and a big green salad with it with a dressing.

    Dinner: - instead of a second lot of bacon (which has a lot of sodium) try going for a beef, venison or turkey steak with a baked potato and green veg. Have a pudding of mixed berries with some creme fraiche.

    Snack: keep your biscuits and your Cadbury's highlights and as you'll have calories left from dumping the muffin and orange juice, try some nuts, whole fruit or some of the lower calorie popcorn.

    That's my take on it :smile:
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I wouldn't eat that - ever.. too much sugar. Not enough veg and I don't eat white bread - ever! Only whole wheat or multigrain.

    Juice is crap for you - full of sugar, chocolate milk, unless it's following a workout - stay away, too much sugar.

    Bacon is gross - but to each their own. It's also super high in BAD fat. Try turkey/chicken bacon.

    Eggs are fine. Mushrooms, although I dislike them, they are good for you, but switch it up for GREEN veggies.

    Muffins are loaded with sugar and carbs, unless it's a morning breakfast and whole grain or bran - not chocolate - then, once a week won't kill you.

    Look at my dairy, I do eat chocolate, but not a lot. My protein shakes are chocolate which is why I don't crave it as much as I use to.

    Carbs and Sugar = fat. Just sayin'.
  • SquidgySquidge
    SquidgySquidge Posts: 239 Member
    I don't think this diary is good at all, you have no veg (except 2 servings of mushrooms) and the only fruit is orange juice which is high in sugar.

    My suggestions would be:

    - Change your Thick White Bread for Medium Sliced Brown or 50/50
    - Cut down the bacon - that's a lot for 1 day, bacon is salty and fatty - I have switched to Turkey Rashers, they are yum :smile:
    - Muffin or biscuits, not both

    Now obviosuly I have snacks/treats, some days I would eat a muffin and a biscuit. However if we're looking at this as a daily thing, I wouldn't have both all the time.

    You have a high calorie allowance (you lucky thing) but you don't eat an awful lot - I eat way more than you on a 1400 cal day.
    But a lot of what I eat is bulker out with veg (especially green - so very good for you).
  • BlackEyedPanda
    BlackEyedPanda Posts: 86 Member
    Mushrooms are good! I think you should try adding fruit and veg to your diet. Orange juice tends to have a lot of sugar in it so why not just go with water instead.

    I would drop the bacon and the white bread too. The bacon is high in salt and the wrong kind of fats, white bread has nothing in it you need. Wholemeal bread may be more calorific but is not that bad for you.
    I see you eat a lot of treats (orange juice, white bread, choc muffin, biscuits) in one day. I haven't looked at your other days but eating these and high-fat bacon is got to be quite bad for your insides. Maybe try to keep an eye on your sugar levels.

    If you added more veg and fruit you could eat more too as they have less calories so you could have more meals. Maybe try a green and leafy salad with some avocado or walnuts for good fats, or with some beans. I really like a salad topped with butter beans and croutons. Soups are also filling and easy to pack for work, you can have lentils, beans, or PVC mince in your soups to get some good-quality low-in-fat protein.
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    I think MsPudding has some great suggestions.

    You could also try adding in some tomatoes, baby spinach - they fill you up and are good for you. I personally eat white bread, or wholemeal bread - lot less calories than some options! I often substitute a microwaved potato - still getting carbs, but healthier option than bread. Some breads are super high is calories, sodium, fat, etc so just read labels would be my advice when it comes to bread.

    I really like the mushrooms you are having. Bacon - maybe cut back have it just once. Whole eggs are filling.

    Muffins are a killer, there are some healthier options if you search the the forum for muffins you will see some recipes. I have a recipe for chocolate muffins that are only 109 calories!

    It looks like you have lost quite a bit of weight already so keep up the good work

    Basically more vegies. :smile: