On/under my calorie goal. Why no weight loss?

I am generally on or under my calorie goal and I exercise fairly regularly. I've always been slim but am currently at my heaviest weight which may be low to some people but because of my frame I see it quite distinctly. I eat healthily but do allow myself occasional treats, never overly strict on my diet (that would get too boring for me!). I'm also a pescatarian.

I joined MFP only a month or so ago and have yet to see any results in weight change, how long does it generally take? Am I being impatient or am I doing something wrong with my diet/exercise?

Any tips and advice would be highly appreciated!


  • badtastebetty
    badtastebetty Posts: 326 Member
    It would be easier to give advice if we could see your food diary.

    What's your calorie goal, how much of a defict are you creating, what kinds of food are you eating, are you active, do you measure what you eat?
  • doIlhands
    doIlhands Posts: 349 Member
    If you are already in a healthy range it will be harder to lose weight. Do you weigh your food? You might be underestimating the calories that you are eating.
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    Show us your diary, tell us how much you are eating and what exercise you are doing.
  • berlin_body
    Oops, didn't realise it was set to private, you should be able to see it now. I also do strength training for legs, glutes and abs which I haven't logged but do about three times a week - or days I am not able to fit in an aerobics workout.
  • berlin_body
    I'm following a 1200 calorie goal at the moment, and whatever I exercise off I replenish with food. I've never been a major fan of junk food - haven't eaten McDonalds for 13 years now, never had Burger King or KFC. I generally home cook meals so I know what is being put into everything, and am conscious of not eating too many naughty treats (though right now is a little difficult with Easter eek!)

    I started measuring foods to make sure I was putting the correct amounts into the Food Diary so everything shoooould be as close to correct as I can get it.
  • superprim
    superprim Posts: 3 Member
    I think sugar is the devil.... I did the cal. count vs. exercise and got some result.... Went I went after sugar and exercise that seems to be the trick pony for me..
  • dmeyers1969
    dmeyers1969 Posts: 130 Member
    Reading your food diary, you have a bunch of days you are under goal by several hundred calories, I think you need to eat more, eat your exercise calories back. That is what I have made sure I do and it is working
  • lawtechie
    lawtechie Posts: 708 Member
    Looked at a few wees of your diary and many days you are 200+ calories under your goal, when factoring in exercise.

    Also, some ot the home made entries have no carbs, sodium, fat, etc.? How are you calculating the home made stuff. Suggest using recipe builder so you can get a clearer picture of what you're eating (referring to the garlic brocolli pasta).

    Perhaps your sodium levels are high that you're retaining water, and the calories not enough that your body is holiding on everything you eat.

    That's my thoughts.
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    I've kind of been at a stand still the past couple months. My trainer just upped my calories from 1200 to 1400 and told me to make sure I'm drinking enough water. We'll see how that goes.
  • babyblooz
    babyblooz Posts: 220 Member
    Are you keeping an eye on your sodium? That Dominos pizza was packed with it. Too much salt can make you retain water. The scale never moves for me if I go overboard with sodium.
  • STrooper
    STrooper Posts: 659 Member
    I took a look back a couple of weeks. A couple of hundred calories a day deficit at the relatively low calorie intake levels you are trying to maintain just may not produce much of a result.
  • berlin_body
    Ok great, thank you for your help everyone will see how I get on with all the advice!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    set your calorie goal to lose 0.5lbs per week.... you only need a slight deficit when you are already at a healthy weight.

    a good full body strength training programme 3x a week with a bit of cardio is all you need. and eat back your exercsie cals!