Why Am I Still Hungry ???



  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    i just key in the quick calories but an example of what i eat would be :
    MEAL 1: Greek yogurt (100 calorie), Oatmeal 2 packs (130 calories each)
    MEAL 2: Baked Potatoes (300 calories)
    MEAL 3: 4oz. Ground Turkey (240 calories), 8oz. Broccoli 30 calories
    MEAL 4: Greek Yogurt (100 calorie) , Ground Turkey (240 calories) Baked Carrots (25 Calories)
    && 1/2 Gallon Of Water thorughout the day....

    You said you were eating 1600 a day. I'm counting about 1300 here. If you aren't tracking your calorie consumption (including condiments!), then it's really just a guesstimate. Also, some people are actually hungrier when they snack often. Snacking throughout the day kicks your metabolism in high gear (which could be why you are starving).

    I like to use this analogy: Think of your metabolism like it's a small fire. If you throw a giant log on it, you'll snuff it out. If you throw only a tiny twig on it sporadically, it'll burn out. Key is to give it enough, several times a day. Whether that be 3 meals a day, or 6. However, no matter how you dice it, even if you throw one giant 1600 calorie meal on top of your metabolism... you still have a deficit and will lose weight.

    But, we aren't talking about weight loss here. We're talking about your comfort level while losing the weight. Experiment with your meals. Eat a large breakfast and lunch one day. Are you starving by dinner? Increase protein to 100-150 grams per day. Experiment with higher levels of carbs and fiber. Everyone has to tweak their food intake until they find what works for them.
  • thanks !
  • thanks everyone i appreciate the advice !
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Combine protein, fiber and healthy fats at each meal. Report back on hunger pangs in one week.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Snacking throughout the day kicks your metabolism in high gear (which could be why you are starving).

    I like to use this analogy: Think of your metabolism like it's a small fire. If you throw a giant log on it, you'll snuff it out. If you throw only a tiny twig on it sporadically, it'll burn out. Key is to give it enough, several times a day. Whether that be 3 meals a day, or 6. However, no matter how you dice it, even if you throw one giant 1600 calorie meal on top of your metabolism... you still have a deficit and will lose weight.

    I'm sorry, I don't mean to come across as rude...but this is completely 100% false. 10 jumping jacks increases your metabolism more than any meal does. Large meals don't slow your metabolism, and small meals don't increase it. If anything, the adrenalin and other hormones produced by an actual empty stomach do more to increase your metabolism (in the short term...less than 72hrs, so the studies say) than any size meal would.
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    i just key in the quick calories but an example of what i eat would be :
    MEAL 1: Greek yogurt (100 calorie), Oatmeal 2 packs (130 calories each)
    MEAL 2: Baked Potatoes (300 calories)
    MEAL 3: 4oz. Ground Turkey (240 calories), 8oz. Broccoli 30 calories
    MEAL 4: Greek Yogurt (100 calorie) , Ground Turkey (240 calories) Baked Carrots (25 Calories)
    && 1/2 Gallon Of Water thorughout the day....
    I would be hungry eating this too.

    MEAL 1 is all mushy. I get hungry fast when I have breakfast that doesn't have something more solid. My suggestion is to cut the packs of oatmeal and cook up some steel-cut oats instead. They are slower to digest.

    MEAL 2 is all starch! That doesn't hold me long and I try to avoid eating such simple carbs. I don't know why anyone calls starch a complex carb when it turns to sugar from saliva. Have a snack with lots of fiber or a meal that includes protein here and vegetables that aren't just a big ball of starch. This seems more like a snack meal (is that right?) in which case I'd move the meal 4 greek yogurt here and have that with some fruit.

    MEAL 3 would be too low calorie for me to feel satisfied. I would add in a piece of fruit.

    MEAL 4 also doesn't seem very satisfying. Why not add in some bulk like a salad or greens? Another root vegetable! Carrots are pretty low in fiber and mostly starches and sugars - again, like the potato, fast to be digested. Think green and leafy.

    Also, I also added this up to only about 1300 calories, so you could be hungry because you aren't eating enough!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    You eat carbs and protein, but I heard no mention of Mr. Fatty. He's your friend too.
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    You eat carbs and protein, but I heard no mention of Mr. Fatty. He's your friend too.
    Very true! Also adds to satisfaction level! Add some nuts to your meals. Very easy to add to your oatmeal or just snack on.
  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    as others are stating, eat carbs and protein together
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    Snacking throughout the day kicks your metabolism in high gear (which could be why you are starving).

    I like to use this analogy: Think of your metabolism like it's a small fire. If you throw a giant log on it, you'll snuff it out. If you throw only a tiny twig on it sporadically, it'll burn out. Key is to give it enough, several times a day. Whether that be 3 meals a day, or 6. However, no matter how you dice it, even if you throw one giant 1600 calorie meal on top of your metabolism... you still have a deficit and will lose weight.

    I'm sorry, I don't mean to come across as rude...but this is completely 100% false. 10 jumping jacks increases your metabolism more than any meal does. Large meals don't slow your metabolism, and small meals don't increase it. If anything, the adrenalin and other hormones produced by an actual empty stomach do more to increase your metabolism (in the short term...less than 72hrs, so the studies say) than any size meal would.

    Nope, I expected someone to counter that. It's an analogy that came from a bodybuilder that I know. He was giving me advice on how to lose weight. I still stick to it, and it works for me. Although, I also agree with you about exercise. That absolutely makes a difference in metabolic rates. But, I have seen a lot of research on metabolism and, I will have to friendly agree to disagree:

  • TigressPat
    TigressPat Posts: 722
    you meals are boring. sounds like a fad diet rather than a lifestyle change.
    also, you are not eating enough.
    you said 1600, but your sample menu is about 1300.

    I'd be hangry too...
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    i just key in the quick calories but an example of what i eat would be :
    MEAL 1: Greek yogurt (100 calorie), Oatmeal 2 packs (130 calories each)
    MEAL 2: Baked Potatoes (300 calories)
    MEAL 3: 4oz. Ground Turkey (240 calories), 8oz. Broccoli 30 calories
    MEAL 4: Greek Yogurt (100 calorie) , Ground Turkey (240 calories) Baked Carrots (25 Calories)
    && 1/2 Gallon Of Water thorughout the day....

    I'm only counting about 1250 calories here. You said 1600 - is that your goal? Are you constantly in the green by several hundred calories. If so, then eat all those calories!

    Also, I would say probably not enough protein (overall) and probably not enough fat. Add some toppings to your baked potatoes (bacon, broccoli, and cheese, plus a dollop of sour cream maybe). Snack on veggies, raw nuts, and berries. You could probably have a bit of avocado in there, or other healthy fats.
  • angelcurry130
    angelcurry130 Posts: 265 Member
    without knowing what you are eating:

    try eating high volume food instead of high calorie (ie. salad greens in large quantity)
    protein rich foods (meats, fish, fowl)
    save starchy or fatty foods for special occasions or limit them to only ONE mini splurge a day (as long as it fits your macros)
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    Also, the International Journal of Obesity published a scientific report of meal times affecting weight loss success, if anyone is interested in some "light" reading:

  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Snacking throughout the day kicks your metabolism in high gear (which could be why you are starving).

    I like to use this analogy: Think of your metabolism like it's a small fire. If you throw a giant log on it, you'll snuff it out. If you throw only a tiny twig on it sporadically, it'll burn out. Key is to give it enough, several times a day. Whether that be 3 meals a day, or 6. However, no matter how you dice it, even if you throw one giant 1600 calorie meal on top of your metabolism... you still have a deficit and will lose weight.

    I'm sorry, I don't mean to come across as rude...but this is completely 100% false. 10 jumping jacks increases your metabolism more than any meal does. Large meals don't slow your metabolism, and small meals don't increase it. If anything, the adrenalin and other hormones produced by an actual empty stomach do more to increase your metabolism (in the short term...less than 72hrs, so the studies say) than any size meal would.

    Nope, I expected someone to counter that. It's an analogy that came from a bodybuilder that I know. He was giving me advice on how to lose weight. I still stick to it, and it works for me. Although, I also agree with you about exercise. That absolutely makes a difference in metabolic rates. But, I have seen a lot of research on metabolism and, I will have to friendly agree to disagree:


    I agree with everything on the webmd page, other than slide 6. I don't have the studies handy (on my phone), but there are dozens that have proven repeatedly that eating does not provide a viable boost to metabolism. The book 'Eat Stop Eat' alone is full of them.

    As to the second, do you understand how small an overall impact that 'increase' is? As I said, ten jumping jacks would surpass it...as does the hormonal response of actually having an empty stomach for awhile each day.

    The other thing you're assuming is that raised insulin levels are a bad thing when it comes to fat loss. This is false. Consistently raised insulin levels would be bad, but when consuming 1-2 large meals of an afternoon/evening, versus 4-6 small meals throughout the day...my peak insulin response level is absolutely higher. However...my average insulin response level is substantially lower. AND I get to have a couple of full, satisfying meals every day :).

    Something to think about there.

    Another thing to think about...many bodybuilders (and understand, I'm glad your friends method is working for you!) are slaves to the antiquated methods developed by their mentors, and theirs before them. On top of that...bodybuilders in general have an entirely different mindset than your average dieter. What they are willing to do in order to improve their physiques is often uncomfortable, and sometimes even actually unhealthy.

    In contrast, here's a look at a more progressive bodybuilders blog:


    (ETA - I'm more than willing to agree to disagree, but discussion is so much more enjoyable, don't you think?)
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Move some of your protein to the first half of the day. If I start my day with only carbs, well the carb monster rears its ugly head, and it's a very difficult day. Protein helps to keep me full.

    ^^^ you got it!!
  • Protein with every meal!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • lilred806
    lilred806 Posts: 195 Member
    I would be starving eating what you are eating. I would suggest trying something like eggs for breakfast and see if it helps hold you longer. Oatmeal doesn't last more than an hour for me. Throw some grilled chicken into spinach for a lunch salad and I think you would be more satisfied than a baked potato. Good luck.
  • TheDarlingOne
    TheDarlingOne Posts: 255 Member
    Personally speaking, I have to start my day with protein - or else I end up jacking the p.m. of the day up really bad.
    For example, running late today - all I had was a bowl of cereal (not the 'good one' - the sugary kiddy kind - HOWEVER I did measure it out and ate only 1 serving, etc)....

    I did good throughout the day - but just now had my p.m. break (I work 14 hour days) - and I went in there and ate my lunch for tomorrow ALREADY! - I couldn't take it. Something in me was going bonkers lol. Granted, I do feel much better now - and I am aware, that it's because of the lack of a well rounded protein packed breakfast that jacked me up (well that and the lack of willpower some would say - but my willpower killer is a non-protein breakfast i guess lol)
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    I eat around 1600 on my rest days and it's a challenge for me. I also eat 6 (or more) times per day, which becomes an even bigger challenge on a rest day. The keys are preplanning, and making sure that every single calorie is high quality so I get the most for what I am eating.
    My reaction to your sample meals - 1. boring. 2. more veggies! You can eat a lot of veggies for very few calories, and the fiber will really help to keep you full.
    My diary is open. If you look at Monday and Tuesday of this week, I ate around 1600 both days. And I ate a lot of food! Of course, you have do to what works for you and eat foods that you actually like, but it might give you some ideas.