Inches Lost, But NOT Pounds?!?!!??!!

So, I have been busting my butt. Exercising and trying every diet known to man...I have lost a total of nine inches in my waist, and ZERO pounds!!!!!! HOW is that possible, I feel like my body defies the laws of physics or something. I am 5'2" and I weigh 190 pounds. That is so gross to me. I went from a size 18 jeans to a size 14, but seriously, I DO NOT want to be 190lbs. Has ANYONE else experienced this? So frustrated and almost done trying....


  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member

    muscle weighs the same as fat but it takes up less space. so if you lose a pound of fat but gain a pound of muscle you will weigh the same amount but lose inches.

    scales are the devil. throw it away
  • SirZee
    SirZee Posts: 381
    You are on the right track, think months and years. Instant gratification is for people with tiny brains. You know what is right, keep doing it. Pounds will follow the inches.
  • SirZee
    SirZee Posts: 381

    muscle weighs the same as fat but it takes up less space. so if you lose a pound of fat but gain a pound of muscle you will weigh the same amount but lose inches.

    scales are the devil. throw it away

    With all respect to the poster, don't fall for this. You can't gain muscle that fast. People who lift like crazy, get maybe 1lb muscle a month.

    Relax, no biggie, keep doing the right thing, and results will follow.
  • Energizer06
    Energizer06 Posts: 311 Member
    First you make this post

    I am about to just say "scr*w it" and call it a day...WTF?! For the past month and a half, ALL I have done is eat 1400 calories a day. Occasionally, but more not than often, I have gone a tad over, but not by much. And I'm burning 500-700 calories a day. I have lost NOTHING. Please don't say that I can't be doing that, and not lose, because I can assure you, I AM and HAVEN'T. I don't understand why I've been stuck. I don't think I can continue micro managing calories and not see any results anymore. I just don't get it. I'm on a beta blocker, but I have seen many many mfp members lose weight while taking them. I'm 40 lbs overweight, and I'm beyond sick of it. 5'2" and 185lbs just isn't working out. I don't understand what else I need to do....Has anyone else ever thought they were never going to be able to do it? What did you do differently to get that scale to move? I don't mean to sound pathetic or whiny, please bare with me.

    And now you state you've lost nine inches.

    There must be something wrong with you. Read what I posted on your first post and what every one else told you. Adaptability. go read the comments from your first post earlier today and stop complaining.
  • ThriftyChica12
    ThriftyChica12 Posts: 373 Member
    you've lost inches off your waist, gone down several pants sizes, and you're "ready to give up"? :huh:

    with all due respect, people see what u LOOK like, not some neon sign above your head blinking "190...190...190"
  • ami5000psu
    ami5000psu Posts: 391 Member
    You've lost 9 inches and went from a size 18 to a size 14 and you're ready to stop trying and give up? You're obviously doing something right even if the number on the scale isn't changing. Your body IS changing; you're dropping inches and went down 2 sizes! That's a lot! Don't give up now just because the number on the scale hasn't changed. The scale isn't the only thing that matters! Good luck on the rest of your journey.
  • Energizer06
    Energizer06 Posts: 311 Member

    muscle weighs the same as fat but it takes up less space. so if you lose a pound of fat but gain a pound of muscle you will weigh the same amount but lose inches.

    scales are the devil. throw it away

    With all respect to the poster, don't fall for this. You can't gain muscle that fast. People who lift like crazy, get maybe 1lb muscle a month.

    Relax, no biggie, keep doing the right thing, and results will follow.

    Let see! How long does it take to put on muscle? Would love to see your answer to this!
  • pouncepet
    pouncepet Posts: 72 Member
    So... you want which:
    1. Achieve a certain size and physique
    2. Achieve a number on the scale

    The two do not always go hand in hand. Anyway, no one save you and your doctor knows your weight - it isnt stamped on your forehead. But people can SEE you and your physique :glasses: Something to consider. Plus, women lie about their age... you dont think you can apply the same thing to weigbt? *looks at driver licenses*


    Keep Calm and keep eating right & exercising.
  • Energizer06
    Energizer06 Posts: 311 Member
    Two words:
    BF% and Measure...done
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    You got smaller! Yay! Many people see lower numbers on the scale but their clothes still fit the same - you've got nothin' to complain about - inches lost trumps pounds in my book! :drinker:

    But I do understand that you'd like to see that scale move as well - give it time, many see inches go down, then scale numbers drop, then more inches, then more weight, etc. Keep at it, be patient - it takes time, but it's totally worth it. Look how far you've come already - down from a size 18 to a 14 is fantastic!!
  • SirZee
    SirZee Posts: 381
    Around 1lb per month if you work out rigorously and eat the right stuff. (And are a man, women its less)

    Btw, in my experience, when you "diet" and nothing changes, its almost always overestimating portion sizes. off 10-20%? those will add up real fast.. get a precise food scale, you will be surprised how bad we are at guesstimating actual weights/sizes.
  • mrcamp75
    mrcamp75 Posts: 2
    Around 1lb per month if you work out rigorously and eat the right stuff. (And are a man, women its less)

    Btw, in my experience, when you "diet" and nothing changes, its almost always overestimating portion sizes. off 10-20%? those will add up real fast.. get a precise food scale, you will be surprised how bad we are at guesstimating actual weights/sizes.

    This is very true and yes you have to weigh your food out. When I eat out I take a food scale in with me, you do what you have to do. I lost from 297 to 280 and was stick for a while so I joined my fitness pal and start weighing my food and lost to 174 and I'm 6ft 4.
    I hope this helps good luck and don't give up.
  • collingmommy
    collingmommy Posts: 456 Member
    I lost 26 inches in one month doing 30 day shred. . I have been doing the strong lift program since feb1st and have lost over 19 inches in 6 weeks .. Hers the difference. October WA 30 day shred, all of which i did 29 solid days! No joke.. With sl5x5 i do 3 days a week of HEAVY lifting. Yea. My scale number has only changed 10lbs since October, but my actual body is getting better!! I have a love hate relationship with my scale! I love when it goes down, it hates me when i throw it across the room! Lol.. Good lyck to u and don't get depressed.. Hell, take pictures monthly and compare them.
  • Paganrosemama
    Paganrosemama Posts: 86 Member
    9 inches is amazing! You may have some water retention, especially if you drink very little water and/or have high amounts of sodium... How long has it been since you started to try and lose weight? Otherwise consult your doctor.
  • Energizer06
    Energizer06 Posts: 311 Member
    Around 1lb per month if you work out rigorously and eat the right stuff. (And are a man, women its less)

    Btw, in my experience, when you "diet" and nothing changes, its almost always overestimating portion sizes. off 10-20%? those will add up real fast.. get a precise food scale, you will be surprised how bad we are at guesstimating actual weights/sizes.

    This is very true and yes you have to weigh your food out. When I eat out I take a food scale in with me, you do what you have to do. I lost from 297 to 280 and was stick for a while so I joined my fitness pal and start weighing my food and lost to 174 and I'm 6ft 4.
    I hope this helps good luck and don't give up.
    There really isn’t a one size fits all answer. We may have all be created equal but certainly not the same! Genetics do play a big part. Someone with a smaller frame is just not going to be able to pack on as much muscle as someone with a bigger frame.If you are a beginner it isn’t totally uncommon to see up to a 1 pound per week gain, but that will slow down once you approach your body’s full potential. We like to call them newbie gains.
  • Jamiew3kids
    Jamiew3kids Posts: 101 Member
    Im in the same boat. April 1st I put the scale away (no joke) and I am just going to focus on those inches going away. Add me if you want too. :) If we stick with it it will all fall off!
  • mrcamp75
    mrcamp75 Posts: 2
    very true
  • Energizer06
    Energizer06 Posts: 311 Member
    I lost 26 inches in one month doing 30 day shred. . I have been doing the strong lift program since feb1st and have lost over 19 inches in 6 weeks .. Hers the difference. October WA 30 day shred, all of which i did 29 solid days! No joke.. With sl5x5 i do 3 days a week of HEAVY lifting. Yea. My scale number has only changed 10lbs since October, but my actual body is getting better!! I have a love hate relationship with my scale! I love when it goes down, it hates me when i throw it across the room! Lol.. Good lyck to u and don't get depressed.. Hell, take pictures monthly and compare them.
    Which throwing it across the room is much easier now that you've being doing SL5x5. Best beginner program out there! IMO
    Congrats on your upgraded body! It takes a lot of these three things:1. Hard work,2. Dedication, and 3.Patience (TIME) 4. More Time 5. More Patience...I swear those last few take forever. Keep it up!
  • iceman7840
    iceman7840 Posts: 110
    Losing inches off your waist line is just as much a win as losing lbs on the scale. Just keep going and don't focus on the numbers so much.