25 lbs lost can you see a difference? {pics}

FractalFae Posts: 63 Member
Hi there everyone... this is my first time posting a progress pic on here and I'm a bit nervous. :ohwell: I hope this picture thing works. I have lost about 25 lbs and I was just wondering if anyone notices a difference? I don't see many and I'm using this picture as inspiration to bust my butt a little harder than I have been... forget that a lot harder. I see all these amazing people on the success story board who have lost 100 or more lbs in a year and I'm at 8 months and have only lost 25 lbs. It's a bit disappointing to say the least! But I know it's mostly my fault. I'm not super strict with what I eat, I don't exercise at all... I KNOW I CAN DO BETTER. PS - please feel free to add me as a friend if you're willing to help me kick my butt into gear! All input is appreciated!



  • moo1907
    moo1907 Posts: 24
    You can definitly see a difference! Look at your jaw line! I'm jealous! You should put some more body ones up so we can point out the changes in the rest of you :) ur looking great girl!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,204 Member
    You look so happy in your weight loss picture. I can tell you are taking care of yourself and that's what is important. Good job!
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    Absolutely! Keep up the good work!
  • Kailey84
    Kailey84 Posts: 6 Member
    You look really great, your face is the biggest change in this picture.
    Amazing work - It's so hard, but your doing great !
  • carlybkelly12
    carlybkelly12 Posts: 6 Member
    I can definitely see the difference in your face and neck! Looks awesome! Keep it up, you will reach your goal.:-)
  • pepgab
    pepgab Posts: 80 Member
    Keep up the good work.
  • jorgele
    jorgele Posts: 33 Member
    Awesome job, i can see a difference......keep up the good work!
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I can so see the difference, keep it up you are doing great!
  • PJT614
    PJT614 Posts: 17 Member
    :heart: I lost 10 lbs in 3 months. So double it, 20 lbs in 6 months. I think you are right on target. Looking good
  • PJT614
    PJT614 Posts: 17 Member
    The tears are for me, nderstanding frustration.
  • JlSimon22
    JlSimon22 Posts: 73 Member
    I agree you can definitely see a difference!! You look great! Typical weight loss is only 1-2 pounds a week not accounting for days that just aren't perfect days. It took me about the same amount of time to lose 25 pounds. You are on the right path, keep up the great work!!
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    Because your second picture isn't full body photo not sure if you can in the body but I see changes in your face. Keep up the great work!
  • ravenrxx
    ravenrxx Posts: 455 Member
    yes! your face is slimmer! well done!!(:
  • nnelson33
    nnelson33 Posts: 101
    you can totally tell!! you look awesome! it took me 6 months to lose 25 lbs and I felt somewhat the same way. I know it's hard but don't compare your weight loss journey with anyone else's because it's your own battle. If you're not happy with your own progress, then sure, feel free to ramp it up, but don't let other's success discourage you by any means :) Good luck!
  • pe4sandra
    pe4sandra Posts: 102 Member
    I can see a difference...way to go!
  • Trueray
    Trueray Posts: 1,189 Member
    wowwwwww! Look amazing!
  • deannarobinson215
    deannarobinson215 Posts: 3 Member
    It's amazing what a difference 25 pounds can make, u look great!
  • totally! you look fab, keep it up!!
  • MTGirl4Life
    MTGirl4Life Posts: 84 Member
    Great job! Yes, I can see a difference, especially in your face. Twenty-five pounds lost is better than either staying stable or gaining!! I personally think a slower change in eating habits is better than a quick change. I am an emotional eater, so changing the habits of reaching for food (esp. sweets) when I am stressed, sad, happy, etc., has been a slow progress over the past year (I actually have been trying to lose weight over the past 2 years). Since Dec. 28, 2012, I have lost 21 lbs. Something just clicked in January, and many days are easier than what I am used to. I just started regular exercise about two weeks ago, which includes free weights (5 lbs), walking, and simply jumping jacks. I started Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred just 3 days ago. I already notice the tone in my arms (not in the size, but I can feel the tone). I cannot do the entire routine without stopping, but I know every little bit that I can do is better than simply sitting on the couch or lying in bed for 3 or 4 hours every night after work (which was my habit/routine before exercise came into my life). For me, I do a lot of self talk while I am on my walk. Almost as if Jillian or Bob (both from The Biggest Loser) were in my head telling me "you can do it", "just five more minutes", "push through this", etc. I also have had a few crying spells over the fact that I could not eat some ice cream or candy bars. I allow myself to feel the pain from "losing" that "friend", that "companion", that "therapist" called sweets/food/treats. Lately, I have been telling myself that I CAN have the food, but that I do not NEED it, and ask myself why do I want to eat it? Another thing that has helped me is to tell my family (husband and 3 kids (ages 25 yrs, 23 yrs, and 17 yrs)) that if they see me grabbing for something or actually already eating something, they are to ask me if I really need it. Sometimes I have gotten mad at them, and sometimes I have snuck the food later. But, after much self-talk and journaling, I am overcoming my desire to "pig out" on candy bars, brownies, etc. It is getting easier to put down a candy, even if I have already unwrapped it. I still have days where I can SEE myself literally shoving candy bars in my mouth as fast as I can unwrap them (I am talking an entire bag of individual Snickers or Reese's Peanut Butter cups). Although I have a feeling that I may always have this visual image, I have faith that I will be able to overcome the urge because of all of the work, time, and patience that I am putting into myself now. I have come to enjoy my hot cup of caffeine free green tea mixed with cinnamon apple herb tea, which I drink as my evening "snack" when I am either craving sweets or wanting to munch. One other piece of advice I give to you is to take measurements. I have measurements of my upper arms, calves, thighs, chest, neck, hips, waist, and abs. The most important to me are the hips, waist, and abs. Every Friday morning, I do my official weigh in, and take those three measurements. I have lost just over 3 inches in each of the 3 areas, for a total of 10 inches total in my hips/waist/abs area. I also took before pictures, and just took them again after 12 weeks. Although I cannot see much of a difference a lot of days when I look in the mirror, I have the pictures to look at; and boy can I see the difference there. I wish you well in your journey. You are on the right path. For some of us, we are better to begin by taking baby steps, and work our way into healthier eating, and then on to more exercise. Tracking my food (most) everyday, and reading the various community posts has helped me stay on track and focused. I do allow myself one or two "free" meals every weekend, and this does help me to feel "sane". Please add me as a friend if you would like my support. I would appreciate your support, too.
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