Just starting my lifestyle change

Hello all,

I'm 22, and 180 standing at 5'1...... I'm trying to lose 40 pounds. I need some support, friends, or pointers! Anything to keep me focused on my goal. I'm in college, and I'm a carb addict! lmaooo But feel free to add me


  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    That's great to read! I'm a college student and I have a busy lifestyle - studying, going to classes, working out, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I have tons of advice for you and Id love to support you and anyone else who wants the same.
  • JanieElise
    JanieElise Posts: 51 Member
    Just make sure to take your logging serious!! Log everything and keep moving!! You can do it!
  • dubrey84
    dubrey84 Posts: 6
    Thanks alot guys, I guess I'll make this my new favorite social network!
  • Catzwitch
    Catzwitch Posts: 205 Member
    Welcome! MFP is great for support as well as logging. My tip - try different things till you find what works for you. Everyone is different. :smile: And log away. On the days I count, everything that comes near my lips goes in that diary. :happy: Keeps me in check. Most of all, take it one day at a time. This isn't a diet, its a lifestyle. :flowerforyou:
  • PaleoChocolateBear
    PaleoChocolateBear Posts: 2,844 Member
    Well welcome to MFP and good luck on reaching your goals, any question don't be afraid to ask
  • bodyrollin
    bodyrollin Posts: 215 Member
    Welcome! If I can tell you one thing as the single piece of advice that is most important to learn...I'd say always be honest when you're logging...if you go over don't beat yourself up, but figure out where you went wrong, and move on, never ever stop...you may plateau at some point, or not get the results as quickly as you hoped, but sincerely, just stick with it...at one point I spent an entire month at the same weight despite sticking to my diet...I kept at it, and that was now 40ish pounds ago, so yeah...there's my best single piece of advice, I'm always happy to share what I've learned along the way, so of you ever have any questions feel free to ask...
  • carbar90
    carbar90 Posts: 60 Member
    Hey! I'm 22, 5'1 also in college.. I started at just over 160, I'm going to add you as we have similar goals!
  • CMCShaw
    CMCShaw Posts: 2
    Hi Dubrey. My name is Cathy and I'm in CA. I just started last week. I am 51, 5'8" and naturally thin; however, I just found out I have dangerously high Cholesterol (288) and a very high Triglycerides count. My nutritionist has told me I am Pre-diabetic. I'm thin...really? Are you kidding me? I'm on the verge of having diabetes? Scary stuff!!!! Anyways, she said I need to lower my carbs, lower my cholesterol, eat only 1300 calories a day and work out 60 minutes a day...or they will put me on meds. Noooo!!!!! Meds are never the answer!!!!! So, I came onto My Fitness Pal.com at the recommendation of a friend. I am not a "bad" eater most of the time, but I DO like my "fast food" which is apparently getting me into trouble. So, for the past 10 days I have been eating extremely healthy, but physically, can't seem to be able to work out more than 40 minutes a day. It's kicking my butt. My goal is only 6 pounds over the next 5 weeks, BUT, I need to make a lifestyle change too, so that's why I responded to your post. This is not a temporary fix. I want to grow from this. I smoke and drink too, which are also my goals (to quit!!!) besides the 6 lbs. I'll help you if you help me!!!! How are you doing? :)

    You wanted some pointers. Not sure if I can help, but this is what I have been doing:

    This is what I eat on a daily basis because of what my nutritionist told me:

    1 hard-boiled Egg
    1 slice (1/8 cantaloupe) - it has one of the lowest sugars of fruit

    Snack: (3 hrs later)
    6-12 almonds
    Fruit or veggie (I have 5 mini carrots)

    Lunch: (3 hrs later)
    Big Salad with a meat...chicken, beef or fish or a hamburger wrapped in lettuce instead of a bun (skip the fries)
    Fat Free Jello (sweet but only 10 calories)

    Snack: (3 hrs later)
    1 String Cheese
    1/4 cup of Any vegetable or fruit

    Again, chicken, meat or fish (yes, it gets boring, but mix it up!!)
    Steamed vegetables (anything)
    1/2 cup of beans as a side, 1/2 avocado on your salad; cook with olive oil (protein and good fat)

    She said to always mix a protein (meat, fish, chicken) with a fruit or vegetable. They need to work together to provide the best benefit. Also, picture an 8" dinner plate. 50% should be vegetables; 25% should be protein (your meat); and 25% should be grains (rice or pasta). (Because of my high Triglycerides, I can't do any pasta), so I do 30% protein, 50% veggies and 20% healthy starch (baked potato, red potato).

    I hope some of this helps. Good luck to you!!! :)))

  • dubrey84
    dubrey84 Posts: 6
    THANK YOU EVERYONE :wink: :smile: , You all are such an inspiration!
  • CMCShaw
    CMCShaw Posts: 2
    Oh wow! A whole bunch of people responded as well. I do not claim to be an expert, and if anyone has any advice for me or Dubrey84, please speak up!!!!!! I really want to succeed. I have the drive. That is no question. I need the tools to help me be successful and your experience and comments are welcome. Thanks in advance.
  • tlbohnert
    tlbohnert Posts: 12 Member
    What a help, thank you. I, too am pre-diabetic but I don't want to go on the meds so I am determined to lose weight before I visit my Dr. again. I needed to see a change up in foods that work for this condition. Here's to a lifestyle change...
  • iceman7840
    iceman7840 Posts: 110
    Don't try to make too many drastic changes all at once. Make small gradual changes into your new lifestyle. Before you know it, they will become the norm.