Anyone from IRELAND?!

fraochin Posts: 48
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone,

So I've been a member a few days and have lots of friends from the UK and the USA but is there anyone out there a little closer to home?!


  • osupike35
    osupike35 Posts: 17 Member
    Unfortunately no, but I certainly want to visit and wouldn't feel to sad about migrating there, lol.
  • popplylily
    popplylily Posts: 97
    uk.. so over the water..
  • katlou2
    katlou2 Posts: 199 Member
    Not me either, BUT my great, great x7 or 8 grandfathers back was! Does that count! hehe. I had the opportunity to visit Scotland and Ireland is my next wish! My boss just got back from touring Ireland last week, her pictures are absolutely beautiful! I can't wait till it's my turn! Hope you find some neighbors, or you may just be stuck with us Americans and the Brits!
  • bigcoon103
    bigcoon103 Posts: 30
    My son went there, loves it, and swears we are part Irish, could be. Would like to visit some day. Have a great day.
  • Saloule
    Saloule Posts: 19
    Northern Ireland, that still counts though, right?! Haha
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