26 lbs down...55 more to go by the end of the year

So I started my weight loss journey on January 9th. What scared me into it...? I had my gall bladder removed Dec 2011 and almost exactly a year to the day I had my appendix out last December. Then I saw my BMI indicator and the fact that I was at a scary percentage for heart disease or stroke. I already have neurological disorders that the doctors cant figure out and don't want anymore health scares. So I've lost 26 lbs and have 55 more to go. Ive been feeling like giving up the last 2 weeks, dieting and exercise. I went to Zumba tonight for only half of the hour and felt like death all over again. I don't know why after losing almost 30 lbs I feel like Im at the bottom of Mt Everest and cant get to the top. Ive heard of struggles and bumps in the road, but I feel like Im at a stop sign with no turning point. Any suggestions?? I know only I can do this and am thankful for this social site and support.

Thanks~ <3


  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    Your doing it girl!! your reaching out and saying " I NEED HELP!!" we are here to help you :)!! I know how you feel I have lost 25lbs and plateaued right out!, it sucks but its my body's way of letting me know its in need of a challenge and change in food and calories and such.. I am alright with doing that. I don't even see this as a weight loss diet of any kind, its a LIFE STYLE CHANGE!! and until you accept it you will always be struggling with wanting to give up. I am 26 years old as well and have luckily : knock on wood: not had anything major. I use to be 250 and was working out and eating semi healthy and trying to loose weight.. On August 2011 I was in a severe car accident and my leg was fractured in the tibia and fibula area. I had two surgeries to fix it and am now half bionic leg!! I was thinking wow! I could do anything on this leg..WRONG!! I can't run without my leg killing, I can't even do a jumping jack because my leg gives out and I am flat on my face...IT SUCKS!! but I am not giving up, this is my life!! This is my UNBORN CHILDREN'S lives as well.. Just know you can do this no matter what. You are not a quitter, you are a fierce tiger fighting for your life and you will SUCCEED! Be positive in everything, because if you say I CAN'T do this! you most certainly will not succeed. What I have been doing is posting a non celebrity picture of a healthy body on my fridge and it makes me hold myself accountable for this nasty fat I have on my body and helps me choose healthier foods. I post health pictures all over my phone so when I am on it, I think huh instead of looking at these I am going to exercise to look healthy like that. We live in a world were skinny is everything, WRONG!! its healthy we need to look at.. Be a Healthier you! set small goals and work towards them...like you say you have 55lbs left, do a 10lb goal a few months and then reward yourself for the loss :), I normally reward myself with a magazine or some healthy food out. Just always look at calories before you eat anything, what I do if I know I am going out to eat is get on MFP or the places website and look at everything to see its nutrition value. SO when I get their I don't have to look at the menu and be tempted by other things, I know my order and can just say it right off and have a lemon water why I wait. ALSO never eat the bread if there is that or the chips and salsa and such...that will throw you WAY over on anything with sodium and such..sorry I am ranting..:) I am just passionate at sharing what I know
  • erinmpowers
    erinmpowers Posts: 12 Member
    Sounds like you don't really have a choice! There is no going back now. Don't give up on yourself girl. You can do it! You must do it! And you will do it!