medical steroids caused weight gain

So I just recently had to have my big toenail removed on my right foot. I had to put steroid drops on it for 2 weeks and never thought that those nasty things were still entering my system. Needless to say even with all my workouts and eating perfect I was staying the same weight. Then I got off them only to decide to have Lasik surgery on my eyes and low and behold more eye drops. Again did not realize they were steroid eye drops and could not understand how I had gained 2 pounds in 8 days! Finally off all of those drops now so I am hoping this will turn around in the right direction now.

Even when you understand why it is discouraging when it happens to you. :-(


  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member
    You had two pretty significant operations done, and thus your body retained some weight while it was healing itself. Perhaps the drops contributed, perhaps not, but I really think that's nothing to worry about. And 2 pounds? I'll gain and lose the same 4-6 pounds over the course of weeks just depending on water weight and who knows what all else

    No offense meant, but I'm pretty sure this is the definition of overreacting. Let yourself heal, keep eating smart, and you'll be fine :)

    And enjoy the Lasik! I had that done a year ago, and I love it. It's so freeing to not have to worry about how my glasses/contacts fit into all the things I want to do.
  • Neujewel
    Neujewel Posts: 12 Member
    I feel your pain. I was diagnosed with Optic Neurits, where I was left temporarily blind in my right eye. I was prescribed IV Steroids, and they just told me that it would make me want to eat. I didn't. It just made me gain weight. I worked out and tracked my calories like normal, and I still eneded up gaining 9 lbs in 4 days!! That was a blow, since I just recently started seeing my workout taking effect on the scale... Hopefully my vision returns so I don't have to do this again in 2 weeks :) (however if i get my eye sight back, that would be a bonus and take the xtra pounds if I have to :) )
  • michelejlm
    michelejlm Posts: 12 Member
    I was on Danazol which is an anabolic steroid for the past 14 years for Hereditary Angioedema. It was a positive because it allowed me to be well enough to go off of disability, go back to school and finish my degree.

    It never really did stop my attacks however. I also got really sick of roid rage, extreme sex drive, and the horrible weight gain.

    Now I have been off since October and having blood product infusions of C-1inhibitor via a port twice a week.
    I don't expect to find anyone else here with HAE, but for others how long after you stopped taking steroids did the weight start to come off? I am hopeful and thankful for an opportunity at a steroid free life. I hope to never have to take them again!