Deadlift Question

Where are you supposed to feel it? Bought a 45 lb bar and 300 pounds of plates to start lifting at home. No fancy moves just the basics and have tried deadlifts three times and cant figure out where I'm supposed to be feeling them so I know I'm doing something wrong. Started at 90 then 115 and 125...the only place Ive felt muscle soreness after deaflifting thus far is my neck and I'm fairly certain that's incorrect. Back and legs don't hurt at all.


  • MiamiKid305
    MiamiKid305 Posts: 357
    depends on the deadlift your performing but just a regular deadlift, mostly lower back and quads
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    When I dead i get soreness in my hamstrings and abdominals. My lower back only feels it the next day if i do Straight legged dead lifts, which I don't do very often.

    Youtube Mehdi deadlift or Nia Shanks deadlift, they both have great form. And work on it for awhile with maybe just the bar or low weight. Make sure you'redoing it right before you start piling on weight. Poor form will just hinder your progression, anyway.
  • cng31183
    cng31183 Posts: 126 Member
    I'm trying to do the ones where your knees are bent a bit with feet under the bar and when lifting the bar scrapes against your legs, which on account of my belly doesn't always happen but try to get it close as possible.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    Back and quads????

    I'm no expert but aren't deadlifts supposed to strengthen hamstrings?

    Oh, I guess if you are squatting to lower the weight after. I used to only do straight leg or slightly bent deadlifts.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    hamstrings, you might not have heavy enough weight, maybe you're stronger than you thought.
    i just started lifting and i can do 110, half my body weight, next time i'll go higher since it wasn't very challenging.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Back and quads????

    I'm no expert but aren't deadlifts supposed to strengthen hamstrings?

    Oh, I guess if you are squatting to lower the weight after. I used to only do straight leg or slightly bent deadlifts.

    Quads, hamstrings, glutes, lower back, forearms, and abs(to a degree).
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I'm trying to do the ones where your knees are bent a bit with feet under the bar and when lifting the bar scrapes against your legs, which on account of my belly doesn't always happen but try to get it close as possible.

    If your belly is in the way, widen your stance with your feet angled out a bit, it'll make more space for your belly.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Be very careful, deadlift is not supposed to affect the neck at all. Keep a neutral head position, usually looking down or forward, whatever is comfortable and aligns your spine correctly.

    If done properly, (as far as I know, god knows I am not an expert), you are supposed to feel it slightly in your lower back but more in your legs. Most people don't get enough of a workout in their lower back so odds are it is a little weak, especially if you have a desk job. But, know your back is not supposed to be doing all the work... The power is in your legs and the hip thrust, then the upper body to bring it back down in a controlled motion. Your lower back is extremely sensitive to injury, as is your neck. I would not take my word for it, I would research technique extensively and make sure you are doing the exercise with proper form to maximize results and minimize injury.

    **Please correct me if I am wrong. I am not 100% sure on the info given and I know there are much more educated members of this site who can volunteer better information.
  • MiamiKid305
    MiamiKid305 Posts: 357
    Back and quads????

    I'm no expert but aren't deadlifts supposed to strengthen hamstrings?

    Oh, I guess if you are squatting to lower the weight after. I used to only do straight leg or slightly bent deadlifts.

    Actually, deadlifts workout the most muscle groups in just one movement then any other exercise.. Back, glutes,hams,quads,core,calves,forearms.. but like a said it depends on how you do them.. what shes doing will strength her lowerback
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    I'm trying to do the ones where your knees are bent a bit with feet under the bar and when lifting the bar scrapes against your legs, which on account of my belly doesn't always happen but try to get it close as possible.

    That's a Romanian dead lift.
    no, she's describing a deadlift. a romanian deadlift is straight legged and in both the bar maintains contact with your legs.

    when i'm doing deads i feel them more in my glutes and hips but if there's any soreness the next day it's in forearms, hamstrings forearms, abs and sometimes my hands
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    I'm trying to do the ones where your knees are bent a bit with feet under the bar and when lifting the bar scrapes against your legs, which on account of my belly doesn't always happen but try to get it close as possible.

    If your belly is in the way, widen your stance with your feet angled out a bit, it'll make more space for your belly.

    Nia Shanks uses a sumo stance.
  • cng31183
    cng31183 Posts: 126 Member
    Thanks!! Going to youtube Mehdi and the other guy and try the wider stance. As for my neck- yeah ive been looking up while doing them as a way to try to keep from hunching so that's probably why its hurting. Will focus more on keeping it nuetral.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I'm trying to do the ones where your knees are bent a bit with feet under the bar and when lifting the bar scrapes against your legs, which on account of my belly doesn't always happen but try to get it close as possible.

    If your belly is in the way, widen your stance with your feet angled out a bit, it'll make more space for your belly.

    Nia Shanks uses a sumo stance.

    You don't have to go 'full sumo' I still have my hands on the outsides of my knees when I lift, but I do have a wider stance to make way for my belly.

  • cng31183
    cng31183 Posts: 126 Member
    Okay, viewed the vids on youtube: a wider stance is definitely in order and I think ive been doing them almost in two parts instead of one smooth motion.
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    I'm just starting and I feel it in my hamstrings majorly! On one day I do stiff legs and on the other I just do a 'normal' deadlift. I am NO pro at form but it really helped me to think about it as driving my hips back and really pushing up from my heels, not my toes.

    ETA, Also pinching your shoulder blades together while doing the exercise has really helped me keep a straight back.

    are your hands supposed to be on either side of your knees? The Y guy never told me that part..
  • BakingMadGymAddict
    Hello! I am learning how to deadlift too! This is a video of me deadlifting with some of the comments critiquing my form. Maybe it will help you? The bar I am lifting is the same as my body weight (60kg/132lbs).

    If you want to see other videos and motivational stuff and food I eat etc feel free to 'LIKE' my facebook page "The Baking Mad Gym Addict". I am always on the hunt for an army of fit friends in my attempt to get as buff as possible before my 31st birthday at the end of the month!

    Keep lifting!
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Different people will feel it in different places, depending on where their weak spots are. My lower back tends to give up first so that's where I usually get soreness.
    are your hands supposed to be on either side of your knees? The Y guy never told me that part..

    Yes, hands should be just outside of your knees for conventional deadlifts, inside of the knees for sumo style. Never on top of the knees.
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    Thank you for answering that about the hands... same with stiff legs?