Can I lose 4.2kg in 3 weeks?

I am going away in 3 weeks and 2 days and would be happy if I could be 66kg. However my ideal target is actually 63.5kg and as I am currently 67.7kg is this possible.

3lb a week is a lot I think. Am I deluded?


  • Spook_Nuke_Em
    Spook_Nuke_Em Posts: 408 Member
    Not safely. Maybe 2lb/week
  • roiLEI1554
    roiLEI1554 Posts: 143
    you CAN, but you honestly shouldn't....
    plus weight lost quickly rather than gradually (through means like healthy exercise and diet) are often quickly regained (plus more)
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Probably not when you are already a healthy weight, or close to it. Overweight people often lose that much even in just a week, but the closer to goal you are, the slower you lose.
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    if very overweight yes in a pinch
    I've lost over 5kilos in 2 weeks through diet and exercise not with weight loss drugs or anything., but as others said if you are not overweight or are already losing weight the weightloss slows down.

    67Kg is within healthy limits you might struggle
  • Beavergong
    Beavergong Posts: 178 Member
    Well I did just loose 5kg in 3 weeks using the 5:2 diet. I didn't set out to loose it that quickly and I intend to continue with the diet for another month at least but realize it will probably not shed weight as quickly. For my husband and I it worked really well just restricting our calories to 500calories for 2 days a week. If you are interested read about it in The fast Diet by Dr Mosley or the 5:2 diet by Kate Harrison.
  • sskilton
    sskilton Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for replies. I did not lose that much weight I opted for slow and steady. I am really happy with progress and although I am still tracking whilst on holiday I am not feeling too guilty about desserts and alcohol. Will weigh when I return home and let you know. x