Frustrated at the gym and waiting.

I am generally a patient person, when I go to the gym I am in no hurry to get finished, the evening is mine so if I have to wait, then so be it.

However it is getting increasingly frustrating when you are wanting to use a machine and the person on it is fiddling around with their iPod/Phone music for several minutes before even actually getting started. The Leg Press for example, it was my last thing to do, I went to the machine and someone was on it, so I went to the side of it where there is space to do floor-work and started on some crunches. He finished and I got up and this bloke practically jumped on the machine, then sat there for over 4 minutes (I managed to do 3x 1 minute planks) just fiddling with his iPod. He did one set, then sat there again for ages playing about, did another set, sat there again for ages, then got up. In total he must have been at least 10 minutes and in that time only did two sets.

I know people say things like "stop looking at other people workout concentrate on yourself" and all that stuff, but seriously, why do people spend so much time playing about on their gadgets, especially when the gym is busy and people are waiting. And before anyone says "he probably didn't know you were waiting" there are loads of signs saying "Do not hover" so I wasn't going to do that, but also on the flip sides there are signs saying about being considerate of other user and not to "hog" the machines etc.

*pointless thread really, just needed a bit of a moan*


  • farsteve
    farsteve Posts: 157 Member
    You can always say "Can I work in with you?". They will either say "Sure" or at lease will say "I've only got X number of sets left" but they are on notice that you would like to use the machine.
  • bnorris2013
    bnorris2013 Posts: 256 Member
    You know I have found that a polite hey do you mind if I get a set in real quick they will politely hop off and let you have a turn
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    In that situation, if he did a set, then sat, I think it's perfectly acceptable to ask to work in with him.
  • EmmaReed84
    EmmaReed84 Posts: 263 Member
    My problem is, I get a bit shy. Going up to a stranger and asking to join them is like my idea of hell LOL.
  • mizkirsty
    mizkirsty Posts: 21
    Watch him stand up and directly watch him the pressure of knowing your waiting will encourage him to speed up and move on!!!

    I find it incredibly frustrating too. And quite often leave the gym without finishing because I cannot be *kitten* to wait!! Or people use extremely high weights then take ridiculously long to recover do another two reps then take another five minute break!! It's really annoying because its holding others up and completely pointless!!! Xx
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    My problem is, I get a bit shy. Going up to a stranger and asking to join them is like my idea of hell LOL.

    I get annoyed by people doing this too but if you can't be assertive enough to ask if you can work in, then it's really your problem not his/hers. (S)He can't read your mind.
  • EmmaReed84
    EmmaReed84 Posts: 263 Member
    My problem is, I get a bit shy. Going up to a stranger and asking to join them is like my idea of hell LOL.

    That's really your problem not his. He can't read your mind.

    Never said it was his problem did I? Still doesn't stop it being frustrating when someone hogs a machine without thinking or taking notice of the several signs dotted about the gym.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    I would have went over to the guy who jumped on it and told him that I was waiting for that machine and then tell him that he can work in his sets in between yours.
  • EmmaReed84
    EmmaReed84 Posts: 263 Member
    I would have went over to the guy who jumped on it and told him that I was waiting for that machine and then tell him that he can work in his sets in between yours.

    LOL, I like that!
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    My problem is, I get a bit shy. Going up to a stranger and asking to join them is like my idea of hell LOL.

    That's really your problem not his. He can't read your mind.

    Never said it was his problem did I? Still doesn't stop it being frustrating when someone hogs a machine without thinking or taking notice of the several signs dotted about the gym.
    If you're not willing to ask to work in, then you really don't deserve to be mad when they take as much time as they'd like on the equipment. If they don't know you want to use the equipment they're not going to hurry. Plus, a lot of people record their workouts on their phones. I use the "notes" section on my iPhone to track my sets, weights, and reps so they might be scrolling to see how many reps they need to do and a what weight. Especially since so many programs go off of a certain percentage of your 1RM for each set/exercise/day/etc.
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,383 Member
    I have no problem approaching people and asking when they'll be finishing up. Just be polite and smile and wait patiently, and they'll finish up quicker for you.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I am generally a patient person, when I go to the gym I am in no hurry to get finished, the evening is mine so if I have to wait, then so be it.

    However it is getting increasingly frustrating when you are wanting to use a machine and the person on it is fiddling around with their iPod/Phone music for several minutes before even actually getting started. The Leg Press for example, it was my last thing to do, I went to the machine and someone was on it, so I went to the side of it where there is space to do floor-work and started on some crunches. He finished and I got up and this bloke practically jumped on the machine, then sat there for over 4 minutes (I managed to do 3x 1 minute planks) just fiddling with his iPod. He did one set, then sat there again for ages playing about, did another set, sat there again for ages, then got up. In total he must have been at least 10 minutes and in that time only did two sets.

    I know people say things like "stop looking at other people workout concentrate on yourself" and all that stuff, but seriously, why do people spend so much time playing about on their gadgets, especially when the gym is busy and people are waiting. And before anyone says "he probably didn't know you were waiting" there are loads of signs saying "Do not hover" so I wasn't going to do that, but also on the flip sides there are signs saying about being considerate of other user and not to "hog" the machines etc.

    *pointless thread really, just needed a bit of a moan*

    I've noticed that increasingly people are becoming too distracted by technology (ipod, ipads, iphone's, smartphones ect) at the gym and they're pace is slowing down. I agree with you it's frustrating! The other day the woman next to me on the treadmill must have received and replied to 20 texts in the half hour we were there. She never even broke a sweat while people waited for treadmills. Grrrrrrrrr :grumble:
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    I rest 3-4 minutes pretty often between sets of heavy squats, and often play on my phone while waiting...
  • jay11284
    jay11284 Posts: 42 Member
    Sometimes just opening your mouth and asking if you can work-in with them is all you need to do. I used to not feel comfortable doing this, but I've come to realize that if I don't speak up I won't get to use the equipment that I need to. You're paying the exact same price as they are to use it.
  • StaticEntropy
    StaticEntropy Posts: 224 Member
    I'm sorry I did this to you. Let me explain: I do very heavy, high rep leg presses and it usually takes me 2-3 minutes to recover for my next set. During this rest period, I input my set info into an app on my phone to keep track of progress and to psych myself up for the next set. However, if you ask to work in, I'd be more than happy to help you set the weight to what your needs are and have my rest while you do your set. You might even get in two sets in while I rest my legs! And about being shy, I don't bite. Neither does anyone else in the gym. But again, I apologize.
  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    I rest 3-4 minutes pretty often between sets of heavy squats, and often play on my phone while waiting...

    it's a tough situation because you often gotta guard your machine or someone will snatch it up. asking to work in is the most effective way to help alleviate your waiting time. but 2 sets on leg press in 10 minutes? come on, i know he didn't need to rest that long. lol
  • __RANDY__
    __RANDY__ Posts: 1,036 Member
    I rest 3-4 minutes pretty often between sets of heavy squats, and often play on my phone while waiting...

    THis and I also track every aspect of my work out on my phone, so this "fiddling" is me tracking the work I did.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    I am generally a patient person, when I go to the gym I am in no hurry to get finished, the evening is mine so if I have to wait, then so be it.

    However it is getting increasingly frustrating when you are wanting to use a machine and the person on it is fiddling around with their iPod/Phone music for several minutes before even actually getting started. The Leg Press for example, it was my last thing to do, I went to the machine and someone was on it, so I went to the side of it where there is space to do floor-work and started on some crunches. He finished and I got up and this bloke practically jumped on the machine, then sat there for over 4 minutes (I managed to do 3x 1 minute planks) just fiddling with his iPod. He did one set, then sat there again for ages playing about, did another set, sat there again for ages, then got up. In total he must have been at least 10 minutes and in that time only did two sets.

    I know people say things like "stop looking at other people workout concentrate on yourself" and all that stuff, but seriously, why do people spend so much time playing about on their gadgets, especially when the gym is busy and people are waiting. And before anyone says "he probably didn't know you were waiting" there are loads of signs saying "Do not hover" so I wasn't going to do that, but also on the flip sides there are signs saying about being considerate of other user and not to "hog" the machines etc.

    *pointless thread really, just needed a bit of a moan*

    If they are just sitting there doing nothing (or fiddling with their ipod) just ask them " excuse me, are you still using this machine?" They will say yes, continue their reps as quickly as possible since they know someone else is waiting OR they will go to another machine and then come back since they do not want someone hovering over them. I used to do this when customers bought their teenagers to the gym and they would play around.
  • EmmaReed84
    EmmaReed84 Posts: 263 Member
    I am generally a patient person, when I go to the gym I am in no hurry to get finished, the evening is mine so if I have to wait, then so be it.

    However it is getting increasingly frustrating when you are wanting to use a machine and the person on it is fiddling around with their iPod/Phone music for several minutes before even actually getting started. The Leg Press for example, it was my last thing to do, I went to the machine and someone was on it, so I went to the side of it where there is space to do floor-work and started on some crunches. He finished and I got up and this bloke practically jumped on the machine, then sat there for over 4 minutes (I managed to do 3x 1 minute planks) just fiddling with his iPod. He did one set, then sat there again for ages playing about, did another set, sat there again for ages, then got up. In total he must have been at least 10 minutes and in that time only did two sets.

    I know people say things like "stop looking at other people workout concentrate on yourself" and all that stuff, but seriously, why do people spend so much time playing about on their gadgets, especially when the gym is busy and people are waiting. And before anyone says "he probably didn't know you were waiting" there are loads of signs saying "Do not hover" so I wasn't going to do that, but also on the flip sides there are signs saying about being considerate of other user and not to "hog" the machines etc.

    *pointless thread really, just needed a bit of a moan*

    I've noticed that increasingly people are becoming too distracted by technology (ipod, ipads, iphone's, smartphones ect) at the gym and they're pace is slowing down. I agree with you it's frustrating! The other day the woman next to me on the treadmill must have received and replied to 20 texts in the half hour we were there. She never even broke a sweat while people waited for treadmills. Grrrrrrrrr :grumble:

    LOL, Yesterday the gym was really quiet and the trainer was working with me I was doing a set of BB squats then a set of 45 degree rows on the TRX, then back to the squats (I did 4 of these sets) by the end my heart was pounding out my chest and I was dripping, it felt good!

    The two lads on the machine next to me arrived while the trainer and I were discussing the sets that I was about to do. One guy then did a set of squats, then they started chatting about some funny videos on facebook and were playing them and proper laughing, by the time I finished me my whole set, they were still laughing at facebook.

    The trainer was saying they were known for being like this, and they have had several complaints about them, but as the gym was quiet that evening he just let it slide. I often wonder why people would come to a gym to do something that could easily be done at home on the sofa, but that is a different things altogether LOL
  • hilldiggity
    hilldiggity Posts: 166 Member
    I had an armband for my iPod that I could change songs with on my arm. I had no pockets. Where are people putting their phones? lol