Frustrated at the gym and waiting.



  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,093 Member
    My problem is, I get a bit shy. Going up to a stranger and asking to join them is like my idea of hell LOL.

    I get annoyed by people doing this too but if you can't be assertive enough to ask if you can work in, then it's really your problem not his/hers. (S)He can't read your mind.

    maybe he needed that 4 minutes of playing his ipod because he was doing legs on other machine before and he needed to rest? you are SUPPOSED to take rest between sets. I rest 2 to 5 minutes. I always let people to work in.
  • EmmaReed84
    EmmaReed84 Posts: 263 Member
    I rest 3-4 minutes pretty often between sets of heavy squats, and often play on my phone while waiting...

    THis and I also track every aspect of my work out on my phone, so this "fiddling" is me tracking the work I did.

    I get what you are saying, but at the gym we have this key thing that you plug in to the machine and it reads exactly what you do then you log out at the end and it give you a breakdown of everything.
  • bostongrl13
    bostongrl13 Posts: 58 Member
    Find a new gym that has more equipment and space. It may cost a little more, but if it means better workouts and you can afford it, it's worth the investment.

    I just switched to a new gym and I'm like a kid in a candy store...
  • seanf23
    seanf23 Posts: 5
    I'm with you on this one, if people are going to rest for that amount of time between sets it would be nice if they could at least stand next to the machine so others can use it in that time. If there resting for 5 minutes between each set, thats enough time for someone else to complete all their sets assuming they don't rest that much.

    Alternatively if you don't feel comfortable going up to them and asking, you can always look into an alternate exercise that works the same muscle group as a 'back up' if the machine is out of use. Machines are good, but in my opinion free weights, and floor work is much more beneficial :-)
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Options you didn't look at the 2nd guy, point at the machine, and say "I was waiting for that?"

    As for how long he was in between sets, it takes as long as it takes. Some days I rest more and some days less and no matter how long I'm resting I'm going to play with my phone if I want to. But if you are waiting for a machine and standing close by it's totally your fault if you let someone jump the line.
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    Options you didn't look at the 2nd guy, point at the machine, and say "I was waiting for that?"

    As for how long he was in between sets, it takes as long as it takes. Some days I rest more and some days less and no matter how long I'm resting I'm going to play with my phone if I want to. But if you are waiting for a machine and standing close by it's totally your fault if you let someone jump the line.

    I'm sure you and Randy share the same "station steal proof" thing I do in that nobody else wants to unrack that **** when you're doing legs.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    It's totally your fault if you let someone jump the line.

    Put your big girl pants on.
  • EmmaReed84
    EmmaReed84 Posts: 263 Member
    Thank you for all the replies. I know I need to just get out my comfort zone and be confident about doing it. I just hate the thought of pestering someone (I am a childminder and when a parent is late paying I HATE reminding them as I feel like a pest, I just can't help it)

    As for the resting and super heavy weights thing. The machines use a key which have the number of set and reps to be done and also has a "rest" period. When I did get on after him he was set at 60kg, which is the same as me, so I can't imagine it would have been that hard for him as he was pretty buff.

    But anyway, I just need to learn to speak up a bit more.
  • EmmaReed84
    EmmaReed84 Posts: 263 Member
    It's totally your fault if you let someone jump the line.

    Put your big girl pants on.

    LOL I was laid on my back and getting up and the guy sort of came up from the side of me and beat me to it. I would have literally had to jump and run to dash in front of him, like a child pushing in the queue to get sweets LOL
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    you don't have to run and dash and place hands upon the equipment first. that would make you look like a crazy person. just point at the machine and say calmly "I was waiting for that". 90% of the time the line jumper will apologize, get up, and take off any weight they put on the machine. 9% of the time they will ask if it's okay if they work in (I am pro working in and always say yes but it's your call). 1% of the time they will pull out a Bowie knife and stab you to death and kill as many people in the gym as the can before the cops show up and blast them.

    just kidding. there is no 1%. so stop ranting on the internet and speak up for yourself.
  • ChrisLindsay9
    ChrisLindsay9 Posts: 837 Member
    My problem is, I get a bit shy. Going up to a stranger and asking to join them is like my idea of hell LOL.
    I've gained some good lifting partners and friends literally by asking to work in with them.
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    My problem is, I get a bit shy. Going up to a stranger and asking to join them is like my idea of hell LOL.

    I get annoyed by people doing this too but if you can't be assertive enough to ask if you can work in, then it's really your problem not his/hers. (S)He can't read your mind.

    I stopped reading replies after this one.

  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Working in is one of the best things you can do in the gym. You meet someone who lifts, you can watch their form while they lift, and your workout goes smoother.

    I have a timer on my phone that pings when my rest is up, which is 2-3 minutes. If I'm on leg press, it is after squats or deadlifts, and you bet I need the rest. It's a chair attached to a machine I'm getting ready to use. If someone asks to work in, I always say yes. When I ask to work in, I don't always get a yes, but it helps me figure out who the jerks are in the gym pretty quickly.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    My problem is, I get a bit shy. Going up to a stranger and asking to join them is like my idea of hell LOL.

    That's really your problem not his. He can't read your mind.

    Never said it was his problem did I? Still doesn't stop it being frustrating when someone hogs a machine without thinking or taking notice of the several signs dotted about the gym.
    If you're not willing to ask to work in, then you really don't deserve to be mad when they take as much time as they'd like on the equipment. If they don't know you want to use the equipment they're not going to hurry. Plus, a lot of people record their workouts on their phones. I use the "notes" section on my iPhone to track my sets, weights, and reps so they might be scrolling to see how many reps they need to do and a what weight. Especially since so many programs go off of a certain percentage of your 1RM for each set/exercise/day/etc.

    I use my phone to mark down my progress as well, but I don't do it while sitting on the machine. I will do it between sets, or on a Cardio machine. It's common courtesy to just get up and move on, and not sit and hog the machine. And just because she is shy doesn't mean that she doesn't deserve to be frustrated. MFP is supposed to be a place of support. And she just wanted to vent. She even mentioned that in her post!

    I was shy in the beginning too, but just take a deep breath and say "Hey can I hop on real quick?" Once you say it, you will be surprised at how relieved you feel. The person will either say "Yes" or "I just have one more set" etc. Saying something will release that unnecessary frustration that you are feeling.

    Good luck! :smile:
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    Options you didn't look at the 2nd guy, point at the machine, and say "I was waiting for that?"

    As for how long he was in between sets, it takes as long as it takes. Some days I rest more and some days less and no matter how long I'm resting I'm going to play with my phone if I want to. But if you are waiting for a machine and standing close by it's totally your fault if you let someone jump the line.

    Also to add. Dont be afraid to ask the person .... "Hey, mind if i work in?" I hate waiting for a machine as much as the next person, but as they try to teach us in pre-school we need to share. Just because someone is on a station/machine doesnt mean we cant share it. The leg press machine isnt like a treadmill or stairmaster where they will need to be continually on it for 30 minutes.

    Ive worked in plenty of times with people already using the equipment. If the person is really nice, they will also help take the plates on/off with you. I have never had anyone tell me NO ever.
  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 335 Member
    OMG.... one day I was on the hip abduction machine.,'s sister machine is hip abbduction....well, this girl was on it, so I did 3 sets on the other machine....she LITERALLY was sitting on it and talking in the phone .....I politely walked in front of her and stood there,waiting for her to look at me. She kept ignoring me like I wasn't there. So I waved my hand and mouthed "are u almost done"...... She then waved her hand at me to "wave me off"! OMG, I HAD AN OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE, I saw myself grabbing her phone and chucking it across the gym..... I took a deep breath and walked away..... I didn't want to be on the Local News that night, from getting into an altercation with a young skinny Chic over a hip machine, WWJD?! Lol

    Usually folks are cool and will get up and realize how annoying their being. I don't rush either, but give me a break! 99% of time folks gracefully finish or move, especially when they know someone is waiting. But I always let it be known I'm waiting....

    Lately,all the newbies and "deer in headlights" still exist as it's still early in the year and folks are still sticking to their New Year resolutions! So I try to avoid lifting at night and go mid morning or early afternoon.

    Cheers,,,,,here's to speedier workouts without frustration,

    Shannon, ATL
  • KirstenTheFamilyCoach
    KirstenTheFamilyCoach Posts: 327 Member
    I'm sorry I did this to you. Let me explain: I do very heavy, high rep leg presses and it usually takes me 2-3 minutes to recover for my next set. During this rest period, I input my set info into an app on my phone to keep track of progress and to psych myself up for the next set. However, if you ask to work in, I'd be more than happy to help you set the weight to what your needs are and have my rest while you do your set. You might even get in two sets in while I rest my legs! And about being shy, I don't bite. Neither does anyone else in the gym. But again, I apologize.

    ^^ this. Please don't judge me as a time waster. I'm doing my best ... just like you are.

    I do pay attention to see if anyone around me is looking to jump in and I'm totally willing to share the rack or bench. If I see you lurking but not willing to actually establish eye-contact or speak to me I'll go back to focusing on what I'm there for.
  • tatebos
    tatebos Posts: 29 Member
    I feel your pain. Happens to me all the time. I was once waiting for a machine while a girl and a guy had a 20 minute flirting session while she sat on the machine doing nothing. When the flirting session was over she began her reps. Sooo annoying. I too rely on the common curtisy of others bc I am non-confrontational for the most part (except during certain times of the month, haha.) I think it is probably more in my head but I often feel that many men think that we females are invading their territory and we are lucky they let us play in their sand box at all, especially when it comes to the free weight lifting areas. I try to go during non-busy hours on days that I am lifting for that reason. I admire those of you that have the guts to speak up!
  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 335 Member
    you don't have to run and dash and place hands upon the equipment first. that would make you look like a crazy person. just point at the machine and say calmly "I was waiting for that". 90% of the time the line jumper will apologize, get up, and take off any weight they put on the machine. 9% of the time they will ask if it's okay if they work in (I am pro working in and always say yes but it's your call). 1% of the time they will put out a Bowie knife and stab you to death and kill as many people in the gym as the can before the cops show up and blast them.

    <<<--- OMG, HILARIOUS!

    just kidding. there is no 1%. so stop ranting on the internet and speak up for yourself.
  • selina884
    selina884 Posts: 826 Member
    Why didnt you ask to jump inbetween sets?