30 day shred



  • bmc726
    bmc726 Posts: 8
    I am starting tomorrow. I started it last year and somehow never completed it after day 3. I plan on giving myself a day of rest in-between and walking as well. I have high hopes. Im determined to lose 15 pounds by summer or at least firm up.
  • I'm starting today....please add me!!!!
    I will post measurements later today.
  • linhdao
    linhdao Posts: 10 Member
    I started on April 1st. Add me!
  • queenbear5
    queenbear5 Posts: 76 Member
    I'm on level 3 day 2, and I've only lost 2 pounds. I wish I could see results like you're talking about! I've been following Natalie and giving it my all. Here's hoping my last 8 days on level three will see me losing 18 pounds. :huh:
  • muddynicola
    muddynicola Posts: 41 Member

    I've just started using my fitness pal in the last week, can I join in? I have been doing Jillian Michaels DVDs on rotation every day for 3 months with no dieting. I am definitely less flabby and feel more toned but I have accepted I need to diet as well to lose the weight, although I didn't weigh myself so I might have lost some doing it - but not enough.

    I am now doing the 1200 calorie diet as I need to shed about 30 pounds in 12 weeks for my holiday in cancun.

    Starting stats

    Arms 12.5 inches
    Hips 42 inches
    Bust 33 inches (thats the bit under right?)
    Legs 26 inches

    Do you add people on here like twitter? if so feel free to add me as a friend, I need some fitness pals :)
  • I'm on level 3 day 2, and I've only lost 2 pounds. I wish I could see results like you're talking about! I've been following Natalie and giving it my all. Here's hoping my last 8 days on level three will see me losing 18 pounds. :huh:

    I know it would be amazing to lose that amount but I am not holding my breath
  • I have added all the new people - good luck everyone

    I have just finished day 1 of level 1 and I know I am going to be sore tomorrow lol

    Do the cool down stretches get any easier or has anyone gotten any more flexible cos I am hopeless x
  • lexus2134
    lexus2134 Posts: 21 Member
    I am starting today!
    For the third time (I always got bored before I finished)
    I'd love to join in! I will post my stats later today, if I can find a measuring tape.
  • Ambrosia29
    Ambrosia29 Posts: 40 Member
    I was just thinking the same thing! I'm on day two, feel free to add me as well! I'm feeling the need for some support too.:happy:
  • cberry_66
    cberry_66 Posts: 2 Member
    Does anyone know how long(how many day's) each level is?
  • Think it's meant to be 10 days

    After 10 days I will try level 2 and see how it feels :-)
  • tinah1126
    tinah1126 Posts: 49 Member
    I would love to join you guys!! I am pretty new to My fitness pal and started using it in March this year. I started 30DS Level 1 on April 1st so will be doing day 4 today!! I am enjoying it so far!! I have been doing the 30DS video and then walking/jogging as well. I have had some soreness in my arms and shoulders from the pushups so far but not in my abs yet. My legs are sore but thats from the jogging..I have been doing 2-5 miles. I took before pics and measurements as well!! I have 30+ lbs to lose and hope to get there by June!!

    Feel free to add me as a friend!! The more the merrier!! Good luck guys! May we all see great results!!!

    Here are my #'s:

    Weight: 167
    Bust: 38 (I am a 36DD) hoping to lose some of them...34C or 34D would be AWESOME!!
    Waist: 36 (at pooch and love handles) and 32 at belly button
    Hips: 42
    Arms: 12
    Thigh: 24
    Calves: 16
  • tolkienite
    tolkienite Posts: 204 Member
    Feel free to add me in! I am going to alternate with C25K (so 1 day 30DS, next day C25K and so on) to try and keep myself from stiffening up. With all the crunches and so on I want to make sure that my muscles aren't seizing up, which I think gentle running will help with. It'll take twice as long, but I should be a lot fitter at the end of it.

    My starting measurements:
    Weight: 158lbs
    Waist: 33"
    Hips: 42"
    Thigh: 23"
    Arms: 14"
    Neck: 14"
  • I have added you both :-) so excited so many are joining in
  • hbunting86
    hbunting86 Posts: 952 Member
    Well I'm on day 4 today - I feel much better today than yesterday, I think my body is getting used to the cardio and the intensity as my legs don't feel like someone inserted bricks into my thighs!

    How's everyone getting on?
  • I felt really good after my first day not able to do it now till tomorrow

    But my muscles are sore today x
  • tinah1126
    tinah1126 Posts: 49 Member
    I have completed 4 days...yea!!! I have had some soreness as well mainly shoulders and calves but I keep pressing on. I am walking/jogging every other day along with my 30DS!! ( So.. I am doing 30DS today and 30DS and walk/jog tomorrow, etc. ) I have been walking/jogging 2-5 miles each time!!! Feeling stronger!!! HATE the anterior raises with side lunge...lol...!!!
  • Bonnieg318
    Bonnieg318 Posts: 156 Member
    Day 4 level 1 for me tonight feel free to add me. My calves are sore but I am running as well most days with the 30DS. I am training for a half marathon relay so I feel I have to run to!
  • nunat919
    nunat919 Posts: 122 Member
    I am on day 2 feel free to add me! There is a free version on youtube for week 1 to get everyone started!!!
  • cat_s85
    cat_s85 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi guys,

    Thought I'd join in :) I've done the shred before, but never got past 10 days. I know level one inside out, and can even quote what she says lol!
    I'm on day 7 of this round, took a few days off here and there. I'm using 3kg weights which are killing me, but I'm starting to see definition. I took measurements today and I was disappointed as no difference yet (mostly want to lose from my hips/bum), but when I got into the shower I noticed definition on my stomach, so happy days!

    My measurements
    Weight: 144
    Bust: 35''
    Waist: 28''
    Hips 41''

    Really want to lose a couple of inches off the widest part of my hips and I'll be a happy bunny :)