I DID REALLY BAD TODAY!!!! I haven't done very well lately. I take medicine for a disease I have and it makes it where I'm never hungry but I never get full. So when I start eating, I don't get full so I don't stop if it's good. Today being Thanksgiving, I went at least 2,000 calories OVER what I should. I NEED ADVICE!!!!!!!!! DESPERATELY!!! How can I stop eating all this bad food when I'm constantly going to partys with friends and family and they are all eating a ton of really bad food?? I hope someone has some answers:sad:


  • kyky_smi7
    I DID REALLY BAD TODAY!!!! I haven't done very well lately. I take medicine for a disease I have and it makes it where I'm never hungry but I never get full. So when I start eating, I don't get full so I don't stop if it's good. Today being Thanksgiving, I went at least 2,000 calories OVER what I should. I NEED ADVICE!!!!!!!!! DESPERATELY!!! How can I stop eating all this bad food when I'm constantly going to partys with friends and family and they are all eating a ton of really bad food?? I hope someone has some answers:sad:
  • jmlane1981
    I didn't do very good today either (I went over by about 800)...I think I kind of knew that I would do badly and let myself (no self control I guess). But the main thing is that we try harder tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that, etc... Maybe you should think about eating before you go out with everyone or decide what you are going to eat before you go and stick with it. Just don't give up and know that you can do this...you are a strong person and remember that while they are eating so unhealthy, they are hurting themselves and you have decided to make a lifestyle change...maybe you could even get them interested in it too or tell them your plan, so you will feel obligated to do right in front of them. Good Luck:flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Quote #1
    Dare to soar - how successful you are is determined by your attitude.

    Quote #2
    Have the courage to act on your dreams - leave behind you the internal forces that hold you back.

    Quote #3
    The power of one - one thought, one action, one solution.

    Quote #4
    Failure is only a fact when you give up. Everyone gets knocked down, the question is: Will you get back up?

    Quote #5
    Accept the risk and then reap the rewards.

    Quote #6
    Your only limits are self-imposed.

    Quote #7
    Like the eagles we have to move our wings to soar like an eagle.

    Quote #8
    Successful people do what unsuccessful people don't dare.

    Quote #9
    Risk a change, overcome fear and win.

    Quote #10
    Identify what you want and go for it.

    Quote #11
    Confidence is feeling satisfied with who and what we are.

    Quote #12
    Feeling healthy and feeling good about yourself is not a luxury - it's an absolute necessity.

    Quote #13
    When you stop trying to change others and work on changing yourself, your world changes for the better.

    Quote #14
    Things change for the better when we take responsibility for our own thoughts, decisions and actions.

    Quote #15
    You wouldn't worry so much about what other people thought if you realised how seldom they do.

    - Eleanor Roosevelt

    Quote #16
    When you expect success, your mind focuses on success.

    Quote #17
    Do you think I can't. I don't want to. I'm feeling stressed, or I can. I want to. I'm feeling exhilarated.

    Quote #18
    Life is a succession of moments, seconds and minutes. To live each one is to succeed.

    Quote #19
    Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.

    - Will Rogers.

    Quote #20
    When you discover it's your choice and your attitude, things start to happen!

    Quote #21
    Nothing tastes as good as being healthy and full of energy feels.

    Quote #22
    Everyone makes mistakes - the only people who never fail are those who never even try.

    Quote #23
    The secret of success is having the courage to begin in the first place.

    Quote #24
    Keep learning! You are as young as your last bright idea.

    Quote #25
    Opportunity is available for everyone - all you have to do is grab it!

    Quote #26
    Successful people do what unsuccessful people won't even attempt.

    Quote #27
    The know how to successfully achieving good health is available to everyone.

    Quote #28
    If you keep on going the way you're going you'll end up where you're heading - which direction are you aiming for?

    Quote #29
    There is freedom in becoming very good at what we do.

    Quote #30
    Have you hit a brick wall? Aim higher and jump over it.

    Quote #31
    A nest is supposed to be a temporary environment - are you still snuggled safely into yours?

    Quote #32
    Think of yourself as a toy train. All toy trains de-rail now and then. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on track.

    Quote #33
    Do something nice for someone you don't know yet. The results could surprise you.

    Quote #34
    Never, never, never, never give up

    Quote #35
    Choice is a gift given to everyone. It is a powerful gift that can change your life.

    Quote #36
    Venture forth into new horizons, even to places those around you do not have the courage to go.

    Quote #37
    Practice whilst other people are still asleep.

    Quote #38
    It's your choice - will you choose to be a victim or the victor?

    Quote #39
    To develop an idea you must listen to what is going on in your head.

    Quote #40
    Great results will follow if you allow yourself to solve difficult problems.

    Quote #41
    Life is a game. Are you going to be a participator in it, or just a spectator?

    Quote #42
    Get rid of the negative people in your life - surround yourself with positive people who believe in you and inspire you.

    Quote #43
    If you don't know where you are going how will you know when you get there?

    Quote #44
    When the sun comes up each day, be up and out with it.

    Quote #45
    A change from unhealthy habits to healthy habits will yield extraordinary results.

    Quote #46
    Marathon runners don't worry about the conditions, they just run anyway!

    Quote #47
    Winners feel like winners
    Losers feel like losers
    How do you feel?

    Quote #48
    There is no such thing as luck. Success comes from actually doing it.

    Quote #49
    If you don't dare to begin, you don't stand a chance of getting there.

    Quote #50
    Choose to be up here at the top, not down there at the bottom.

    Quote #51
    Your life is not a rehearsal. Don't leave it without giving it your all.

    Quote #52
    When you stop giving, when you stop offering something to someone, it's time to turn out the light.

    -George Burns.
  • Razboo
    Razboo Posts: 439 Member
    I went over 900 myself. No wonder I'm hitting a floor. :tongue:

    As far as advice - and speaking only for myself - it really doesn't matter what anyone says to me. I've heard it all before. I know the consequences of going over my targets. I wish someone could say a "thing" that would "cure" me, but no amount of advice or quotes is going to change anything.

    To me, it comes down to self discipline. Either I really *want* it, or I don't want it so much; and that varies from day to day. There is no solution for me but to work the "program". When I do not, I see the consequences. When I do, I see the results.

    My advice to myself (my little SOS) is to Snap Out of it, Stupid!!!. If you would like to share that with me, feel free! :wink:
  • lashonda
    lashonda Posts: 32 Member
    I have the same problem and this is what works for me. If I want to eat something bad for me I check the calories and if I really want it I increase my workout to cover the extra calories. For about 3 weeks I was exahusted from all the extra exercise. After doing that for a while bad foods didnt look good anymore. Its not worth that extra hike up the mountain or extra round of Tae Bo.

    Hope that helps.
  • tdroseler
    be "thankful" that the day after thanksgiving....you have mfp to come back to....:wink:
  • Razboo
    Razboo Posts: 439 Member
    Correction. I only went 585 over. Still bad but less dispiriting. I'd forgotten to log my exercise. I would have been fine if not for those stupid corn chips. :grumble:
    BUNNYB Posts: 91
    just a little tip... to stop overeating....
    big glass of cold water right before you eat, and eat slower..............
    if you eat too fast your brain doesnt have the chance to register that your full, so you keep eating and eating..... dont worry...... flush yourself with tons++ of water today, and get back on track....

    Actually think of it as a good thing... you fell off and use this feeling you have to push yourself to not do it again... If you feel like you let yourslf down, then you are truely attached to this..
    For someone to cheat here and there and not feel down about it, then maybe there not as committed as you are for being so hard on yourself.... you know what I mean?
    You hurt yourself by eating that much and your disappointed...so use that feeling to reflect back on next time the occasion arrises!!!

    During events, chat more, help out serving and cleaning after, so your not sitting around looking at the food and wanting more... involve yourself and mingle more!! keep the mind busy!!!
  • playinwfire
    If and when I go overbord! I drink green tea! next day everything is flushed away, I'm not sure if it helps but I fee good, and I and I add more exercice.

    Think of it this way!!!!! TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY. don't give up:flowerforyou:
  • DrWhoFanatic47
    don't worry about it, it's just one day. And let this MOTIVATE you! I have a rule with my girl friends who all use this site that once every 4 weeks on a friday we stop counting for the evening and satisfy our cravings. It really helps becuase then you don't keep craving it and you can stay on track. You should try it.:smile:
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    I didn't do well myself. But when I stop and think about it, it was Thanksgiving and I enjoyed. It wasn't the end of the world. Today I went to the gym, turned it up a notch, and started back on track. We don't have that many holidays that we have big gatherings. I think we should be able to enjoy. Just as long as we return to our regular workouts.
    I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving.
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    I DID REALLY BAD TODAY!!!! I haven't done very well lately. I take medicine for a disease I have and it makes it where I'm never hungry but I never get full. So when I start eating, I don't get full so I don't stop if it's good. Today being Thanksgiving, I went at least 2,000 calories OVER what I should. I NEED ADVICE!!!!!!!!! DESPERATELY!!! How can I stop eating all this bad food when I'm constantly going to parties with friends and family and they are all eating a ton of really bad food?? I hope someone has some answers:sad:

    Have you tried planning your daily meals? Maybe you should plan your meals, and maybe even cook them up ahead of time. Just make the meals that fit into you calorie count. I bought a scale to weigh my foods to make sure I am eating the right portions. Have each one in a container so all you have to do is heat it up. When you go to the grocery store, make a shopping list and stick to it. Don't buy foods that are not good for you.
    It' s hard to break the habit of junk food, but you can do it. Don't make it happen over night. Take it day by day. We are all here for you, and you can and you will do this.
    When going to the parties, try drinking water before going. It will help fill you up, and alto eat a healthy snack. Hopefully this will help with the temptation. Also if you are taking food to the parties, fix something healthy, and eat that. Ask your family to help by them preparing some healthier snacks and foods. I am sure they are there for you and are willing to help you too.
    Remember that this is not a diet-It a lifestyle change. It will take time and you can do it. Just remember not to beat yourself up when you have a bad day. There is always tomorrow.
    To error is human.
    Best of luck to you.
  • kyky_smi7
    Thanks everyone for the support! This weekend has gone better. My eating and exercise improved a lot!!!:smile:
  • DrWhoFanatic47
    I have a problem: whenever I go to pack lunches for the next day I always find myself having a cookie or a cracker or a bit of sandwich crust... how do i stop that? I think i need to start having MEALS and not just snacking, it's adding up, Im just scared to eat things that I can count the calories in!!!:ohwell:
  • ariannedavis
    ariannedavis Posts: 520 Member
    I have a problem: whenever I go to pack lunches for the next day I always find myself having a cookie or a cracker or a bit of sandwich crust... how do i stop that? I think i need to start having MEALS and not just snacking, it's adding up, Im just scared to eat things that I can count the calories in!!!:ohwell:

    Chew sugar free gum while packing food. You are keeping your mind & mouth busy, besides the fact that a hunk of cookie stuck in chewing gum is gross! I actually picked that trick up from watching Top Chef on Bravo! If you're a "taster" when you cook, chew gum!
  • DrWhoFanatic47
    Thanks, I'll try:flowerforyou: