New to the community. Traveler. Weight loss goal: 30#

Hello, I have been using MFP off and on for a couple of months. Mostly off. I have been traveling with my significant other because of his work. In the past two months, I have put on a whopping 15#. I am very embarrassed by this.

He and I have different eating styles. I am green veggies such as asparagus, broccoli, spinach, etc. He is a total meat and potato man with the occasional green beans. Although, I like a lot of the same things he does, the same cannot said about him. My goal now it quit eating all the potatoes he wants etc. My body literally craves spinach and broccoli. So I made it my goal to include it in our meals, just for me since he will not eat it.

So my original goal of 15# has now turned into 30#. Today, I have taken the bull by the horn and walked two miles and I might walk again this evening. I am limited to the type of exercise I can do due to a recent knee surgery and cannot do anything that could twist or have impact on it for a year. Biking, walking, treadmills are all good. However, I do not have room for a treadmill in our fifth wheel. So walking and getting the bike out seem reasonable.

One thing I am lacking is social support since we are on the road so much. He is supportive with my goals and has never said one word about my weight gain, but has acknowledged that I am not happy with it. Thankfully, he has taken walks with me on the weekends. I would love to hear other people's suggestions, successes, ideas etc. Things that have worked for them and things that have not.



  • Shawnzgirl78
    Shawnzgirl78 Posts: 148 Member
    I love biking too
    Walking, now that the weather is warmer - looking forward to that as well!
    I hear ya about just finally taking the bull by the horns.
    Let's do this thing!!!
  • MissFayeT
    MissFayeT Posts: 22 Member
    Hey there, feel free to add me!
    Just did 2 mile walk today too, like you i have an injury (sprained my ankle a couple weeks ago so my weightloss idea plummeted) but hey, sometimes it is more fun to walk because you are less sweaty or tired afterwards :)!
  • Thank you for you encouragement. As I mentioned, I am really looking forward to following your progress. We all need motivation. I know I can do this, it is just time to get 'er done! :tongue:
  • MssFaye, hope your ankle heals quickly. Looking forward to all of this. I am likely to go walking again later. Glad the weather is getting nice again.