What is your weight at around 5'2"???



  • Jess830409
    Jess830409 Posts: 285 Member
    Hi - I am 29 years old - mom of two (9yr old and 3 year old) Just like you I lost the weight with my first one really quickly and then the second one seemed to "stick" We have similiar weights (last weigh in for me was 137 lbs) but you sound like you have more Lean Body Mass (muscle) than I do. My waist is at 37" and my hips are at 41" :( and I am in a size 7 right now

    I am really trying to focus on getting into a fitness plan I can stick with (now that I lost alittle weight and have the food pretty much down)

    My high school weight was 118 lbs and I would LOVE to see that one day - but my first big goal is 125 lbs

    Gonna send ya a friend request if ok - always nice to meet someone in similiar situation
  • Lori0534
    Lori0534 Posts: 208 Member
    I'm 5'3" and currently 125 lbs. I wear a size 6 in pants and depending on the top a small or a medium. My waist is 29 inches, chest 34 and hips 38. No weight goal though since I'm focusing on building muscle right now.

    You're before and after looks great!!!
  • Lori0534
    Lori0534 Posts: 208 Member
    Hi - I am 29 years old - mom of two (9yr old and 3 year old) Just like you I lost the weight with my first one really quickly and then the second one seemed to "stick" We have similiar weights (last weigh in for me was 137 lbs) but you sound like you have more Lean Body Mass (muscle) than I do. My waist is at 37" and my hips are at 41" :( and I am in a size 7 right now

    I am really trying to focus on getting into a fitness plan I can stick with (now that I lost alittle weight and have the food pretty much down)

    My high school weight was 118 lbs and I would LOVE to see that one day - but my first big goal is 125 lbs

    Gonna send ya a friend request if ok - always nice to meet someone in similiar situation

    Great!!! You look good in your picture!!! Our bones have a lot to do with our measurements too!!!
  • Jess830409
    Jess830409 Posts: 285 Member
    I'm 5'2 as well. I started as 170-something and a 14/16 and now go between 120-125 pounds and am a size 4 dress or a 4/6 in pants depending. It's been easy to maintain, the biggest 'thing' for me is not eating a lot of restaurant or take out food. That puts weight on me more than anything in the world. I was stuck at 144 for...ev...er..... I just kept doing what I was doing and eventually starting losing again. :)

    This is sooo good to hear - I was also stuck literally at 144 for the longest time!! About threw a party when I fell into the 130's. Now I am at 137 currently. Good to know it keeps moving if you just stick with it!
  • Jess830409
    Jess830409 Posts: 285 Member
    Thanks - and you are right. So many factors involved - and I am learning alot about weight and how the number on the scale isnt always the best way to judge progress or health
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    98.5 yesterday, but I've had a lot of cookies since then. (Caved on my resisting sweets challenge.) When I was younger, I was usually in the very low to mid-90s. I wouldn't mind losing a few pounds, but it is increasingly harder as I get older.

    I've spent a lot of time taking some high-level sewing classes and am finally trying to make some patterns for myself. It's not enough to know how to manipulate the fabric and sew, you have to be able to fit the pattern or get it fitted. After hours and hours of work at this I want to be as healthily trim as possible.
  • lilynblue
    lilynblue Posts: 27 Member
    SW 184, CW 162. I am currently wearing a size 10/12 depending on the brand and M/L tops. My goal is a size 4 and S/M tops.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    98.5 yesterday, but I've had a lot of cookies since then. (Caved on my resisting sweets challenge.) When I was younger, I was usually in the very low to mid-90s. I wouldn't mind losing a few pounds, but it is increasingly harder as I get older.

    I've spent a lot of time taking some high-level sewing classes and am finally trying to make some patterns for myself. It's not enough to know how to manipulate the fabric and sew, you have to be able to fit the pattern or get it fitted. After hours and hours of work at this I want to be as healthily trim as possible.

    Tops: Petite Size 2 (Petites are proportioned differently).

    Bottoms: Petite Size 4 or in between 4 and 6. (Bottoms never fit well, which is one reason I gave up and decided to learn how to sew.)
  • BucsGirl4Life
    BucsGirl4Life Posts: 29 Member
    Hi, I'm 5'2, 46 years old and a Mom of 3 (ages 25, 18 and 4) and I'm stuck at 132. I wear a size 6 in pants and dresses, can fit in a 4, but they are TIGHT! Wish they made a 5! lol Anyway, I think at my age, I'm destined to be in the low 130's, which is fine. I started on MFP about a year ago at 153. Athough, for just even a day, I'd love to see the scale go into the 120's! :0)
  • elizabethis
    elizabethis Posts: 155 Member
    Hello. I'm 50 yrs. and 5' 2". SW 149.5 CW 121.5 Have goal of 115, but mostly want to lose fat from inner & outer thighs and hips/rear. Definitely a pear: 33 - 26 - 35.5. Lifting heavy weights helps give shape once the fat is lost via deficit eating. Just seems nigh impossible to lose much in my lower half!! I'm going to keep working. I wear size 4 mostly now - small shirts. Never know what's possible if we're willing to persevere and glean wisdom from others.
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    I'm 5'2 as well. I started as 170-something and a 14/16 and now go between 120-125 pounds and am a size 4 dress or a 4/6 in pants depending. It's been easy to maintain, the biggest 'thing' for me is not eating a lot of restaurant or take out food. That puts weight on me more than anything in the world. I was stuck at 144 for...ev...er..... I just kept doing what I was doing and eventually starting losing again. :)

    This is sooo good to hear - I was also stuck literally at 144 for the longest time!! About threw a party when I fell into the 130's. Now I am at 137 currently. Good to know it keeps moving if you just stick with it!

    lol any time any of my weight loss friends say they're stuck, I break out the 144 story. UGH!
  • anon189
    anon189 Posts: 42
    I am also 5'2. My starting weight was 130 and a size 4/6. My current weight is 127 and still a size 4/6, but my clothes are fitting better and looser! I'm really unsure of what I want my goal weight to be. Honestly I'm totally fine with my weight. I want to lose fat and build muscle, so that may mean not losing any pounds, but losing inches instead. My current measurements are 34-27-37. I'd LOVE to lose 2 inches off my waist and 2 inches off my hips, so my goal is 34-25-35. And I want to fit comfortably in all my size 4s and able to squeeze back into my size 2s (at least my size 2 skirts!). I am finding it really hard though to lose any weight when I'm already pretty small and at a healthy weight. I've been focusing a lot more on strength training lately and noticing big changes fairly quickly in my fat loss.
  • chunkadoo
    chunkadoo Posts: 41 Member
    5' 2", currently around 123-125lbs, but I carry most of my weight in my midsection (which I've heard is the worst kind of fat). I'm looking to lose around 5-10lbs, more because I would rather lose fat/build muscle/become stronger rather than just measure myself from the scale.
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    I'm 5'2" starting weight was 133, current weight is 124. going for 120 but to be honest if it stopped now, that would be fine. I'm 58 and the same weight now that I was in High School:laugh:
  • demarya
    demarya Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5', 0.5" but I think I feel out of place here on this thread as I have well over 100 pounds to lose.
    I used to be thin and active. When I graduated from HS, I was about 110; 125 a couple years later when
    I got married while still in college. The marriage went horribly bad, so my weight started to climb
    and continued to climb as life events and illness happened.

    MY dream goals would first, get down to 250, then under 200, the down 100 pounds. I would like to lose more
    but at this stage in life, I'm not sure if it would be realistic to get down to where I was in college or
    when I got married.
  • brennacr
    brennacr Posts: 14
    I'm 5'2" - my current weight is 132.6, and my goal weight is 110. I usually wear a size small on top, and pants are usually 4/6. I think it would be a great if we could make this a group! It would be really helpful to have people with similar sizes and goal weights!
  • Hi

    I'm 5'2" and my start weight was 136lbs and is down to 127, aiming for 120 and then eventually down to 110 or so. I have 4 kids aged 14, 3 1/2, 2 1/2 and a 16 month old... So I haven't had the chance to lose weight in-between pregnancies, but FINALLY I am doing it, my bust is 37, waist 30 and hips 35! Got a lot of chunk to shift mainly on my tummy :(

    Oh and I'm a UK size 10 bottoms and 10-12 tops
  • have a son who will be 4 this Sunday and a daughter who will turn 19 months the same day!

    Wow, what are the odds??? :noway: :happy:
  • Greetings fellow 5'2" girls!!!! I am currently at 100 lbs. I am small so this weight sounds low but it is good for me. I have been maintaining for 7 months and find this part of the plan the hardest. I can say yes to a little but then get right back on track. I am working on going out, a few glasses of wine and NO BINGING!!!
  • EmmaReed84
    EmmaReed84 Posts: 263 Member
    I am 5ft2

    Highest ever weight was about 159lb (after my first child)
    my starting weight last year... 143lb
    Current weight... 122lbs

    Goal weight WAS 110lbs, then 119lbs but to be fair, at the size I am now, I am happy. I am now working on weight training to get a better, tighter shape.

    I don't mind if I gain a little weight either, as long as I look good in the mirror.