100-120lbs to lose...anyone else out there?



  • furniem
    furniem Posts: 145 Member
    In total I have 120-130 to lose. Down 77 lbs already so well on my way! It is doable!
  • toni_myers0915
    toni_myers0915 Posts: 50 Member
    Feel free to add me i have 100-120 lbs to loose as well!!!!!!!
  • ilovesparkle
    ilovesparkle Posts: 127 Member
    I started needing to lose 100 pounds even, but have now lost 62 pounds. I would be more than happy to have you as a friend should you need advice or encouragement. Trust me, I know how difficult it is!
  • audra0831
    audra0831 Posts: 244
    I'll send you a friend request...I've got 100-120 pounds to lose! Anyone else feel free to add me!
  • ilovesparkle
    ilovesparkle Posts: 127 Member
    I started needing to lose 100 pounds even, but have now lost 62 pounds. I would be more than happy to have you as a friend should you need advice or encouragement. Trust me, I know how difficult it is!

    I forgot to mention, anyone can add me. I love sharing my stories and experience!!!
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    ive lost 187 pounds with still another 16-30 pounds to go...feel free to add me :)
  • Hi I am Tammy and also have 100lbs to loose. :-)....Really need encouragement!
  • e911dispatch
    e911dispatch Posts: 20 Member
    I am in the same boat...I am needing friends that can help keep me on tract..
  • kristynsflab
    kristynsflab Posts: 66 Member
    Im on very day! Would love to help motivate!
  • hock145
    hock145 Posts: 6
    Yep. I'm just starting so, we'll see how it works out. I've been doing good with the eating, but I need to get exercise in. Hopefully when I weigh in at the doctor in a few weeks there will be a difference.

    Good Luck!
  • hock145
    hock145 Posts: 6
    Congratulations! Really good job. :)
  • hock145
    hock145 Posts: 6
    :flowerforyou: I'm on the wagon to. If I can do it so can you. Good Luck and keep up the good work.
  • Hi Amy....and everyone!!

    I have 140 pounds to lose. I am doing pretty good since I started a profile on here. It sure helps to know exactly what you are eating. It has already helped me to make adjustments in my choices. I would love to have friends. Anyone can add me. The more the merrier, I say.

    Have an awesome day, all!!!
  • I can be your friend
  • 150 to lose :(
    Anyone can add me !! lowcarbing for now
  • racz45
    racz45 Posts: 2
    I am a 31 year old guy. I am 6'1" and weighed 275 pounds when I first started getting serious about becoming healthy. I have lost 27 pounds so far, so 48 more to go to reach my target of 200 pounds. I've had an injured foot so I haven't been able to do any heavy exercising, just some light cardio, but have still been able to have success losing fat. This website helps a ton, and I use it everyday, but until I started eating healthy food it was a huge struggle to lose weight for me. Once I realized that sugar was the one thing that was causing me to over-eat, it made things so much easier. I realized that sugar is really a drug for me, that I was addicted to. Even eating fruit will make me hungrier and cause me to over-eat. I still eat fruit, just not as much as before. Once I cut my sugar consumption down to around 30g per day I had total control over my appetite. It is very difficult at first to cut down on sugar, but it didn't take too long until I didn't crave unhealthy foods at all.

    I hardly ever post on message boards, but I just happened to see this thread and I felt obligated to share what has worked for me. For the first time in over ten years I feel like I have control of my health. I used to eat so bad that I developed gout at age 23. Now, I eat only eat when I am actually hungry, instead of eating for entertainment. The strangest thing is that it's actually very easy for me to eat healthy now. In the past it was a huge struggle.

    The following sites were the absolute key to my success, along with MFP. Instead of describing the intricacies of my approach, I will list websites that helped educate me.

    This was the single most enlightening site for me. It is by far my favorite site.


    Other informative sites




  • I want to get to 150 so I need to release about 150. Lets do this!
  • Lunarbeanie
    Lunarbeanie Posts: 107 Member
    I have about 130 to lose. Feel free to add me :)
  • Mermaidyo
    Mermaidyo Posts: 125 Member
    Definitely add me i love having people with the same goals as myself. I have lost close to 40lbs I need to lose 100lbs and then i'll start other goals such as toning and building more muscle :D
  • ajominy
    ajominy Posts: 87 Member
    Hi everyone! I joined MFP in July 2012 and to date have lost 121 lbs. I knew I had a lot to lose but never thought I could lose as much as I have. I am here to support all of you and let you know that you can do it.

    I used to be very active and in the last 7 yrs did nothing and gained a lot of weight. Due to the excessive weight gain, working out was really hard. I started slowly and started doing aqua aerobics which was fantastic for me. It was a good workout and was not hard on my knees and joints. I did aqua aerobics 5 days a week for months and that helped me drop a lot of weight. In November of 2012 I decided that I needed (and was able to) to do more and I started doing Zumba as well. I also introduced weights into my workout routine. In January 2013 I made another switch and started doing spinning. I now spin 5-6 days a week as well as do weights.

    I was consistently losing 2-4 lbs a week in the beginning and then it slowed down a bit in Nov and Dec. Once I started spinning, the weight loss picked up and I lose an avg of 2 lbs a week again. Some weeks are more and some weeks are less, it just really depends on what I did at the gym.

    The other big thing for me was changing my mindset. I didn't look at the total I needed to lose. Instead, I broke it down into smaller goals and provided myself with rewards when I hit those goals. New outfits, shoes, etc.. For the 100 lb mark I decided that I was going to give myself a Spa Day (which I have never done before). That gave me the motivation to get to that goal. My next goal is 130 lbs but I haven't decided what the reward is yet.

    The other big thing for me is realizing that this is not a race and a diet. It is a lifestyle change. I realize that there are going to be days and weeks that I am not able to eat as well as I like or work out as much and may even gain a few lbs. (last week was 1 of those for me). Instead of "falling off the wagon", I tell myself that this is life and it's going to happen and then just get right back on track. It is hard sometimes, I'm not going to lie, but the way you feel and look is so worth it.

    Knowing how much I had to lose was a big deterrent for losing weight for me and is what stopped me so many times. Once I had it in my mind that I just needed to lose weight and it didn't matter if it was 25, 50 or 100 + lbs, I was able to do it. I don't necessarily have a end goal b/c I am just going to keep doing what I am doing and see where that gets me. I just keep making smaller goals to achieve.

    It is possible and all of you CAN do it!!!