who is 5'0 or less



  • Cambriac
    Cambriac Posts: 27 Member
    I'm also 5' and reading so many wonderful posts is helping to kick me into gear and start moving again. This Winter has been a long one and had made we rethink my original goal of 105. But no more, my goal is firm now and I'm going to get there! 51 gone, 49 to go.
  • TayaCurragh
    TayaCurragh Posts: 709 Member
    Yay fellow shorties :)

    I'm 19 and 4"10. I didn't realise until recently my BMI was so overweight (halfway to obese, eek!), i'm 135 and planning to get back into the middle of the healthy section at 101. Seems tiny compared to my friends but I guess my height must make much more of a difference than I realised!
  • zianazim1025
    zianazim1025 Posts: 15 Member
    I am 4"11 and when i was 15years old i was 180! then i lost weight in high school and got down to 120 i loved it and i felt great, it was all done with good eating and lots of running and p90x! then i got married almost 2 years ago and i went up to 145 pounds, a month later i found out i was pregnant and i was thrilled but i gave into alll my cravings and i went from 145 to 190 at the end of my pregnancy! i alwasy thought the weight would just come off! but it hasnt and i know i have to start takeing care of my self and i have to get back to my healthy self again ! for me and my baby. I DID IT BEFORE! I CAN DO IT AGAIN!

    anyone here please add me im new :-)
  • TerriHatcher2004
    Need friends for motivational support and to tell me when doing something wrong... which will be all the time lol.
    Add me please.:smile:
  • gelbell
    gelbell Posts: 24 Member
    I'm 4"11 currently 130 lbs my goal weight is 110 lbs...I've lost this weight before but hopefully this time i can keep it off!!
  • Meow112
    Meow112 Posts: 20 Member
    Wow! I have been looking for people who are short.... Well I am 28..... I became chubby in middle school and last year just started to lose.
    I am now 117-120. My goal is 105.
    It's been a long, hard journey....but now I feel so much better about myself, and have a lot of confidence.
    Even some guys are noticing me ( I know that sounds juvenile but I am 28 and have never even kissed a guy, or gone on a date, if only one would ask me out). Anyways well, this is exciting.

    I am glad there are short people because short people understand the weight fluctuations of short people.
  • andyb000
    andyb000 Posts: 252 Member
    we short people need to stick together lol:) hope you al had a great weekend
  • TheRia247
    Count me in! 5'! ( maybe 5'1" if I try to stand supperrr straight?...still trying to find a more accurate tape measure :p) goal is 105! been trying to lose the last extra 20lbs for 4 years now XD i just want to shave it off!!!
  • NJD2885
    NJD2885 Posts: 216 Member
    I am 5'0 and I weighed in at 205 after having my 3rd child ( he is now 9 months) but I can't blame the weight on any of them. I have lost 6 lbs ( 1 since joing MFP last week)
  • Mtleiker
    Mtleiker Posts: 160
    we shortys got to stick together lol but i do know how it feels with weight and being short. i swear that every lb i gained showed throughout the years. but guess what i made it a point to change that. i am 5'0 and was 178....today I am 5'0 and 105 and feeling great! IT IS POSSIBLE! DONT GIVE UP GUYS!
    u r so true!! It's so hard being short n trying to lose . I'm 5 "0" n curvy so it just wants to stick. So glad to see a success tht is similar to my journey prospects
  • julie_pulie
    julie_pulie Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'0" and weighed 131.5 mid-march, am 125.6 now, and am trying to get down to around 110.

    I have been starting to exercise, but have only fit in about 1-2 a week (working on a set schedule instead of just saying I'll try to do more). I am also working on staying away from processed food (on an off for the last month) and I feel much better on the days I stick with it, than the days where I cheat.
  • andyb000
    andyb000 Posts: 252 Member
    trying to tone up right now with p90x:) anybody doing that program
  • jaymesjourney
    Hello all! I'm 5'0 ok ok 4'11 and some inches but I started this journey at 198 pounds!!!! EEEKKK! I'm sort of stuck at 174:cry: and I'm trying to get down to 115(never been that weight before in my life!) I'm eating at about 1500 calories a day!

    Thinking about trying Insanity! But for now its turbo fire/zumba/elliptical for 40 minutes :happy:
  • andyb000
    andyb000 Posts: 252 Member
    i would love to share and help you with your goals. nothing but support, motivation, nutrition and workout tips, a team that will give you the accountability and its all free! I do this because i have been there, I know! I couldnt have done this without my coaches or my team. so why not? summer is around the corner. feel free to add me
  • AquaFan
    AquaFan Posts: 309 Member
    Wow I feel so tall suddenly. LOL I'm 5'1". In 2005 I lost a ton of weight doing weight watchers and walking/running. I went from about 155 to 118 and was wearing a size 4. I stopped exercising and started eating junk again and gained it all back plus a few extra pounds.

    I'm now doing it again but this time using MFP. I have gone from 164 to 148 since January. I've logged on every day for the last 100 days and am just about finished with level 1 of Shred. I also walk 3.5 at least 4 days a week with a friend. I have made my first goal of 16 pounds lost and now am working on my second goal of 14 pounds. I'd like to be anywhere between 120-125. That would put me in a size 4. Would love to be friends with more shorties.

    (shout out to kmmcormick42. :))
  • EHisCDN
    EHisCDN Posts: 480 Member
    I'm 5'1, barely over 5'0 hopefully I can get support here!
  • AlexThreeClaw
    AlexThreeClaw Posts: 73 Member
    Hey, fellow short folk! I'm 5' tall and 185. Just starting out, taking things nice and slow. Next month I'm planning to start a couch to 5k plan. Wish me luck. x