Looking for new friends! Several hundred pounds to loose.

remaines Posts: 15 Member
Hi! Reaching out to find some new friends and followers....hoping to spread support and kindness. Have lost 81 pounds and have many, many more to loose. Let's help each other!



  • rumplesnat
    rumplesnat Posts: 372
    Welcome and best wishes on your journey! It's tough, but you're worth it!!!

  • remaines
    remaines Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you, darling...that's much appreciated!
  • sghcab051411
    sghcab051411 Posts: 21 Member
    YOU are worth it!! Keep up the good work! You can do this! I'll add you. I have quite a bit of weight to lose myself. Could always use support and motivation!
  • AnbayRN
    AnbayRN Posts: 3
    Me too...have much weight to lose...let's keep at it!!
  • Blondie251975
    Blondie251975 Posts: 58 Member
    HEY! I am right there with you! Congrats on your great success so far!!! :) Feel free to friend me if you like, I am on here A LOT!!! Let's do this!!!
  • Well done 81 pounds is a lot of weight. i have lost 52 and also have a looong way to go, I will send you a request.:flowerforyou:
  • XXbrendaXX
    XXbrendaXX Posts: 169
    Hi Rhonda! You are off to a great start!! Feel free to add me. :smile:
  • kellyvwhiteside
    kellyvwhiteside Posts: 2 Member
    Rhonda keep going, you can do it.... I am on the same journey with pounds to go... add me :)
  • ElaineRN100
    ElaineRN100 Posts: 201 Member
    Hey Rhonda - add me to the long list of those who are inspired by your weight loss so far. I guess I'll stop whining now about needing to loose 50 lbs. :o)
  • vicryan69
    vicryan69 Posts: 3 Member
    We are all worth it! We just have to keep the goal in mind and the Lord Jesus by our side and we will have no trouble reaching our goal weight. Yes, we will have to be patient and work hard. With each other giving encouragement and having faith in the Lord, how could we fail. I will add you as a friend.
  • Aww welcome :) Just sent you a FR. You can do it! :)
  • remaines
    remaines Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks everybody!