how to get serious



  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    okay so I have been on here for 20 days! But I can honestly say that i am not noticing changes in my mind set. I still find myself eating junk food. I seem to not listen to that voice in my head telling me not to buy the snacks that I end up eating. The other thing I struggle with is that I keep also telling myself that I will make up the calories by working out. Luckily I have been much better about working out since joining this program but I have not always burned off the calories I took in. How do I get serious and make the changes I so desperately want.

    Make your food and exercise diary public, that might be a spur to get you to eat better food - especially if you religiously record everything, you will know that others will read it see.

    I am fortunate, I have an iphone, it goes everywhere with me and I input absolutely everything I eat and drink and all my exercise in it.

    I agree wholeheartedly with somebody who posted above when they said you really have to want to do it. All the goodwill in the world from loved ones and those nearest to you will not make a jot of difference if you do not have the will to change yourself.

    You have the will, you are just not using it to your advantage :wink:
  • cahndoit
    cahndoit Posts: 14 Member
    These are all great suggestions! I have been struggling to lose weight for a while now. I have basically been playing with the same 5 lbs for over a year now, gaining, losing, and regaining. I actually have about 50 lbs to lose, so it has been frustrating. I recently got the Beck Diet Solution, and it has been helpful for me. It introduced cognitive therapy techniques, and teaches you how to stick to a diet. I weighed myself today, and was finally under the 200 mark, after trying for the past 6 months. I think it has been the Beck techniques that have helped me. Good luck!
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